“Not One Muslim” - Dominik Tarczynski on Migration, The Fight for Europe and Helping Donald Trump

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Irans foundation is built on humanity. It’s always been that way. If these Jews today are going to be led to the slaughter house, this would be the 4th time Iran would save them in recorded history. Iran wants regime change in Israel, not its destruction.

70% Israelis are coloreds. Where will they go? UK? Germany? 😝 get treated like bhangi? EU won’t take them. They look ethnic and are colored people.
I can't deal with industrial grade hogwash.
Irans foundation is built on humanity.
ayatullah and his army of mullahs' savagery is what the current iteration of Persia is built on.

they're kinda like ISIS in their ways of execution, and other aspects of controlling their people.

also, qaher 313s


and their ridiculous b-movie type missile tunnels full of north korean lol missiles



@Lulldapull @vsdoc
ayatullah and his army of mullahs' savagery is what the current iteration of Persia is built on.

they're kinda like ISIS in their ways of execution, and other aspects of controlling their people.

also, qaher 313s


and their ridiculous b-movie type missile tunnels full of north korean lol missiles



@Lulldapull @vsdoc

Iran had barely recovered from the Qajjars. With the westernised progressive pan Iranian nationalist Pahlavis. And then these babboons came in.

Cheers, Doc
Irans foundation is built on humanity. It’s always been that way.
What is the evidence? Taking it from Achaemenid times onwards, it has always been an urge to annex neighbouring regions to its several empires: the Achaemenid, the Parthian, the Sassanian, the Safavid, the Afsharid and finally, the Pahlavi, all tried to acquire neighbouring territories, although between the Afsharids and the Pahlavi, the country lost huge territories to the expanding Russian state, first the imperial Russians, then the Soviet Union.

So where was the humanity? Are you mistaking the imperial policy of broad tolerance of cultural differences for a humanitarian urge? Nothing could be more wrong.
What is the evidence? Taking it from Achaemenid times onwards, it has always been an urge to annex neighbouring regions to its several empires: the Achaemenid, the Parthian, the Sassanian, the Safavid, the Afsharid and finally, the Pahlavi, all tried to acquire neighbouring territories, although between the Afsharids and the Pahlavi, the country lost huge territories to the expanding Russian state, first the imperial Russians, then the Soviet Union.

So where was the humanity? Are you mistaking the imperial policy of broad tolerance of cultural differences for a humanitarian urge? Nothing could be more wrong.
The country was the first global multicultural empire. It was born that way. Never occupied nobody. That’s why it’s still around and still sovereign.

You can’t make that claim about your country.
ayatullah and his army of mullahs' savagery is what the current iteration of Persia is built on.

they're kinda like ISIS in their ways of execution, and other aspects of controlling their people.

also, qaher 313s


and their ridiculous b-movie type missile tunnels full of north korean lol missiles



@Lulldapull @vsdoc
Oh bhai, ijh-raheel’s been defeated. Ain’t no challenger out there no? US has to come rescue ijh-raheel no? Every time there’s trouble?…..
It may be. It may not be. As far as the British are concerned, and you count as British, you had better prepare for the Free Trade Agreement with all the nations with whom you need these. Leave war-fighting to the Indian Army and the Metropolitan Police.
And the metropolitan police🤣🤣

Goodbye Brexit, hello India. This will go down well


Never got the memo.

I dunno, you look around and tell me, I hear from Indians themselves about cultural shifts with the young, which is happening from places between Riyadh to Delhi

I am not trying to have a dig, just if the observation has truth in it, the USA does seek cultural hegemony over allies.

Of course not. A weekly blood-letting, who's bothered? It's worse numbers of people charged with blasphemy, or Shia in a bus stopped by Sipah-e-Sahiba or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

Now THIS is serious. No clashes for decades, one clash kills both Indian and Chinese soldiers, but it's obviously far more significant than anything that happens on another frontier far away.

Come on Joe, performative sarcasm isn't an actual answer here, what about land seized?

Indias future war planning is based around taking on china as a no 1 threat, which is exactly what the USA wants. That statement we can all agree on I hope

Where do people even get these nonsensical ideas?
There is fear of China, at the political level, keeping in mind our huge differences in financial and production capacity. There is dislike for China within the population, and not a single segment is favourably inclined.
As far as this so-called trifecta and other such utterly pompous terms are concerned, our horrible Modi has just finished visiting Ukraine; this is a follow-up of the visit to Russia, not unplanned, not impulsive, but arranged as a double-header, to quote some silly jargon back, with the visit to Putin.
Really, please stop abusing the sensibility on display and stop using fanciful conspiracy theories of your imagination.

It's not my idea, I agree
Oh bhai, ijh-raheel’s been defeated. Ain’t no challenger out there no? US has to come rescue ijh-raheel no? Every time there’s trouble?…..
Defeated by who exactly, the Iranians ? :LOL:

and that's what allies and friends are for

besides, the US have their own issues with the ayatullahs outside of Israel.

Iran is proper screwed, shame, because they fought ISIS and Nusra etc hard in Iraq and Syria.. and that really should have been seized on as an opportunity to make good with the west.. but they're jazbaatis, Islamist zealots at their core.

look at them now, ikka dukka last generation gear from Russia is about all they can get.. Kim Jong Un se khreed re mijjiles, the losers.. proper laughing stock.

ever wonder why there has been no sustained offensive against Israel ? a flimsy one night blitz is about all they could manage.. killed maybe 2 people, damaged some property... :slow clap: :rolleyes:
Has Iran avenged the Hamas leader killing yet?

Im desperately trying to stay awake till that happens. Don't want ro miss the action live and all.

What happened about that big shot General who got vaporized? Drone?

I thought that was serious enough to go ro war over. Again nothing?

Islamic Iran is all bark.

No wonder junta laugh when they say we wuz Persians.

Cheers, Doc
Do you expect anyone to take this seriously? Go put your head under a cold water tap, and come back and look at Tatas, Godrej, Wadia and their co-religionists.
"Mightier than the Parsis..."
Talk of comical.

I couldn't give a toss how they take it, but I have more respect for those that stay on their soil than run away like cowards. Pretty simple.
Defeated by who exactly, the Iranians ? :LOL:

and that's what allies and friends are for

besides, the US have their own issues with the ayatullahs outside of Israel.

Iran is proper screwed, shame, because they fought ISIS and Nusra etc hard in Iraq and Syria.. and that really should have been seized on as an opportunity to make good with the west.. but they're jazbaatis, Islamist zealots at their core.

look at them now, ikka dukka last generation gear from Russia is about all they can get.. Kim Jong Un se khreed re mijjiles, the losers.. proper laughing stock.

ever wonder why there has been no sustained offensive against Israel ? a flimsy one night blitz is about all they could manage.. killed maybe 2 people, damaged some property... :slow clap: :rolleyes:
Oh bhai…..😝……kal ko when ijh Raheel folds, what would you say then?

We wouldn’t see you here? 😝
Begging for what you yourself say cannot be?

Oh, that's right, this is the logical, cool and detached analyst of DNA, that has decided that Doc is Gujju.

Are you lost? When did I say I cannot be a martyr? If i get killed defending my property then I am a martyr according to Sunnah. This has nothing to do with DNA...but I wont sit idly by when an impure person like Doc calls me impure.
This is perhaps the worst, most bigoted remark I have read in fifteen years of this forum.

Oh so you ignore all of the comments where your buddy Doc says that Muslims deserve to get killed simply for being Muslims...that clearly isn't bigoted in your world view...don't make me laugh.

The government isn't; that's a different thing, they are cowards.
The Army is. That counts. The sarsanghchalak won't drop his shorts, shoulder a rifle and take position on a frontier, any frontier. The farmers' sons will. Ask them and their officers.

An all out shooting war is unlikely so we can relax here on speculation for this

I think your army is starting to get ready but the general population is psychologically and culturally entrenched in the India Pak mode

To my reckoning that's a problem for the USA and NATO, they need much more commitment over a generation and we are hearing and seeing signs of frustration from the USA

Just my view Joe, it's fascinating to observe how this will unfold, what coercion might be used and strategies to resist, that's it
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