“Not One Muslim” - Dominik Tarczynski on Migration, The Fight for Europe and Helping Donald Trump

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Bawas, as you rightly said, have no use for a muslim Iran.

Our interests are not aligned with a Muslim Iran.

Doc, Iran is not ‘Muslim’ or Christy X-Tian or Al-Yahudi you know it. Irans a humanitarian.

Iran only looks out for itself and its interests, just like anybody else, but helps da oppressed. That’s their whole philosophy.

Shia Islam is based upon this.

I wish Pakistan was as smart as they are. Aaj ye hashar ne hota hamara, had we done what Iran is doing.

The whole west is powerless now against Iran. What can your bawa say?

I’m telling you now…..sooner or later, the atheist west will realize that it’s evangelical gimmick is up. Time to sell this idiotic stupidity to Iran as a franchise…..😝
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This polak chieftain forgot that UK would rather ban polaks (Brexit etc) rather than banning 'le evil muzzies'
Zoroastrians in Iran are mightier than the Parsis, so his hubris is comical.
Do you expect anyone to take this seriously? Go put your head under a cold water tap, and come back and look at Tatas, Godrej, Wadia and their co-religionists.
"Mightier than the Parsis..."
Talk of comical.
Hindu army, what a brave new world we are in
Considering the religious gibes regularly used against a secular Indian Army, why do you complain now at somebody coming at it from the other end of the spectrum?
Its always been a Hindu army.

By design. @Joe Shearer

The Jakli is probably the only regiment that has near 50% Muslims in it.

We discussed this recently off the group @Sharma Ji
Not by design, but by the assignment of several cavalry regiments to the new Dominion, and several very old and prominent infantry regiments.

Most Muslims in the old Indian Army were concentrated in the cavalry regiments, with infantrymen concentrated in the Baloch (the 10th Baluch, including, later, the Bahawalpur Regiment), and the 5 Punjab regiments (the 1st, the 8th, the 14th, 15th and 16th Punjab), and a few in the Rajput Regiment, as well as the Frontier Force and the Frontier Force Rifles.

The entire Frontier Corps, all 8 formations, went to the new Dominion.

Dogras, Sikhs in and out of the old Punjab Regiment, and in the Sikh Regiment, Jats, Rajputs, Garhwalis, at one time clubbed with the Gorkha, and only much later placed in their own Rifles Regiment, Kumaonis, Biharis, Assamese, all existed in very large numbers in the old Indian Army. That is not counting the Mahars, the MLI and SLI and the Madras Regiment, or the Grenadiers, or newly raised regiments post-1947.

When the Baloch and much of the Punjab Regiment separated out, and the old cavalry regiments also gone - Probyn's, Watson's, Lumsden's, Daly's, the Baloch Horse, Fane's - these were among the 'old' cavalry regiments that went away wholesale.
He's claiming that his 8 flames on foreign soil are better than the one in Yazd, and for someone who values soil so much then he couldn't more mistaken. Zoroastrians in Iran are mightier than the Parsis, so his hubris is comical.
An atash that is not protected and sealed to Zoroastrians is not considered pure or unsullied. Those silly statements about fire purifying all are straight out of some schoolboy textbook, and have nothing to do with ritual or practice.
Ahuramazda clearly abandoned his people, and now this Gujarati fraud has massive rancour for anyone.
This is perhaps the worst, most bigoted remark I have read in fifteen years of this forum.
Well, this Hindu army better be ready for china, that's your designated enemy so play the role.....or else
It may be. It may not be. As far as the British are concerned, and you count as British, you had better prepare for the Free Trade Agreement with all the nations with whom you need these. Leave war-fighting to the Indian Army and the Metropolitan Police.
This guy is a fake Parsi in my opinion. Indian and Pakistani Parsi community is only Parsi in name.
...and you would know the difference, with your sharply defined identity visible in the name you have appropriated.
Good going.
Note it down.

An individual who scrapes around to find an identity tells us to take notes about his individual feelings, protected by the Dutch (for now), about a country that hasn't truckled to any foreign power.
your role dictated by papa America.
:LOL: Seriously? This from a Dutch citizen pretending to loyalty to his ancestral identity? Apparently without knowledge of SEATO and CENTO, and the adoption of the Pentangular - what? Our little mannikin doesn't know, because he is here to spew stuff about anything, everything, other than military matters.

Damn, why does it take so long to look up Google?
Did i say God will grant it? No, I said martyrs will simply beg for it. You're so angry that your reading comprehension has got all desperate and sh*tty lol
Begging for what you yourself say cannot be?

Oh, that's right, this is the logical, cool and detached analyst of DNA, that has decided that Doc is Gujju.
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