“Not One Muslim” - Dominik Tarczynski on Migration, The Fight for Europe and Helping Donald Trump

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Ideally, in a better resourced forum, mods with angelic patience, this tenor and tone of language would not be tolerated from anyone regardless of flag

It then becomes tedious to trace the initial provocation, flip of a coin who started it

Equally it is unreasonable to expect that everyone loves you.

As long as you are being civil, and presenting your views with intelligence, I do not see what business it is of you or any mod whether I like or hate a group of people.

Cheers, Doc
@Dalit @r3alist @Lulldapull

How will Pakistan react when war reaches the Iranian soil next door?

I ask, because you guys have a really long history with bordering Afghanistan.

Only, Iran is not going to be Afghanistan.

It is going to be a Syria and Ukraine on your border.

Probably nuke India. You see the beauty of nukes is that we already have them. There is no need to get an IMF loan to produce nukes. 🙂 When you have something you put it to good use.
Tons of threads about it here on PDF.

Why are daily Pakistani soldiers being killed by tribal militia of a failed state?

You are a nuclear power na?

Yet these Afghans treating you like subhuman species.

Whenever they want they drive heavy weaponry in and kill your guys.

LOL This one Hindutva has turned the entire topic from not one Muslim into Afghanistan. 🤭

You still haven't answered the question. You are avoiding my question.

Is the replacement theory true? Are whites being replaced by people of color in their own countries? Answer the question. Are Breivik and other far right killers telling the truth in their manifesto?
LOL This one Hindutva has turned the entire topic from not one Muslim into Afghanistan. 🤭

You still haven't answered the question. You are avoiding my question.

Is the replacement theory true? Are whites being replaced by people of color in their own countries? Answer the question. Are Breivik and other far right killers telling the truth in their manifesto?
Suppose that's true, what's the correct moral position?

I don't get your vitriol at the angry white working class, I am not saying they are our friends, but they have no agency, none.
Suppose that's true, what's the correct moral position?

I don't get your vitriol at the angry white working class, I am not saying they are our friends, but they have no agency, none.

Of course. Why is he angry at the white racists? You brownie shouldn't be questioning your masters. Just be like Pakistan. Follow the dictation and shut up.

The topic is not one Muslim.

Is the far right correct in their observation that colored people are replacing white folks? Why is this question being ignored? Why is this question so difficult to answer? This question is absolutely on topic unlike other BS being discussed.
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Yes. Why is he angry at the white racists? You brownie shouldn't be questioning your masters. Just be like Pakistan. Follow the dictation and shut up.
They not anyones masters my friend 🤣

That's why they are impotent and lashing out

The wwc in northern towns are being used and exploited as fodder, they historically always have been

It seems strange to needle them the way you are, I don't think it's moral, you should pause and reconsider
They not anyones masters my friend 🤣

That's why they are impotent and lashing out

The wwc in northern towns are being used and exploited as fodder, they historically always have been

It seems strange to needle them the way you are, I don't think it's moral, you should pause and reconsider

Their entire belief system revolves around one theory. If you cut through the BS it amounts to one simple question. We are being replaced by invaders. I keep asking this question and I will continue to search for an answer. Are these beliefs correct? Are white people being replaced by invaders? This entire debate can be settled in one minute. Are white people being replaced by outsiders?
Is the replacement theory true? Are whites being replaced by people of color in their own countries?
Some say it is a (((conspiracy)))

Can't say for certain if it is

Israel sure do not in any refugees or migrants, but they did play a hand in Syria (openly bombed regime forces, supported the "rebels", evac'd them to hospitals and treated)

Some say ISIS was their plot, an Israeli powerplay.

All people, including good well meaning ones, are tribal to some degree. This is what the "far right" is seizing upon, regular peoples' frustration with an unmitigated out of control flood of people pouring into their cities, towns, villages and neighborhood.

I don't think its anywhere near to the situation in the 1930s, or will come to that, but do expect pushback from the natives, it is only natural.

Or, Pakistanis have no right to protest the Afghan influx into there either, being the biggest cog in the NATO supply chain during operation Enduring Freedom as they were.

@hussain0216 @vsdoc
Some say it is a (((conspiracy)))

Can't say for certain if it is

Israel sure do not in any refugees or migrants, but they did play a hand in Syria (openly bombed regime forces, supported the "rebels", evac'd them to hospitals and treated)

Some say ISIS was their plot, an Israeli powerplay.

All people, including good well meaning ones, are tribal to some degree. This is what the "far right" is seizing upon, regular peoples' frustration with an unmitigated out of control flood of people pouring into their cities, towns, villages and neighborhood.

I don't think its anywhere near to the situation in the 1930s, or will come to that, but do expect pushback from the natives, it is only natural.

Or, Pakistanis have no right to protest the Afghan influx into there either, being the biggest cog in the NATO supply chain during operation Enduring Freedom as they were.

@hussain0216 @vsdoc

Are white people being replaced in their own country by outsiders? You still haven't answered the question. You are just giving opinions.

Can't say for certain if it is

This is not the answer to my question. Either the white folks are being replaced by outsiders or they are not.

This entire debate about no Muslims or no migrants is based on replacement theory. The far right staunchly believes that they are being replaced by invaders from the outside. That is their main concern and beef. Why don't we answer this question instead of going in circles?
Are white people being replaced in their own country? You still haven't answered the main question.
I don't know, I live in India, and therefore can not say for certain.

There is, however, a section of native Europeans who are of that belief, a fast growing section, faster than you lot can breed.
I don't know, I live in India, and therefore can not say for certain.

There is, however, a section of native Europeans who are of that belief, a fast growing section, faster than you lot can breed.

You still haven't answered the question Hindutva. Your replies are dustbin stuff. You are just giving opinions. You live in India and do not know? Fvcking great answer!

Are white folks being replaced by outsiders? Not a very difficult question to answer.

By the way, no one breeds faster than Hindu rapists. Just to set the record straight. Aren't you guys 1 billion+ and still counting?

Don't reply if you don't have the answer!!! I am not interested in I don't know and I don't live there.
Their entire belief system revolves around one theory. If you cut through the BS it amounts to one simple question. We are being replaced by invaders. I keep asking this question and I will continue to search for an answer. Are these beliefs correct? Are white people being replaced by invaders? This entire debate can be settled in one minute. Are white people being replaced by outsiders?

You have to define "their"

I have an idea who "their" is, it's not the white working class

You cannot blame the ones with no agency about events they did not control, that's always a wrong position

Be smart man, this is the south of England using the north as canon fodder for a culture war which serves another purpose

The question to ask is, at someone liberal elite from the south.... Why do you support wars and an economic system that ensures increasing migration?

These talking heads who talk about invasions, guess what their pensions are in investment funds that are invested in globalism, they just exploiting the ignorant and less well off to get a pay rise, durrrrrr

Jim, Kerry, Sandra , Ahmed, mo, from oooop north have no clue what an investment fund is, like penned up creatures they are given benefit scraps to fight over, then told who their enemy is, such an old game man
Are white people being replaced in their own country by outsiders? You still haven't answered the question. You are just giving opinions.

Can't say for certain if it is

This is not the answer to my question. Either the white folks are being replaced by outsiders or they are not.

This entire debate about no Muslims or no migrants is based on replacement theory. The far right staunchly believes that they are being replaced by invaders from the outside. That is their main concern and beef. Why don't we answer this question instead of going in circles?

No that is not the discussion, nor the topic of the thread.

Let me remind you, in case you missed it, 31 pages ago.

The topic is NOT ONE MUSLIM will be allowed into Poland.

They are happy to take 2 million Ukrainian immigrants. No worries. White and Christian.

But NOT ONE MUSLIM will be allowed in.

During the Ukrainian war, 17 million Ukrainian refugees crossed the border into Poland.

But NOT ONE MUSLIM will be taken in.

Cheers, Doc
You have to define "their"

I have an idea who "their" is, it's not the white working class

You cannot blame the ones with no agency about events they did not control, that's always a wrong position

Be smart man, this is the south of England using the north as canon fodder for a culture war which serves another purpose

The question to ask is, at someone liberal elite from the south.... Why do you support wars and an economic system that ensures increasing migration?

These talking heads who talk about invasions, guess what their pensions are in investment funds that are invested in globalism, they just exploiting the ignorant and less well off to get a pay rise, durrrrrr

Jim, Kerry, Sandra , Ahmed, mo, from oooop north have no clue what an investment fund is, like penned up creatures they are given benefit scraps to fight over, then told who their enemy is, such an old game man

The question is very simple.

Are the far right correct to claim that they are being replaced by outsiders? Are migrants, refugees and Indian economic migrants replacing the native populations?
No that is not the discussion, nor the topic of the thread.

Let me remind you, in case you missed it, 31 pages ago.

The topic is NOT ONE MUSLIM will be allowed into Poland.

They are happy to take 2 million Ukrainian immigrants. No worries. White and Christian.

But NOT ONE MUSLIM will be allowed in.

During the Ukrainian war, 17 million Ukrainian refugees crossed the border into Poland.

But NOT ONE MUSLIM will be taken in.

Cheers, Doc

Answer the question. Are economic migrants, refugees and outsiders in general replacing the white people in Western countries?

You fail to address the question. When far right speak of outsiders and invaders they also included you. Remember that hundreds of thousands of Indians are also stealing white jobs. Indian workers and Indian CEOs are occupying white jobs in Western countries. Are the Canadians and other Westerners justified in their anger towards Indians stealing their jobs?
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