October 1973 Ramadan War

Also, depending on luck of the draw, you can either serve 14 months as an officer or 3 years as a grunt depending on your luck. In my case, I lucked out and got the former requirement and not the latter.
It isn't about luck, I think. For those who has an university degree, they serve ≈ 1 year, 2 years for the ones who completed high school and 3 years if you don't have any diploma
It isn't about luck, I think. For those who has an university degree, they serve ≈ 1 year, 2 years for the ones who completed high school and 3 years if you don't have any diploma

True, the unlucky part was more related to not being the only male offspring or son, like you. :) Although many of us would consider that very fortunate, to have brothers, right. I was 1 of 3 full brothers with 1 stepbrother and 1 half-brother. IIRC, stepbrother wasn't exempt either because he was the only child up until half-bro was born and he was still of age, effectively taking him out of that classification.
The only way I could answer that in a satisfactory manner is through a rather long post. I'm more than happy to do it and you don't have to reciprocate in the same manner, or even read it if you don't wish to. But I'm just checking to be sure if you would be ok with a super long post. The reason is that it's not an easy & simple answer, and the only way to articulate what my opinion is of the EAF's performance, I have to cover a lot of the surrounding events that led up to the war, the media and historical mechanism and its influence and the technical details. The only way to do that is to cover it all in great detail and articulate it well so it makes sense. And supports my POV. If you're ok with that, I'll be happy to offer you my honest assessment.
can we get an executive summary of a few bullet points for each section (along with the full version)? lol
can we get an executive summary of a few bullet points for each section (along with the full version)? lol
Assessment Report of Egyptian Air Force/Air Defense Combat Operations in October 1973 by the Chief of Egyptian Army Operations Authority:
- Egyptian Air Force conducted around 6200 flight, average 310 flight/day
- EAF aircraft losses: 195 aircraft/ 36 helicopters
- Limited range of Egyptian Air Force jets was a major problem
- Egyptian Air Force (EAF) got into 20 fighting, including six major air combat.
- Israeli Air Force (IAF) conducted a total of 6196 flights
- 93 Israeli Air Force aircraft were downed by the EAF.
- Egyptian Air Defenses shot down 165 Israeli aircraft.
Total Losses of IAF: 258 aircraft/jets/helicopters..
- Around 1/3 of Egyptian Air Force losses resulted from Friendly Fire by the Egyptian troops on the ground.
- Part of EAF losses were due to the limited flight range
- Egyptian Air Force flights reached sometimes to over 400 flights/ day (483 flights on Oct. 8)..

* This is all on the first page of this thread,,
From the archives of the Front, video“The Decision”

Assessment Report of Egyptian Air Force/Air Defense Combat Operations in October 1973 by the Chief of Egyptian Army Operations Authority:
- Egyptian Air Force conducted around 6200 flight, average 310 flight/day
- EAF aircraft losses: 195 aircraft/ 36 helicopters
- Limited range of Egyptian Air Force jets was a major problem
- Egyptian Air Force (EAF) got into 20 fighting, including six major air combat.
- Israeli Air Force (IAF) conducted a total of 6196 flights
- 93 Israeli Air Force aircraft were downed by the EAF.
- Egyptian Air Defenses shot down 165 Israeli aircraft.
Total Losses of IAF: 258 aircraft/jets/helicopters..
- Around 1/3 of Egyptian Air Force losses resulted from Friendly Fire by the Egyptian troops on the ground.
- Part of EAF losses were due to the limited flight range
- Egyptian Air Force flights reached sometimes to over 400 flights/ day (483 flights on Oct. 8)..

* This is all on the first page of this thread,,
so Egyptians admit losing 195 planes and 36 helicopters and claim that Israel lost 258 planes/helictopers

Israel only admits to losing 102 planes and 2 helicopters
so Egyptians admit losing 195 planes and 36 helicopters and claim that Israel lost 258 planes/helictopers

Israel only admits to losing 102 planes and 2 helicopters
The US said even more losses of the Israelis than the Egyptians..

The Israelis have always lied about their losses be it soldiers or equipment..

Just from those 2 helicopter losses in a big war that lasted more than a month..should tell you how they lie..
Assessment Report of Egyptian Air Force/Air Defense Combat Operations in October 1973 by the Chief of Egyptian Army Operations Authority:
- Egyptian Air Force conducted around 6200 flight, average 310 flight/day
- EAF aircraft losses: 195 aircraft/ 36 helicopters
- Limited range of Egyptian Air Force jets was a major problem
- Egyptian Air Force (EAF) got into 20 fighting, including six major air combat.
- Israeli Air Force (IAF) conducted a total of 6196 flights
- 93 Israeli Air Force aircraft were downed by the EAF.
- Egyptian Air Defenses shot down 165 Israeli aircraft.
Total Losses of IAF: 258 aircraft/jets/helicopters..
- Around 1/3 of Egyptian Air Force losses resulted from Friendly Fire by the Egyptian troops on the ground.
- Part of EAF losses were due to the limited flight range
- Egyptian Air Force flights reached sometimes to over 400 flights/ day (483 flights on Oct. 8)..

* This is all on the first page of this thread,,

Those are just some great numbers, despite being greater losses than the zionist, they're still EXCELLENT numbers in the grand scheme of things because of two factors.

1) They're honest! No lying bullshit because it's not needed. The truth is sufficient and it's collaborating so why lie and embellish unless you have something to hide, like the zionists.

2) They clearly show the discrepancy in the recorded history books & propaganda since the war and the importance of releasing such information in a timely manner. That's where the Egyptian Army failed at doing because they should've not only released this information decades ago, but made sure it was spread accordingly to set the record straight. But that concept wasn't important to them. It wasn't about "hey look at what I did" as it was for the zionist and all the western historical setting that had an influential agenda to promote. And boy did they promote the living crap out of it and it worked to their advantage. The zionist are some sort of aerial masterminds and unbeatable and Egypt would never be able to fight an aerial battle against such an amazing load of over-stuffed phony baloney. But we know the truth and we know what's going on and we know why they bend over sideways & inside out to prevent the EAF from acquiring any advanced combat capabilities, especially in the air to air medium.

But I do want to break down some of these terrific numbers in the next few posts, and also highlight the brutal hypocrisy of several members on this forum and some of their intentionally misguided endeavors they've been promoting lately.
Ghosts and goblins fighting with the Egyptian army.. The 39th Division was complained by Israel in the Security Council and described them as savages.

Ghosts and goblins fighting with the Egyptian army.. The 39th Division was complained by Israel in the Security Council and described them as savages.

Welcome to war, bitches. As if those zionist were angels to all the Egyptian soldiers they captured? Which according to their stats was somewhere in the vicinity of 15K lol. Delusions of grandeur these freaks. And what we're witnessing now with the way the Palestinians are being treated even prior to October 7th? They have the nerve to complain? Crazy.

Those ghosts & goblins were led by this man. What was it that the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) spoke about the Egyptian soldier?

Ibrahim al-Rifa’i: Egypt’s Most Decorated Soldier
Christopher Weeks


Needless to say, the groups of commandos and special forces within Al-Rifa'i's units were quite upset with Sadat for not letting them continue the fight. They were the initial impetus to the conflicting views of whether the war should've ended or not, after the zionist thought they had the 3rd army encircled. The men from his and all SOF units begged to continue fighting knowing quite well they could destroy the zionist even at the cost of their own lives. That's that natural, inherent soldier's duty that only real men possess. Suffice it to say it was also the root of the divide which subsequently spawned and influenced the side that disliked Sadat for ending the war, but more importantly making peace with the zionist entity. From there, the rest is history, but I digress.
Unforgettable operations from the Egyptian army's records

Confessions from Tel Aviv... documenting memories of the October victory on Judgment Day documentary film

Honestly | The historic meeting of Field Marshal Abdel-Ghani El-Gamsi and dangerous secrets broadcast for the first time

More facts:

1- IDF failed to push the 2nd army from its new positions on Canal east shore to its 5th of Oct lines in the west.
2- IDF failed to push the 3rd army from its new positions on Canal east shore to its 5th of Oct lines in the west.
3-IDF failed to surround the second army or to capture Ismailia city.
4-IDF failed to occupy Suez city.
5-IDF failed to secure the passage of its logistic supplies from Sinai to its divisions on Canal west shores. Its troops failed to occupy missori or the northern sections of the Chineese firm.

The last War days recorded IDF Adan Division defeat inside Suez city by 19th DIV troops. Adan failed to occupy the city & lost more than 100 killed soldier.

In the north Sharon division was defeated by the Egyptian Paratrooper brigades no 150 & 182 who pushed his troops to the south.

In the East IDF failed to occupy missori or the northern section of the Chineese farm in that battle.

The War final status presented 3 IDF divisions in the west canal bank that are confronted from the north, West & south by Superior Egyptian forces. These divisions link to their logistic bases in the East was in the range of the Medium range Egyptian artillery.

This poor IDF military position was the reason for their retreat to the east to 35 Kms from the Canal chores in Jan 1974 in response to the First disengagement agreement. The lack of any political advantage for Israel in this agreement proved their military dispirited status.

The Egyptian limited war targets were achieved. This is best expressed by Trevor N. Dupuy, Elusive Victory: The Arab-Israeli Wars, 1947-1974 (New York: Harper and Row, 1978), 343.

He stated Egypt did not fight Israel only but the USA as well..

Egyptians were never driven back from the east side of the canal, Israelis drew back 35 km to the east side of the canal to avoid certain annihilation. All their forces that crossed to the western side of the canal were surrounded. and even their claim of surrounding the 3rd Egyptian army were false, since they were themselves surrounded as Sharon himself said after the war.. "We don't know who was surrounding whom".. and the Egyptian 3rd army advanced in the Sinai while they were claiming that.

The Egyptian third army counted more than 60 000 soldiers, only 20 000 of them or two divisions were "surrounded" by the Israelis, while another four divisions of the third Egyptian army were encircling these same Israeli forces. Sharon said it himself to his commanders: in a desert war you can not know who is encircling whom.

Even more evidence..The 7 armored IDF brigades that were located west of the Canal were witnessing a fast Egyptian power build up against them. Their political unconditional withdrawal on the 18th of January to 35 km east of the Canal, while the Egyptian army kept its positions east of the Canal is an unquestioned evidence of the Egyptian army victory in that war.

The 3rd army was not surrounded, I did not forget to mention it , because I have mentioned that the Israeli army was surrounded in west side of the canal, so it had no means of surrounding anything even by violating the ceasefire 2 or 3 times it had to withdraw back 35 km on east side of the canal, So, where is the logic of being able to surround the Egyptian 3rd army that was still gaining terrain on the East side.

The Syrians could have crossed to inside Israel in the first 2 days of the war, but they restrained. The Egyptians could cross the whole Sinai peninsula and threaten Israel itself, but they restrained too, since it was a very limited war in scoop. In a total war or even half total war, Israel won't stand the slightest chance of surviving it in the middle east. it'll take just one or two extremist governments like in Israel on the Arab side and it is done, regardless of the US and European total support they can get.

By the way General Al-Mansoury revealed a very interesting information regarding our allies the soviets; "it turned out that they used to give the Israelis our EAF frequencies and the EAF had to hide from them our real EAF frequencies giving them official fake ones"!!

Egyptian Chronicles: Another Crazy Egyptian Pilot : The Black Jaguar Leader

I did mention many times that the 1973 Ramadan war was named "Spark", you can conclude from the code-name that it was very limited in scoop, and Israel still could not handle it despite getting "everything that can fly" from the US, the best armaments on earth at that time, not to mention American (and others) personnel taken prisoners with fake Israeli IDs.

...Moshe Dayan expressed the grief of his nation as he recalled Chinese Farm in his memoirs: " I am no novice at war or battle scenes, but I have never seen such a sight. Here was a vast field of slaughter stretching as far as the eye could see."..

Israeli pathological lies are exposed all over the world, no need to point to them anymore..

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