“Not One Muslim” - Dominik Tarczynski on Migration, The Fight for Europe and Helping Donald Trump

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@Dalit @r3alist @Lulldapull

How will Pakistan react when war reaches the Iranian soil next door?

I ask, because you guys have a really long history with bordering Afghanistan.

Only, Iran is not going to be Afghanistan.

It is going to be a Syria and Ukraine on your border.
You haven't been reading the papers?

First phase - Iran will shell Pakistan, Pakistan will deliver surgical strikes on Iranian positions, their ministers will meet, kiss and make up.
Second phase - Torkham.
No one really invests too much global importance about endless border skirmishes in afpak
Of course not. A weekly blood-letting, who's bothered? It's worse numbers of people charged with blasphemy, or Shia in a bus stopped by Sipah-e-Sahiba or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

They do care how India postures against china

That's the real question, the dragon Vs the desi elephant
Now THIS is serious. No clashes for decades, one clash kills both Indian and Chinese soldiers, but it's obviously far more significant than anything that happens on another frontier far away.
So man up doc, are you ready for china

The government isn't; that's a different thing, they are cowards.
The Army is. That counts. The sarsanghchalak won't drop his shorts, shoulder a rifle and take position on a frontier, any frontier. The farmers' sons will. Ask them and their officers.
The all time classic ....

I must have watched this a million times. And it never gets old.

Cheers, Doc
This was a moment so far back in time the liberals in western media crucified Tarczynski for what he said, now France Sweden German Britain liberals should apologize to him for predicting what a mass Muslim immigration does to liberal societies.

Dumb liberals need to be protected from their own naive worldview.
You haven't been reading the papers?

First phase - Iran will shell Pakistan, Pakistan will deliver surgical strikes on Iranian positions, their ministers will meet, kiss and make up.
Second phase - Torkham.

Lol I was not needling. It was a serious question.

Iran means the world will be fighting there. With all the new fancy lethal tech deployed.

Spillover into Pakistan is a given. In fact it could very well become an extended battlefield. Logistics and launchpad near certain.

Imagine the local civilian blowback along ethnic and sectarian lines.

Cheers, Doc

The first monotheist religion in the world, and now some jerk decides its idolatrous.

A thousand plus years of institutionalized Islamic revisionism.

That more than the 3 distinct epochs of alien blood admixture (arab, african, turk) is his genetic legacy.

Cheers, Doc
Not by design, but by the assignment of several cavalry regiments to the new Dominion, and several very old and prominent infantry regiments.

Most Muslims in the old Indian Army were concentrated in the cavalry regiments, with infantrymen concentrated in the Baloch (the 10th Baluch, including, later, the Bahawalpur Regiment), and the 5 Punjab regiments (the 1st, the 8th, the 14th, 15th and 16th Punjab), and a few in the Rajput Regiment, as well as the Frontier Force and the Frontier Force Rifles.

The entire Frontier Corps, all 8 formations, went to the new Dominion.

Dogras, Sikhs in and out of the old Punjab Regiment, and in the Sikh Regiment, Jats, Rajputs, Garhwalis, at one time clubbed with the Gorkha, and only much later placed in their own Rifles Regiment, Kumaonis, Biharis, Assamese, all existed in very large numbers in the old Indian Army. That is not counting the Mahars, the MLI and SLI and the Madras Regiment, or the Grenadiers, or newly raised regiments post-1947.

When the Baloch and much of the Punjab Regiment separated out, and the old cavalry regiments also gone - Probyn's, Watson's, Lumsden's, Daly's, the Baloch Horse, Fane's - these were among the 'old' cavalry regiments that went away wholesale.

I wanted to pick your brain on this.

Is it true that some/a few Muslim regiments (that did come to us) were disbanded and their force redistributed into other more "secular" regiments?

I'm not talking about the sangh WA university canard of Muslim regiments asked to stand down in '65 ...

This is early-ier on.

Cheers, Doc
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Begging for what you yourself say cannot be?

Oh, that's right, this is the logical, cool and detached analyst of DNA, that has decided that Doc is Gujju.

This was what made me believe @Lulldapull

He is 99.999% not Persian.
Then no trifecta group hug with Russia and china.
Where do people even get these nonsensical ideas?
There is fear of China, at the political level, keeping in mind our huge differences in financial and production capacity. There is dislike for China within the population, and not a single segment is favourably inclined.
As far as this so-called trifecta and other such utterly pompous terms are concerned, our horrible Modi has just finished visiting Ukraine; this is a follow-up of the visit to Russia, not unplanned, not impulsive, but arranged as a double-header, to quote some silly jargon back, with the visit to Putin.
Really, please stop abusing the sensibility on display and stop using fanciful conspiracy theories of your imagination.
Is it true that some/a few Muslim regiments (that did come to us) were disbanded and their force redistributed into other more "secular" regiments?
No, no, nothing of the sort, today, the Indian Army takes Muslims into the Rajput, the Grenadier and the Guards Regiments. That refers only to the jawans, the enlisted men; officers can be of any religion, in any regiment.

I'm not talking about the sangh WA university canard of Muslim regiments asked to stand down in '65
:oops: What on earth was that about? Never happened, never will happen.
That roadmap china used doesn't exist anymore, not exactly, not really.

Demographics and technology leaps will disrupt everyone except those doing the disruption, that's china or the USA

India just started making a few Teslas, china has byd taking the market over, china will pioneer 6g, setting global standards, I am just giving you a context
Sure, all that is true. There are other pathways to progress, to achieve the deep and wide Chinese removal of poverty, and we are, as a country, well aware of them and prepared to travel those paths.

It is quite another matter that our present political leadership are brain-dead, and that we have to wait for a new generation to take us forward. It will happen, but not today.
Irans a humanitarian.
There is too much loose language floating around. Get help.
Sure, all that is true. There are other pathways to progress, to achieve the deep and wide Chinese removal of poverty, and we are, as a country, well aware of them and prepared to travel those paths.

It is quite another matter that our present political leadership are brain-dead, and that we have to wait for a new generation to take us forward. It will happen, but not today.

There is too much loose language floating around. Get help.
Irans foundation is built on humanity. It’s always been that way. If these Jews today are going to be led to the slaughter house, this would be the 4th time Iran would save them in recorded history. Iran wants regime change in Israel, not its destruction.

70% Israelis are coloreds. Where will they go? UK? Germany? 😝 get treated like bhangi? EU won’t take them. They look ethnic and are colored people.
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