October 1973 Ramadan War

Err, Rafah has Egypt on one side and it should be Gazans on other side.

Where do the Zionists come into this equation?

You didn't know Gaza was under Israeli occupation???
You didn't know Gaza was under Israeli occupation???

Yes but as part of the condition of getting Sinai back Egypt had to recognise the entity and promise to allow Zionist military supremacy over it.

That was in essence the Camp David Agreement.

Now I have stated many times that out of all Muslim countries, only Egypt has any legitimate excuse to have made relations with the usurpers of Palestine, but the fact remains that the October 1973 war was only a partial success as it by itself could not recover the Sinai.
Yes but as part of the condition of getting Sinai back Egypt had to recognise the entity and promise to allow Zionist military supremacy over it.

That was in essence the Camp David Agreement.

Now I have stated many times that out of all Muslim countries, only Egypt has any legitimate excuse to have made relations with the usurpers of Palestine, but the fact remains that the October 1973 war was only a partial success as it by itself could not recover the Sinai.
The peaceful recovery of the rest of Sinai was made in progressive stages..that was the principle of camp David.. today Egypt has 100% control of the Sinai peninsula..
The peaceful recovery of the rest of Sinai was made in progressive stages..that was the principle of camp David.. today Egypt has 100% control of the Sinai peninsula..

Soviets never supplied their best to Egypt and if the Egyptian Army was equipped with say 500 T-72s in 1973 along with the SA-8 SAM to complement the SA-6 then Egypt would have had real offensive options in 1973.

Egypt did the best it could with the world situation at the time to recover the Sinai and offer a future for their people.
Yes but as part of the condition of getting Sinai back Egypt had to recognise the entity and promise to allow Zionist military supremacy over it.

That was in essence the Camp David Agreement.

Now I have stated many times that out of all Muslim countries, only Egypt has any legitimate excuse to have made relations with the usurpers of Palestine, but the fact remains that the October 1973 war was only a partial success as it by itself could not recover the Sinai.
The objective of the 1973 war was to liberate Sinai..not Palestine!
Dear brother, I apologise for the late answer.
My late father was a doctor in the Bosnian war and was killed, while on duty. I served on the front lines though..
Yes it was totally different time. Remember who was in Riyad then? King Feisal Rahimullahi . If you collect the whole government of Saudi now , they wouldn't be fit to clean his shoes.
As of this Bosnian women? Forget her , a traitor.
Off topic but good to remember!

Arab Mujahedin in Bosnia

Commander of the Egyptian Thunderbolt/Egyptian Special Forces caused terror to Israel in the October War

Group 73 Historians​

Commander of the Egyptian Thunderbolt/Egyptian Special Forces caused terror to Israel in the October War

(3 Feb 1970) An interview with Egyptian President Gamal Nasser in Cairo.. (rare)

The war didn't technically ended on 25 Oct 1973 but rather 14 Jan 1974. The last martyr of Egyptian was Ibrahim Abdul Tawab who was in the East Bank of the Canal where the Third Army was stationed. You forgot Operation Nickel Grass which literally US resupplied all materials lost during the war. This was the game change and changed the equation. Secondly, when the Israelis crossed, the lost every major battle among them the Ismailia Battle ended in 22 October and Suez Battle in 25 October, the day of the ceasefire.
I remember watching a documentary showing normal Egyptian men taking up arms (the army was too far off) to defend a city or town on the Egyptian side when the Israeli columns were taking land to barter for, when they crossed the canal. They had heavy losses inflicted on them and never tried to take the city/town again.
I am sure you are talking about either Ismailia Battle (22 october 73) or either Suez Battle (25 october 73). Because in both of them, guerrilla and urban warfare played a huge role for our wining. And the army participated in both of them, Sa'ka forces were there. The civilians played a huge role like a sheikh named Sheikh Hafez Salama was a leader of the popular resistance in the city.
The war didn't technically ended on 25 Oct 1973 but rather 14 Jan 1974. The last martyr of Egyptian was Ibrahim Abdul Tawab who was in the East Bank of the Canal where the Third Army was stationed. You forgot Operation Nickel Grass which literally US resupplied all materials lost during the war. This was the game change and changed the equation. Secondly, when the Israelis crossed, the lost every major battle among them the Ismailia Battle ended in 22 October and Suez Battle in 25 October, the day of the ceasefire.
Nations win and loose wars
Real issue is what happens when nation win or loose war afterwards

Israel lost parts of occupied territory but overall war was pretty neutral result with both parties claiming victory

Israel surely had fewer causalities and basically got legitimacy and lasting peace with Arabs for the first time in 30 years

Israel has never went to war with Arabs again..this it self is biggest victory and essentially cleared the path for undivided Israel, something they couldn't have even dreamed before

Will Israel ever come for Sinai and parts of Saudi Arabia

No, why?
Because it doesn't need to, if it achieve peace with Arabs world they can always come as tourists

Israel population isn't booming nor it has any need for resources in those areas

Gaza war will probably be the final Arab Israel conflict as this is final peace of land not under occupation (west bank is already occupied) which will be over soon in next few years with my probably another 40-50k dead (in addition to 40-50k dead now if you include missing people who are being dumped into the med Sea)

Palestinians will have two choices die or leave. Obviously they can't leave due to eygptians blockade so most will die)

Eygptians have very high believe in most moral army i.e Israelis that if we don't let Gaza people leave they won't be killed , at least that's the publically stated position of el sisi (we aren't letting Gaza people leave because it's land grab it by Israel)
but the fact remains that the October 1973 war was only a partial success as it by itself could not recover the Sinai.
Because we couldn't recover the whole Sinai Peninsula. That's why in the early fews days and weeks, the Egyptians forces stopped 30 km into Sinai because that was the range of our Air Defenses (SAM-2-3-7). If we continue to advance, the Israeli Air Force will hunt us like rabbits because we didn't have a long range SAM umbrella protecting our forces after +30km from our crossings. So logically, Sadat, Ahmed Ismail and Saad El Din El Shazly stopped few km after the crossing. We didn't want our armed forces to be massacred and annihilated
Nations win and loose wars
Real issue is what happens when nation win or loose war afterwards

Israel lost parts of occupied territory but overall war was pretty neutral result with both parties claiming victory

Israel surely had fewer causalities and basically got legitimacy and lasting peace with Arabs for the first time in 30 years

Israel has never went to war with Arabs again..this it self is biggest victory and essentially cleared the path for undivided Israel, something they couldn't have even dreamed before

Will Israel ever come for Sinai and parts of Saudi Arabia

No, why?
Because it doesn't need to, if it achieve peace with Arabs world they can always come as tourists

Israel population isn't booming nor it has any need for resources in those areas

Gaza war will probably be the final Arab Israel conflict as this is final peace of land not under occupation (west bank is already occupied) which will be over soon in next few years with my probably another 40-50k dead (in addition to 40-50k dead now if you include missing people who are being dumped into the med Sea)

Palestinians will have two choices die or leave. Obviously they can't leave due to eygptians blockade so most will die)

Eygptians have very high believe in most moral army i.e Israelis that if we don't let Gaza people leave they won't be killed , at least that's the publically stated position of el sisi (we aren't letting Gaza people leave because it's land grab it by Israel)
Eh h , 30 years peace? 1982 Lebanon?

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