October 1973 Ramadan War

Israeli losses in the October War
One of the newly released Egyptian official documents is a very important document about
Egyptian estimate of Israeli losses in the October War:

5000 dead
12 thousand wounded
270 aircraft
40 helicopters
900 tanks

The October 1973 War through the eyes of the makers of victory

The preparation: the war of attrition 1967 to 6th of october1973

Major General Samir Farag: The victory of the Tenth of Ramadan has become a symbol of the greatness of the Egyptian army and its great people.


The victory of the 10th of Ramadan, a day on which Egypt and the Arab nation celebrate their most precious victories in the modern era after Egypt and its great army erased the shame of defeat on June 5, 1967.

In this context, Major General Dr. Samir Faraj, the strategic thinker and former director of the Morale Affairs Department and one of the heroes of attrition and October, said that despite the passage of nearly fifty years since the achievement of this victory, I still remember its details well as if it were only recently, and I am the youngest officer in the Armed Forces Operations Room and the most junior in rank. As I was a major, less than two weeks had passed since I graduated from the Military Staff College.

Faraj added: “Since my first rank was with distinction in a batch of 153 of the most competent officers, I was assigned to the Armed Forces Operations Authority for the October War, from which we began moving to open the operations center from which the glorious war was conducted.”

He continued, "In the first days of opening this center, we were implementing a strategic training project to test the center's work, especially with regard to the communications network with the primitive armies, the air force, the navy, the air defense, and even the Syrian leadership in Damascus, and the rest of the elements of the armed forces, and the sixth day of October, at exactly ten in the morning, we uploaded the maps of the training project and drew up the modified “Plan Granite” maps, which is the plan prepared to storm the Suez Canal and the Israeli Bar Lev Line and form a bridge head on the eastern bank of the Suez Canal.”

Faraj added: “By God, I still remember the feeling of awe mixed with pride and honor, as we opened the war records for this offensive operation, and we received signals for the distribution of the hour of the attack to the commanders, each according to their mission and place. We also began to receive the readiness of the forces in their new places to begin the attack, which included the arrival of a group of forces.” The Egyptian Navy in the Bab al-Mandab region, in the Red Sea, to implement orders from the General Command of the Armed Forces to close the strait to Israeli navigation.

He pointed out that “at approximately twelve o’clock in the afternoon, the late President Mohamed Anwar Sadat arrived wearing his military uniform, followed by a number of soldiers carrying trays on which sandwiches and juices were stacked, and because today coincided with the tenth of Ramadan, the president grabbed the microphone, saying: (We are in Ramadan, The Mufti stated that we are in a jihad to liberate the usurped land, and therefore he permitted breaking the fast during the day in Ramadan. He directed that all our forces and children on the battle front in Sinai be informed of this fatwa, while the soldiers passed by to distribute the sandwiches that we had all placed in the drawers, and God bears witness. We only drank water when the time for the Maghrib call to prayer came, which is what everyone did on the battlefront.”

Faraj said: “I do not hide a secret that I and others did not expect the attack to begin. Will we actually witness that day after six years of war of attrition? Will hope be fulfilled and we defeat the arrogant Israeli enemy?! We were not certain until two o’clock in the afternoon, when we watched on the radar screens.” 220 Egyptian planes crossed the Suez Canal, and carried out an air strike against Israeli targets in Sinai. After that, the crossing began, and the most beautiful signs of the crossing of the crossing waves and the fall of the points of the Bar Lev line continued, one after the other.

He added: “I remember at four o’clock in the afternoon, while I was in the main room busy with the work map, that President Sadat called me, saying: (Oh my son, how much have you lost so far?)... The surprise, after counting the numbers received from the Second and Third Armies, was that the number was not mentioned, nor "It is even compared to our losses in the days of training for crossing the Nile River because our forces had reached the level of professionalism."

Major General Samir Faraj recalls that, “At three o’clock, that is, an hour after the air strike, I saw Major General Muhammad Abdel Ghani Al-Jamasi, the head of operations at the time, getting up from his place, holding a paper that he handed to Lieutenant General Saad Al-Shazly, the chief of staff at the time. Then they rose together to Field Marshal Ahmed Ismail, the Minister of War. He took the paper from them and reviewed it before heading to President Sadat and asking him to meet with His Excellency in a small room outside the center. After less than two minutes, they left the room, and President Sadat directed his words to those present in the operations room. He said, “My children, my brothers, the pilot Atef Sadat, was martyred.” In the air strike, it was very expensive for me, but it is not more expensive for us than Egypt.”

Faraj pointed out that he "followed with us today from the operations room as we received the most beautiful reports of the fall of the Bar Lev Line points into the hands of the Egyptian army, and the waves of crossings of the Suez Canal by boats continued over the course of 12 waves, during which the infantrymen were fighting without tanks to repel all the Israeli armored attacks that tried to resist our forces and defeat them." To the West Bank, but our heroes fighting without tanks and relying on RPG weapons and Al-Fahd missiles only, were able, with their determination, valor and courage, to destroy all the Israeli armored vehicles that confronted them, and our forces succeeded in clinging to the dear land in Sinai.”

Faraj confirmed, “With sunset on October 6th, vehicles carrying bridge barrels rushed to lower the canal’s water and succeeded, despite the darkness of the night, in constructing five bridges along the canal, and by moonlight, according to the calculations of the attack plan, tanks and artillery began to cross to the eastern bank of the canal over the established bridges.” All attempts by Israeli aircraft to approach our forces that built bridges or crossed the canal failed thanks to the Egyptian missile wall that prevented the Israeli air force from approaching the Suez Canal, and has since become one of the most important forms of defense in global military systems.”

He stated, "Our Egyptian armed forces developed a great plan in which they relied on the elements of strategic deception and surprise, and on the competence, determination, and valor of their loyal sons. They defeated the Israeli enemy and achieved a clear victory on October 6, which became a symbol of the greatness of Egypt's army and its great people."
Great stuff, SC. Those newly released files are tremendous, especially the numbers. Much of them are very modest and very realistic but contrary to the enemy's numbers. We all know they diminish their losses to ridiculous extent and even denied the battle of El Mansoura ever took place. The numbers of zionist jets shot down in that one hour of aerial battle by the EAF was very close to these newly classified releases.

One of the more interesting stats is the zionist KIA list and all the western sources which differ quite a bit from these Egyptian estimations. zionist claim around 2,500 KIA and Egyptian files estimate 5,000 - 15,000 zionist KIA. They definitely lost more than their 2,500 claim.

Even the new Golda movie (played by Helen Meren) shows how devastated she was for not issuing a preemptive strike and blames herself for all the zionist lives lost. That movie was also a bit skewed to say the least. One of the interesting parts was Kissinger (played by Liev Shreiber) warned her if she gave the go-ahead to bomb the 3rd army that there would be sever consequences, not only from Egyptian forces but specifically from the Russians. One heck of a war that really changed modern warfare, especially anti-tank warfare. The Egyptian sagger infantry units were the true heroes of that war.

Sadat also made huge mistakes which cost Egypt dearly. Not listening to Shazly regarding moving a few sagger units from the 2nd Army to the west which would've halted the zionist crossing being the main blunder. The other was actually Shazly's decision to send the 2nd Army's 21st Armored Division with the new T-62s southward and the 3rd Army's 25th Armored Division northward to pinch the zionist in a pincer move. It would've worked if they coordinated it better, but they didn't time it correctly and the zionist were able to repel them one division at a time. Had they timed it simultaneously, the zionist would've been overwhelmed. The 21st and 25th lost 80% of their tank strength in that ill-fated attack. Then there was Sadat's blunder to attack eastward to the passes in an ill-fated attempt to relieve the Syrian front which was already settled. Shazy warned Sadat that it would be a huge mistake and cost Egypt dearly and sure enough, it did. That eastward attack by both tank division of the 2nd & 3rd armies was a major disaster. They knew they were headed to their death but like true soldiers, they obeyed Sadat's orders and sacrificed their lives, sadly to no avail.

Bottom line, by January the result was a complete zionist withdrawal from the west of the canal and further into Sinai to create the peace-keeping buffer zone. While the Egyptian Army maintained all its gains in Sinai and the entire Bar Lev line. If that's not a military victory for Egypt and a resounding defeat for the zionist, I don't what you'd call it.
Kissinger reveals the behind-the-scenes of the October War...


Egyptian Patriotic Song​


Egyptian Patriotic Song​

Lazem n'raga3 ardenna men kol el thhabb, 3ASH!
3ash llel'e 2al "ya rega'l 3adou'l qanal", 3ASH!
3ash el 7owel sabrena 7arb w'nethhal, 3ASH!
3ash llel'e 2al "ya Masreyeen mafeesh mo7aal", 3ASH!
3ash el 3arab!

Documentary | A special episode on the "Devressoir gap"

That was excellent. I've see so many of these presentations through the years but I hadn't seen this one. And these are major figures who led divisions and brigades and participated with the Sa'qqa units. Their accounts of the devastating effect a single infantryman with an RPG against a tank is incredible.

The entire presentation was terrific and this is stuff that you never hear or read mentioned in western books because they never bothered to interview these people and get both sides of the battle. They took the word of the well-oiled Nazi propaganda machine and this is when & where that entire hasbara philosophy started. They succeeded in convincing the world they had pulled off the impossible and were in a position to destroy the 3rd Army when that couldn't have been further from the truth.

The proof to that propaganda machine working at its fullest towards the end of the war was when they insisted on the meeting to be held at the Suez/Cairo road where the sign said "Cairo 101 kilometers" Now just to show you their deceiving propaganda plan was to focus on that sign and that road to give the impression that they could take Cairo hahaha. Oh my God and the sad part is that it convinced a lot of low-IQ people around the world.

The reason it's hilarious is because that road leads to the southern districts of the outskirts of Cairo where there are huge towns to pass before getting anywhere near the Cairo district. I've driven AND biked that entire road twice with several other people to get to the Red Sea, so I know it like the back of my hand. Now the Ismailiyah Road, THAT is the one that leads you right down into the northeastern part of Cairo and that was back in the day, before all the expansion towns and farmlands were set up and it's much denser now. But that is why Sharon wanted to take Ismailiyah badly, aside from his wet dream of cutting off the 2nd Army because it was the road that led directly to Cairo district and not the Suez Road. That's their propaganda machine. Now we see it full blown with 24/7 hasbara and on Facecrap & TikTok and Tweetee Bird etc. Good stuff, SC thanks for posting it.
That was excellent. I've see so many of these presentations through the years but I hadn't seen this one. And these are major figures who led divisions and brigades and participated with the Sa'qqa units. Their accounts of the devastating effect a single infantryman with an RPG against a tank is incredible.

The entire presentation was terrific and this is stuff that you never hear or read mentioned in western books because they never bothered to interview these people and get both sides of the battle. They took the word of the well-oiled Nazi propaganda machine and this is when & where that entire hasbara philosophy started. They succeeded in convincing the world they had pulled off the impossible and were in a position to destroy the 3rd Army when that couldn't have been further from the truth.

The proof to that propaganda machine working at its fullest towards the end of the war was when they insisted on the meeting to be held at the Suez/Cairo road where the sign said "Cairo 101 kilometers" Now just to show you their deceiving propaganda plan was to focus on that sign and that road to give the impression that they could take Cairo hahaha. Oh my God and the sad part is that it convinced a lot of low-IQ people around the world.

The reason it's hilarious is because that road leads to the southern districts of the outskirts of Cairo where there are huge towns to pass before getting anywhere near the Cairo district. I've driven AND biked that entire road twice with several other people to get to the Red Sea, so I know it like the back of my hand. Now the Ismailiyah Road, THAT is the one that leads you right down into the northeastern part of Cairo and that was back in the day, before all the expansion towns and farmlands were set up and it's much denser now. But that is why Sharon wanted to take Ismailiyah badly, aside from his wet dream of cutting off the 2nd Army because it was the road that led directly to Cairo district and not the Suez Road. That's their propaganda machine. Now we see it full blown with 24/7 hasbara and on Facecrap & TikTok and Tweetee Bird etc. Good stuff, SC thanks for posting it.
According to the military intelligence chief at that time.. Egypt was aware of the Israeli plan in the deversoir since 1971.. That is why I was always convinced that the Egyptian army had trapped the main Israeli forces by letting them pass that point and get lost in the desert and well defended border cities on the north and south of the canal..
According to the military intelligence chief at that time.. Egypt was aware of the Israeli plan in the deversoir since 1971.. That is why I was always convinced that the Egyptian army had trapped the main Israeli forces by letting them pass that point and get lost in the desert and well defended border cities on the north and south of the canal..

They knew back in 1971 because the intelligence like you said was aware of them wanting to purchase a bridge which was denied to them! Reason being was because of their criminal act of 1967, no one wanted to support an occupying force and an invasion of another sovereign country's land. That included the French who refused to sell them the Mirage 5 which supposedly they had paid for them, but France was under too much political pressure from the international community to support the now-perceived criminal entity that was obviously trying to steal Egyptian land. Then they gave in because they didn't want to reimburse the money paid for the jets, so they delivered them under the pretense that the zionist stole the blueprints to the jets and ended up building then in occupied Palestine and what's known today as the Nesher LMFAO! Can you believe the audacity to even try and perpetuate such a blatant lie and expect the world to believe it? Unfrigginbelievable the nerve on these criminals.

So when they couldn't get any bridges, they fabricated one from a bunch of spare junk crap and trained on the crossing of the canal to the west side. According to these testimonies, they trained with that crappy bridge in the Sea of Galilee, the Kishon river and even dug a makeshift canal in the Negev Desert! That's how bad they wanted to keep the Sinai that they were willing to invade Egypt proper and occupy a huge stretch and particularly Ismailiyah which was a major prize.

That bridge was a bang-up job (nothing like the movable folding sections the Egyptian army used) and had it already assembled in Sinai and had to drag it all the way to the canal with tanks. It took them a few days IIRC. That was when the EAF should've bombed the ever-loving crap out of it and stopped that adventure right in its "tracks", pun intended.

And speaking of the EAF, one of my favs of this war. MiG-21 (most likely an RF model with cameras) and this picture of its silhouette against the desert sand and the zionist dead scattered waiting to be buried.

The strategic_deception plan for the October War...full details

■ Did you know that Egypt has succeeded in deceiving the entire world, including the Soviets, and completely blinded them from watching and expecting a comprehensive war to reclaim the land with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and thousands of armored vehicles?... And that despite the genius of hundreds of strategic deception plans in all fields and at all levels, which do not... Entire volumes could be enumerated... This ingenious Egyptian plan remains the largest deception plan undertaken by the history-defying army to enter into a war that was impossible to carry out in the first place... And the greatest deception plan was to rewrite the military and strategic sciences again without the knowledge of the entire world... .. When the war broke out, the Israelis faced battles and tactics that they had not studied or expected to exist in the first place or that it was possible for them to occur?

■ Did you know that all military and strategic sciences in all Eastern or Western military scientific schools have agreed on the impossibility of simply starting a war on the Egyptian side using old defensive weapons in light of the overwhelming superiority in quantity and quality in favor of the Israelis?... This led to the fulfillment of Sadat’s word. The genius who summarized all of this in a sentence of four words.... “They saw... but were not aware.”...

• Military and strategic science around the world have then been rewritten again based on what the Egyptians did.

✪ For example:

◆ How were we able to import crossing equipment from portable bridges and then transport it to the front without the enemy’s knowledge..???

● The answer was to import twice the required quantity and leave it in the port of Alexandria, lying negligently for two full days near the vehicles of a contracting and foundation company transporting civil supplies. After two days, army vehicles transported only the excess quantity to the Helwan suburb and covered it with camouflage nets, while the contracting company’s vehicles transported the quantity. necessary to cross to their positions on the front.

◆ Weapons that are missing from artillery ammunition, RPG ammunition, Scud missiles, and launcher missiles... How do we import them without the knowledge of Israel and the West, who control and are aware of every ant in the global arms markets?

● The answer came: As for the artillery ammunition, it was taken from the Algerian army after a maneuver was launched between Egypt and Algeria on Egyptian territory. Algeria purchased the ammunition on its behalf, and after the maneuver, the Algerian forces left, leaving those ammunition in Egypt. This was done, of course, with special intelligence cooperation with Egypt.

● As for the Scud missiles, they were transported from Russia with special cooperation with the KGB, and without the Russian ship crews themselves knowing what was in their stores other than some civilian administrative tasks.

◆ As for aircraft bombs?

● The phosphorus bomb was manufactured locally in the Armed Forces factories, with a special blackout on the project by the Egyptian Military Intelligence and Military Security Service.

◆ As for the giant German pumps that were used to open the gaps in the berm

● It was purchased through Libya with a special agreement with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and after it arrived in Libyan territory, his cousin, Ahmed Gaddaf Al-Dam, transported it to Egypt in vegetable transport trucks belonging to his company (this company was created specifically for this purpose), which used to go to Libya with Egyptian vegetables and fruits and returns loaded with pumps and hoses necessary for crossing.

◆ Plan to evacuate government hospitals to receive the wounded and war-injured.

● When the date of the October War in 1973 approached, among the preparations required for the war was the necessity of finding and providing many places in the hospitals of the Ministry of Health and university hospitals in Cairo and the cities close to them to receive the war wounded. In those days, the hospitals of the armed forces were not in this number and in this state of readiness that we know. Now... but...
Simply taking that step was enough to attract the attention of the enemy and his eyes scattered among us. If the enemy knew that we were preparing to fight, we would have lost the most important part of war, which is... the element of surprise.

•• So what was the solution....??!!!

● Here the men relied on an innovative method, which is to let your enemy see everything but without understanding anything..

● One of the conscripted doctors (who held the rank of reserve officer in the Medical Services Department) was assigned, after careful investigation, to be returned to his primary work at Al-Demirdash Hospital (after it was reported that he had been exempted from service due to his unfitness), and two weeks after his return to work, this doctor announced that he had discovered The presence of gas gangrene bacteria in an operating room at Demerdash Hospital. A sample was sent - after fabricating it, of course - to the Ministry’s laboratories, which confirmed the result of the sample. For those who do not know, the presence of such a deadly and highly contagious microbe in any hospital immediately requires closing the hospital for a period It took between two weeks and a month to completely sterilize it... Therefore, a decision was made to close the hospital immediately to sterilize it, and all patients were removed from it... And the Egyptian newspapers that love scandals came out with this information, with questions about whether there was contamination in other hospitals?... So it was examined. All hospitals, and discoveries continued in many hospitals, with the results coming that there were 12 other contaminated hospitals... and the world rose and did not stop... and the Egyptian press poured out its anger on the Minister of Health and on the leaders of the state’s medical system... and several interrogations were presented against them in the People’s Assembly, and students demanded... Many people called for the minister to be dismissed.. even though the matter was nothing more than a mere hoax that none of the leaders of the Ministry of Health (except for the minister) knew anything about..

● Of course, the uproar reached Israel, and newspapers there began to ridicule the deteriorating medical level in Egypt and the primitive and dilapidated medical system.... The enemy swallowed the bait well..

• Under the nose and eyes of Israel and the entire world, and in a noisy and even scandalous atmosphere, most of Cairo’s hospitals were evacuated of their sick residents under the pretext of sterilization.. while the truth of the matter was that the state was preparing to receive the war wounded when the zero hour arrived.. It is worth noting that the fabricated medical reports were All of them were made by the Egyptian General Intelligence Service.

◆ Lighting equipment and electric flashlights.. With the battles and widespread obligatory darkness, flashlights had to be present with every soldier and officer, and the question was: How do we import all this huge number of flashlights without drawing the enemy’s attention to them..??? If we import it officially and publicly, the enemy will know our intention and discover our goal

● The solution: one of the smugglers met a young Bedouin man who was well-versed in the desert roads, and they agreed with the Bedouin to smuggle a quantity of car spare parts. The operation succeeded, which prompted him to make another deal in which they agreed to smuggle a huge shipment of flashlights under the pretext that the Egyptian market needed them due to the frequent There was a power outage, and despite their extreme caution, the police uncovered the operation and confiscated the shipment, but the smuggler managed to escape under mysterious circumstances, while the Bedouin was arrested. In an effort to camouflage it, the government released the shipment of lamps in stores and consumer complexes, but what he did not know was At the time, it was known that this smuggler was none other than one of the General Intelligence men in one of the most important operations of this great apparatus, and the story of this officer is well known.

◆ Food supplies... How can we import additional quantities of basic food supplies without attracting the attention of the enemy?

● The trick was to spread a rumor that the winter rains had flooded the wheat silos, causing our wheat stock to deteriorate and become infected with fungi. This was widely announced in the newspapers, and it was also announced that the government would destroy all infected wheat stocks. It was natural for Egypt to resort to importing wheat. Additional shipments of wheat to replace the infected wheat that was (ostensibly) destroyed...

● As for the rest of the basic types of food supplies (sugar - oil - legumes - soap, etc.), successive news was leaked in the newspapers about major fires in the warehouses of the food complexes, and fake fires were created, photographed, and published in the newspapers, so that was sufficient justification for importing quantities of supplies. Other alternatives without raising any suspicions.

◆ How was the Bab al-Mandab Strait closed and controlled by Egyptian naval vessels heading and stationing there without arousing the enemy’s suspicion?

● A small piece of news was published in September 1973, about three Egyptian naval vessels heading to one of the Pakistani ports to carry out repairs and regular maintenance work. Indeed, the three vessels moved to the port of Aden and there they spent a week, then they were ordered to go to one of the Somali ports for a visit. An official mission took another week to visit some Somali ports, then the three pieces returned again to Aden, and there the code signal came to them on the evening of October 5, 1973, to head to specific locations at the “Bab al-Mandab Strait” in complete secrecy at points that would allow them to follow the movement of all ships. Passing through the Red Sea by radar and inspecting them, and preventing Israeli ships from crossing the Bab al-Mandab Strait throughout the siege.

◆ Tanks.. How can we transfer tanks to the front lines from the front without the enemy knowing or arousing his suspicions..???

● The answer: The main workshops for repairing vehicles were moved to the front lines of the front, and convoys of tanks lined up in long queues openly under the pretext of having suffered malfunctions, as if they were going to the workshop for repair, with crossing times chosen other than when the satellite passed over the areas through which the tanks passed.. as well. Successive maneuvers and the plan for wooden tanks that surprised the Jews with the real tanks..

◆ Concerning the satellites, all transit equipment, ammunition, and tactical missions were transferred under the sight of dozens of satellites, with an extremely complex and ingenious deception plan.... where success was achieved in the most complex intelligence missions ever to bring up the paths of all satellites, whether Soviet. Or American or Western, from their home, then calculating their speed, paths, and timing of their passage over Egyptian territory to calculate the timing and location of the blind spots with great accuracy, which was applied to the maps of the entire front, so the missions were transported according to very precise paths, roads, and timings, measured by the minute and the second.... The accuracy of the coordinates on the ground was such that they were calculated in meters and centimeters for weeks along the length and width of the front.

● The Egyptian army succeeded in implementing its plan. The cars were transporting missions on routes and timings when satellites did not pass... and returned with structural loads at the same time as the satellites passed... so that the scene would be depicted showing the Egyptian army withdrawing its missions from the front and not the other way around - even though it was the opposite. It is correct - and all those complex calculations of drawing maps, placing coordinates with their times on maps, and matching them on the ground were done in the absence of electronic computers or a “GPS” system, but rather with a pencil, a T-ruler, and a primitive surveyor telescope on the ground.

✪ Thus, everything was done in the open and under the enemy’s eyes and ears, so that the eternal strategy was achieved..

“Let your enemy see and hear everything, but understand nothing.”

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In the October 1973 Ramadan war.. New methods were defined for the first time in warfare:

- The way an individual soldier confronts a tank with anti-armor was the first time used in a war.
- Likewise, the theory of missile walls to repel air forces was applied for the first time in the October War.
- Also, hitting large frigates by anti-ship missiles from small missile boats was the first time this was done and led to the sinking the destroyer Eilat by the Egyptian boats.
- In fact, the Egyptians applied most modern warfare methods for the first time during this war

The Sinking of the Eilat | The First Battle Fought With Ship-to-Ship Missiles​

Ingenious. Extremely well-thought and well-planned. Patience and attention to detail. I imagine the poor Egyptian people thinking the government is worthless and can't do anything! First the hospitals,then the wheat,then the power shortages,the economic situation,the army having problems...I imagine the Egyptian people getting angry and the government and generals being like "If you only knew..."
And if there's any statement from anyone involved in this war that is an indication of how things were going at the end of the war, how about what Elazar said after the war? He was the zionist general chief of staff and counterpart to General Shazly of the Egyptian army.


That was from the horse's mouth and this was said during the Agranat Commission proceedings which were put together to investigate and determine how the zionist criminal success of 1967 and the fake illusion of invincibility was shattered and put to sleep by Egyptian intelligence on October 6th, 1973. They wanted to know how they were duped, schemed and surprised. Basically, how the hell could they possibly have had this costing this epic failure in intelligence and ultimate defeat. Kinda resembles this recent October 7th attack by Hamas but obviously of a much grander scale.

egyptian army feels like Pakistan Army no real victories just good PR!
If anything, the zionist won the PR battle hands down in this war. They manipulated the media to their advantage better than the Nazis could've ever dreamed of to the point that Joseph Goebbels would be proud and jealous while rolling around in his grave all at the same time.

Egypt did a horrendous job at portraying its success to the world. It all stemmed from Sadat's unfortunate and reckless decision not to listen to Saad Shazly (General Chief of Staff) who planned & orchestrator the brilliant crossing of the canal and entire offensive, this would've been an unequivocal & resounding victory for Egypt. Instead, it's been mired in half-truths and deception and twisting of realities that make most who are either biased or not fully researched & ill-informed of the details automatically assume it was a military victory for the zionist and a political one for Egypt. Sad, but that's where the zionist succeeded.

The brilliant and exceptionally intelligent and truly military-minded individual, General Saad El Din El-Shazly.



After the incredible and frankly surprising success of the canal crossing. This man was so loved and respected by the troops it was reminiscent of Maximus Decimus Meridius and the way he was portrayed lol.


Visiting the front on the west bank with his security detail comprised of Sa'aqa Thunderbolt Commandos. The Barlev line is quite visible in the background.



The General giving his daughter a smooch before a parachute training jump. Early 60's.

shazly & daughter.jpg
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A few of the hundreds of zionist fighter jets that were taken down, mostly by SA-2 SAMs. In Mansoura it was all MiG-21s that were the deciding factor.

The phony Mirage 5 dubbed "Nesher" by the zionist, falls asleep for good right where it belonged.


Remnant of a zionist A4 Skyhawk.
I remember this war , it partially inspired me to join the military college etc.
I remember my late father ( killed in line of duty) , hoping and praying for the victory.
At that I loved Egypt as it was a different time. Nowadays I couldn't care less,
I remember this war , it partially inspired me to join the military college etc.
I remember my late father ( killed in line of duty) , hoping and praying for the victory.
At that I loved Egypt as it was a different time. Nowadays I couldn't care less,

May Allah forgive him and strengthen him and may he rest in blessed peace InshaAllah.

If you don't mid me asking, where did he serve?
You're right it was a different time than nowadays. I was living in Cyprus (Nicosia) when the war broke out and I'll never forget both my mother & Father watching the brief TV news and then tuning to the radio for hours.

It was a time mired in regional war as we barely got out of there before the Turkish invasion. We left a day before the start of that war.

Have you seen this? Today in Egypt.


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