“Not One Muslim” - Dominik Tarczynski on Migration, The Fight for Europe and Helping Donald Trump

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I had said millions of times on the old PDF.

True peace between India and Pakistan will come only when one of them is incapable of waging war.

Looks like we headed in that direction and nearly there.

Yup, maybe Pak is playing possum, to allow you to pivot to china with no excuses, you know actually fight a proper peer instead of a smaller nation

You can earn peace with china and Pak, just accept Chinese leadership of Asia, don't worry, Chinese will give you dignity 😇
just accept Chinese leadership of Asia,

Do you honestly believe India will ever do that?

Then why troll?

India is well on its way to becoming another China using the exact same Chinese western roadmap.

We do not need to fight China to defeat China.

We are already bigger than them.

And they cannot kill us without dying themselves.

So we continue on our trajectory. While they contract to a 800 million strong aging nation by the turn of the century.
I hate to say this, but in the stark comparison of two civilizations and two different races and peoples, the Pakistanis have been far better to their Hindus than Iranians have been to their Zoroastrian minorities.

In fact there is no comparison.

Pakistani Hindus have risen to high offices, including in their armed forces, judiciary, etc. and have their businesses and keep their properties for the most part without fear.

Irani Zoroastrians for the most part worship in fear and behind closed doors. Their properties are easily confiscated regularly under trumped up charges. Besides their one solitary token seat in the majlis, they are almost invisible in public social life and in official positions of importance. And they live a life of poverty and squalor in ghettos worse than any churha or dalit.

@Sharma Ji @Guru Dutt @indushek @Paitoo @Barcid @onlinpunit @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @SoulSpokesman @Guynextdoor @AjayGhatak @Circadian Rhythm @Mrloveday @Bagheera0084

As Hindus, you guys must know this. Not asking you to love our Muslims or Pakistanis. But this is genuine credible perspective. We think of the Iranis as clean civilized better versions of Pakistanis.

Such is far from the truth.

In the end, your blood has more compassion and is thicker.

@Lulldapull stop with the Irani sucking up. Chtye hain.

Cheers, Doc

Suffice to say, I deeply dislike Iran's theocracy. It is case of tail wagging the dog as Iranian people are very differently aligned (I stay in touch with about 6 or so Iranian friends who don't post on PDF anymore....and it is very clear to me the more I talk with them this is the case, whatever nominal support they give to the state for a subset of reasons concerning foreign policy and Iran's security etc).

Iranian people are generally pretty liberal and secular in outlook.

There is a coercive blanket and internal deterrence value the theocracy/IRGC hold over the population....i.e pain of removal vs tolerating + adjustment underneath and not getting wagged too much.

You are right it is not sustainable. The post-1979 setup was aided by ruthlessness of the theocrats (against number of power groups that were allied to them in removing the shah) and the following dreadful war with Iraq that helped them consolidate into the corridors and security bunker psyche. Then the significant diaspora does its thing counter to that too in various ways. Then the very location of Iran and relations Iran has with neighbourhood and larger muslim world.

Really you could (and I have with Iranian buds) talk about situation for hours at length, its just a very complicated subject.

Comparison with Pakistan is not easy either. Pakistan has had its grievous lapses in past regd minorities and/or political diversity (eg. East Pakistan arc) and has its own peculiar setup downstream to it currently....and various problems with minority rights.

But Pakistan does not have some official theocracy, there is thus some % more sustainability imo from that....that is true. There are however other intense friction-fracture coefficients spread around too that make it complicated in end. Social trust into the state is very low in both countries but for somewhat different reasons to each other, though related to the power concentration not being aligned to sufficient degree with larger population needs or desires.
Do you honestly believe India will ever do that?

Then why troll?

India is well on its way to becoming another Chona using the exact same Chinese western roadmap.

Then no trifecta group hug with Russia and china.🤣

That roadmap china used doesn't exist anymore, not exactly, not really.

Demographics and technology leaps will disrupt everyone except those doing the disruption, that's china or the USA

India just started making a few Teslas, china has byd taking the market over, china will pioneer 6g, setting global standards, I am just giving you a context

Modi will not be able to fulfil the ambitions of young India in this backdrop, you know this, you see this

So a war really makes sense, unless you just decide it's not worth competing with china
Suffice to say, I deeply dislike Iran's theocracy. It is case of tail wagging the dog as Iranian people are very differently aligned (I stay in touch with about 6 or so Iranian friends who don't post on PDF anymore....and it is very clear to me the more I talk with them this is the case, whatever nominal support they give to the state for a subset of reasons concerning foreign policy and Iran's security etc).

Iranian people are generally pretty liberal and secular in outlook.

There is a coercive blanket and internal deterrence value the theocracy/IRGC hold over the population....i.e pain of removal vs tolerating + adjustment underneath and not getting wagged too much.

You are right it is not sustainable. The post-1979 setup was aided by ruthlessness of the theocrats (against number of power groups that were allied to them in removing the shah) and the following dreadful war with Iraq that helped them consolidate into the corridors and security bunker psyche. Then the significant diaspora does its thing counter to that too in various ways. Then the very location of Iran and relations Iran has with neighbourhood and larger muslim world.

Really you could (and I have with Iranian buds) talk about situation for hours at length, its just a very complicated subject.

Comparison with Pakistan is not easy either. Pakistan has had its grievous lapses in past regd minorities and/or political diversity (eg. East Pakistan arc) and has its own peculiar setup downstream to it currently....and various problems with minority rights.

But Pakistan does not have some official theocracy, there is thus some % more sustainability imo from that....that is true. There are however other intense friction-fracture coefficients spread around too that make it complicated in end. Social trust into the state is very low in both countries but for somewhat different reasons to each other, though related to the power concentration not being aligned to sufficient degree with larger population needs or desires.

All valid points.

But simply compare Zoroastrians in Iran to Hindus in Pakistan or Bangladesh.

Compare them simply as two demographic minority groups in 3 different Muslim countries.

Minority groups of the ancestral religion of the land and the same people.

Nothing more needed.

Cheers, Doc
Suffice to say, I deeply dislike Iran's theocracy. It is case of tail wagging the dog as Iranian people are very differently aligned (I stay in touch with about 6 or so Iranian friends who don't post on PDF anymore....and it is very clear to me the more I talk with them this is the case, whatever nominal support they give to the state for a subset of reasons concerning foreign policy and Iran's security etc).

Iranian people are generally pretty liberal and secular in outlook.

There is a coercive blanket and internal deterrence value the theocracy/IRGC hold over the population....i.e pain of removal vs tolerating + adjustment underneath and not getting wagged too much.

You are right it is not sustainable. The post-1979 setup was aided by ruthlessness of the theocrats (against number of power groups that were allied to them in removing the shah) and the following dreadful war with Iraq that helped them consolidate into the corridors and security bunker psyche. Then the significant diaspora does its thing counter to that too in various ways. Then the very location of Iran and relations Iran has with neighbourhood and larger muslim world.

Really you could (and I have with Iranian buds) talk about situation for hours at length, its just a very complicated subject.

Comparison with Pakistan is not easy either. Pakistan has had its grievous lapses in past regd minorities and/or political diversity (eg. East Pakistan arc) and has its own peculiar setup downstream to it currently....and various problems with minority rights.

But Pakistan does not have some official theocracy, there is thus some % more sustainability imo from that....that is true. There are however other intense friction-fracture coefficients spread around too that make it complicated in end. Social trust into the state is very low in both countries but for somewhat different reasons to each other, though related to the power concentration not being aligned to sufficient degree with larger population needs or desires.
This write up is a very western outlook on da situ. When Nehru begged Mountbatten to

'Let ma colored peepal go!'.......Al moses no?......... :p

Then what?

Coloured peepal no? ......youz coloured bhai.

Not whelcumm in da whestt no? :p

Kalludd peep pal fram gypsy central.

Come on now.......
Yes there was a thread recently about Pakistanis being shocked at the weaponry and APCs used.

I do not comment on those threads.

But I do read them with interest.

If you do not want the thread derailed then control your desires to call others inferior humans.

Then they will not point out how others view you and treat you as well.

I didn't call you anything. I passed on what the Chinese say, something many prudent Indians know well.
No have a look at all you typed everything from blood history, to not liking Muslims and your hilarious comebacks at the Iranian poster.

Don't play the victim here.
I didn't call you anything. I passed on what the Chinese say, something many prudent Indians know well.
No have a look at all you typed everything from blood history, to not liking Muslims and your hilarious comebacks at the Iranian poster.

Don't play the victim here.

You definitely took a dig waz.

And you got it back Parsi style.

And am I beholden to liking Muslims to please you?! Lol
Doc, to be honest, the west is losing now. There ain't nothing left to sing home to mama about.

Iran's not per se muzlim!

Irans doing what it always did.....uphold human rights.

2,500 years ago, Iran sided wid da Jews against de Arabs, because of an impending genocide. Today its repeating it, but on de other side.

Hollywood dramay are just getting ridiculous.
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You definitely took a dig waz.

And you got it back Parsi style.

And am I beholden to liking Muslims to please you?! Lol

No it wasn't a dig you're just hypersensitive, it's got worse with aging for you. You want to be best buddies with them.
I have no idea what 'Parsi style' means, but then again I did write about those 'feel good posts' you put up, I'll put it under that.
I don't care about your opinion of Muslims. You hate them, fine.
Doc, to be honest, the west is losing now. There ain't nothing left to sing home to mama about.

Iran's not per se muzlim!

Irans doing what it always did.....uphold human rights.

The collective west is definitely in decline demographically and socially and economically, but militarily it is still and for the foreseeable future will remain untouchable.

Iranians are Muslim, and regardless of their leadership, they will remain Muslim.

They know nothing else.

For the mass scale reversion of a nation, you require a cataclysm similar in scale to that which made them Muslim.

Such is in the current global context, not improbable.

Cheers, Doc
The collective west is definitely in decline demographically and socially and economically, but militarily it is still and for the foreseeable future will remain untouchable.

Iranians are Muslim, and regardless of their leadership, they will remain Muslim.

They know nothing else.

For the mass scale reversion of a nation, you require a cataclysm similar in scale to that which made them Muslim.

Such is in the current global context, not improbable.

Cheers, Doc
I'm being serious here........sooner or later da west is goin sell Israel to Iran as a chutiya worthless mazhabi franchise.

Now, you need to have a drink or two......and discuss this wid yer friends, then come back here.

I'll be waiting........make sure you discuss dis with the bawa's, if theys cued on like us. Don't talk to the bewquff ones.
I'm being serious here........sooner or later da west is goin sell Israel to Iran as a chutiya worthless mazhabi franchise.

Now, you need to have a drink or two......and discuss this wid yer friends, then come back here.

I'll be waiting........make sure you discuss dis with the bawa's, if theys cued on like us. Don't talk to the bewquff ones.

Bawas, as you rightly said, have no use for a muslim Iran.

Our interests are not aligned with a Muslim Iran.

All valid points.

But simply compare Zoroastrians in Iran to Hindus in Pakistan or Bangladesh.

Compare them simply as two demographic minority groups in 3 different Muslim countries.

Minority groups of the ancestral religion of the land and the same people.

Nothing more needed.

Cheers, Doc

I'm just saying the statist blanket the Iranian population live under is very different in end to one in say Pakistan (now).

Pakistan is not a theocratic setup, it saw nothing like a 79 revolution and upheaval politically (that set into much of the heavyset clampdown on things perceived as counter to the theocratic revolution). It is majoritarian, and that majoritarian part got it into trouble with East Pakistan fairly quickly as again power got concentrated away from what reality called for.

But the essence of degree is very different in end to Iran's current nature of statism.

First Iranian buddy in school in HK was Baha'i kid....only later in life I knew much more about their story and why so many are exiled. Newest faith or oldest faith of the land doesn't matter....if its different it has to be managed if there's a theocracy.

Then it is just a matter of how much it can push into the reality and how much reality pushes back.

A theocracy fears what is different to its precise dogma. It is no way to set up a proper republic in the end. If Iran theocrats fear the general Iranian population sentiments and tendency to the degree it does and expends the heavy resource to contain and manage that.....zoroastrians are their own nail needing its own big hammer.....you know the reasons well why....I see no need to explain. Narrow dogmas ultimately fear largest realisations....and Irans intersection and civilisational foundation with zoroastrianism in its greater arc is an immense realisation in the end, open to those that will read it and try process it fairly.

Skirting around it, packaging it selectively for a current dogma needs (i.e its unchallengeable primacy in power) is a great mental effort and exertion in end to enforce..... you have to remember the theocrat fuddy duddy and all lackeys working for it in some power setup know that....they know lay people cannot be trusted if the rules are fair and neutral.

This is why I dislike heavyset republics to begin with (i.e pushing some larger agenda)....a republic setup must be minimalist and precise as possible.....to have reality transmission as far as possible and delusion buildup as low as possible....especially in its power setup with authority over the whole. This is why I despise theocratic march of a large political party in India....and its march in large parts of social conservative India to begin with generating it (an intensity ultimately very different to Iran's which got dealt a really ridiculous hand by circumstances from counter-reaction to Shah's autocracy).

Iran's fundamental problem regd this has been very clear to me in its essence a long while now....how and why it changes later to address this extreme skew...we will have to see.
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