Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

To understand this we should look at why the previous operations were not 100% successful, they have reduced terrorism but not completely finished. Pakistan has failed to implement a successful anti extremism ideology, the same extremist who supported terrorism and terrorists, called them holy warriors are sitting in the government chairs. Tahir Asharfi is one big terrorist who is protected by the state, there are many others who are acting on TV channels to be peace makers but behind the scenes are in bed with the extremists, these same people conspire against the state. Our governments have still not informed us how did the terrorists got brainwashed, who issued fatwas of jihad against Pakistan state, army and people, who declared army as kufaar and mushrikeen, which madrassas they receive training from, who gives the funding.

You can't finish terrorism

It is not possible in this part of the region..this is because it's partly ethnocentric issue of afghan wannabe nationalists looking to take control of sovereign Pakistani territory they deem to be theirs

So whilst it's not 100% of the tribal population, a percentage of them at least support the terrorist

And wider portion of the wider pashtun population, have at least some sympathy to perceived fellow "afghans"

This is why EVEN AFTER multiple peace talks, released TTP terrorists.
Attempt's to reach out to Afghanistan and Taliban
And TTP terrorism and murder

The population STILL does not want the Pakistani military to slaughter the TTP scumbags

So once again, their is NO SOLUTION, just repeated mowing the lawn operations
And continuous pressure on the Afghans,
Removal of Afghan population from Pakistan,
Increased border patrol, walls, fencing etc

That's all you can do, because you can't kill the ethnocentric jahilat of the afghans

Ex NSA Moeed Yousuf called the period after an offensive, a "Negative peace".

"For those of us in the peace-building profession, however, ‘absence of violence’ is a wholly unsatisfactory concept. Peace-builders like to talk of ‘negative’ versus ‘positive’ peace. The former denotes a mere absence of violence, implying that countries in conflict have managed to subdue active and frequent acts of violence. Most countries that claim to have ended terrorism achieve this state. But data shows that this is not enough. In many cases, negative peace reverts to violence.

Positive peace is a far more ambitious benchmark to achieve. It implies that the deeper causes that make populations vulnerable to terrorism have to be tackled by addressing virtually everything encompassing ‘good governance’, that is improving service delivery; ending political alienation among segments of the population; reversing extreme ideologies; and strengthening rule of law. It also implies an effort to reduce the incentives for domestic terrorists or external actors looking to destabilise a country, or even better, incentivise them to support stability instead." https://herald.dawn.com/news/1398745

Pakistan has never made any major effort for positive peace as he calls it. After ZeA, much of FATA was in ruins. A decade later, much of it is still in ruins. The rebuilding never took off other than some shiny shops in Miranshah. There are some IDPs still in camps. Children still being blown up by IEDs/Mines/unexploded Artillery shells etc. and these are all surface level problems that should have been addressed long ago.

People such as prothought and Tameem undergo significant challenges when studying data points and time periods associated with events. The data indicates that force alone did not effectively resolve issues until we engaged in peaceful discussion to address grievances, as all military conflicts must include a political dimension. While Imran Khan was not always right in his actions, he demonstrated enough understanding to recognize that this conflict could not be won through military means. As a Pashtun himself, he understands the culture, recognizing that they will fight to the end. An ex-Pak military officer himself, a Pashtun, once remarked that they change guns more frequently than they change their wives.

The issue I have with Pakistani political and military leadership is that they think one-dimensional. I don't know if it's due to a lack of situational awareness, something needs to be done to optimize thinking.

Number of Terrorism-Related Incidents


@Asfandyar Bhittani I love your post and you hit the mark.
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Ex NSA Moeed Yousuf called the period after an offensive, a "Negative peace".

"For those of us in the peace-building profession, however, ‘absence of violence’ is a wholly unsatisfactory concept. Peace-builders like to talk of ‘negative’ versus ‘positive’ peace. The former denotes a mere absence of violence, implying that countries in conflict have managed to subdue active and frequent acts of violence. Most countries that claim to have ended terrorism achieve this state. But data shows that this is not enough. In many cases, negative peace reverts to violence.

Positive peace is a far more ambitious benchmark to achieve. It implies that the deeper causes that make populations vulnerable to terrorism have to be tackled by addressing virtually everything encompassing ‘good governance’, that is improving service delivery; ending political alienation among segments of the population; reversing extreme ideologies; and strengthening rule of law. It also implies an effort to reduce the incentives for domestic terrorists or external actors looking to destabilise a country, or even better, incentivise them to support stability instead." https://herald.dawn.com/news/1398745

Pakistan has never made any major effort for positive peace as he calls it. After ZeA, much of FATA was in ruins. A decade later, much of it is still in ruins. The rebuilding never took off other than some shiny shops in Miranshah. There are some IDPs still in camps. Children still being blown up by IEDs/Mines/unexploded Artillery shells etc. and these are all surface level problems that should have been addressed long ago.

Where has the millions of foreign funding gone if hardly any development took place? Our media hardly covers tribal areas and what developments take place there. PTI has been in power for over a decade now so I wonder what difference they made.
People such as prothought and Tameem undergo significant challenges when studying data points and time periods associated with events. The data indicates that force alone did not effectively resolve issues until we engaged in peaceful discussion to address grievances, as all military conflicts must include a political dimension. While Imran Khan was not always right in his actions, he demonstrated enough understanding to recognize that this conflict could not be won through military means. As a Pashtun himself, he understands the culture, recognizing that they will fight to the end. An ex-Pak military officer himself, a Pashtun, once remarked that they change guns more frequently than they change their wives.

The issue I have with Pakistani political and military leadership is that they think one-dimensional. I don't know if it's due to a lack of situational awareness, something needs to be done to optimize thinking.

Number of Terrorism-Related Incidents


What IK is thinking is we cannot defeat these people through war or military operations so we need to engage with them, win them over through good governance, developmen, peace talks etc. If 90% of the tribal area people are happy then this menace can finally be reduced. The tribal people also have relatives across the border in Afghanistan so the influence can be expanded to Afghanistan. Alot of PDF members don't know but millions of Afghan pashtun don't really like Taliban, ISIS or TTP, but they have deals with the Taliban so peace can come to Afghanistan and they certainly don't like TTP or ISIS.
Where has the millions of foreign funding gone if hardly any development took place? Our media hardly covers tribal areas and what developments take place there. PTI has been in power for over a decade now so I wonder what difference they made.

Ask the army. Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad is still ongoing, and the military is still engaged. One would think, right, the U.S. figured it out after 20 years, and we have been engaged since 2010. Time to stop? Nope, think they want to do 20 years.
They hold no territory but only are involved in attacks here and there, they cross the border from Afghanistan and attack then run off or get killed, then the next small unit does the same. The border is too large to control. Pakistan should be upgrading their security forces, bringing development to the region so the locals oppose any attacks, then slowly finish the ttp ideology which has been propagated for 40 years.
It reminds me a bit of what we heard on TV or saw in documentaries back in the mid-2000s with the SWAT Valley back then

Ask the army. Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad is still ongoing, and the military is still engaged. One would think, right, the U.S. figured it out after 20 years, and we have been engaged since 2010. Time to stop? Nope, think they want to do 20 years.

And end up in jail hanging upside down? From what I remember, after the military operations the tribal area people were promised investment of billions to build their houses, roads, schools etc but has it been done or not? We don't know because it's not covered by our media which hardly talks about it. I have seen photos of military led schools but 20 odd schools will not do it. Moving on to attacking Afghanistan, our army will never do it and it would be a big mistake if they actually do it. The best strategy is to build up our security forces alongside the border, take action against those who cross over, bring development, rule of law, win the people over. In Afghanistan start secret operations to eliminate ttp.
Old videos of anti TTP lashkars in the tribal areas, fighting with the pak army against terrorists.

Where has the millions of foreign funding gone if hardly any development took place? Our media hardly covers tribal areas and what developments take place there. PTI has been in power for over a decade now so I wonder what difference they made.
1) War torn FATA has been part of KP for around 5 years, not a decade.

2) The fault lies with federal govts, PTI and PDM, both have not released the funding required. provincial ppp not innocent either.

As I said, FATA has been let down on national level. And we will see similar round play over again. Military destroys the tribal areas in ops, govts build couple of shiny projects to give an impression of reconstruction, everyone forgets and abandons it for few years, terrorists exploits the gap left behind. Rinse repeat.
They are criminals just like your military.
They are military's C team, who've kept them gainfully employed going on two decades now...

No half competent military lets a terrorist entity like TTP operate with impunity on it's territory unless they themselves are patronizing it...
Testing Claude 3.5 and multi-shot prompting on what strategies reflect Pakistan’s history without internal input.

1. Cloward-Piven Strategy: Internal actors, including corrupt officials and opportunistic politicians, deliberately overwhelm government systems, leading to widespread inefficiency and corruption. This strain on resources exacerbates public discontent and weakens state institutions.

2. Gene Sharp’s Theory of Nonviolent Action: While initially grassroots movements attempt nonviolent resistance, they are quickly suppressed by the authoritarian regime, leading to radicalization and the rise of violent insurgencies like the TTP and BLA

3. Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW): Non-state actors, including the TTP and other militant groups, engage in decentralized, networked operations, utilizing terrorism and psychological warfare to undermine state authority and spread chaos.

4. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals: Various social and ethnic groups, feeling marginalized, employ tactics of disruption and pressure to force the government’s hand, though these efforts are often co-opted or crushed by more powerful factions.

5. Huntington’s Theory of Political Order and Decay: Rapid social changes outpace the development of political institutions, resulting in instability and the breakdown of order. Ethnic and sectarian divides are manipulated by external powers to further destabilize the state.

6. Gramsci’s Theory of Cultural Hegemony: External and internal actors promote divisive cultural and ideological narratives, undermining national cohesion and creating a fragmented society susceptible to manipulation.

Doesn’t mean this is all external actors BUT that a combination of these factors which can be disconnected or connected in cohesion with existing self interest, cultural problems and general lack of impetus or direction from stakeholders means in the worst case scenario to 2035 you are expecting:

1. Economic Collapse: Persistent economic mismanagement leads to hyperinflation, currency collapse, and a complete breakdown of financial systems. The country defaults on its debts, resulting in international isolation and the cessation of foreign aid and investments (how much is already in play)

2. Widespread Poverty: With the economy in freefall, unemployment and poverty rates soar. A significant portion of the population falls below the poverty line, struggling to afford basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare .
3. Healthcare System Breakdown: The already strained healthcare system collapses due to lack of funding, leading to widespread public health crises, increased mortality rates, and the resurgence of preventable diseases .(Is it even on anyone’s radar or being reported?)

4. Educational Decline: Chronic underfunding and instability in the education sector result in high dropout rates and a poorly educated workforce, perpetuating the cycle of poverty and limiting future economic prospects .(Very visible and being documented)

5. Political Instability and Violence: Ongoing political turmoil leads to frequent changes in government, military coups, and widespread civil unrest. Ethnic and sectarian violence escalates, causing significant loss of life and property .

6. Breakaway Territories: Prolonged instability and discontent lead to secessionist movements gaining momentum. Western provinces declare independence, resulting in violent conflicts and further fragmentation of the country .

7. Environmental Disasters: Lack of investment in infrastructure and disaster preparedness results in devastating impacts from natural disasters such as floods and droughts. These events cause massive displacement, further economic damage, and humanitarian crises .(Ziada barish hoti hai, tu ziada pani ata hai)

8. Food Insecurity: Agricultural output plummets due to environmental degradation and economic turmoil. Food shortages become common, leading to severe malnutrition and famine in parts of the country .

9. Brain Drain: Continued instability and lack of opportunities drive the educated and skilled population to emigrate in large numbers, leading to a significant loss of human capital and exacerbating the country’s developmental challenges .(visible progress)

10. Hostile External Relations: Relations with neighboring countries deteriorate, leading to frequent border conflicts and trade disruptions. Pakistan becomes increasingly isolated on the international stage, further compounding its economic and security challenges .(In progress)
ISI too busy making Compromat extortion videos of opposition politicians and judges. Thats a higher priority than neutralizing non state actor threats.
Old videos of military operations in tribal areas. I watched this over a decade ago, it goes deep in to the mindset and what we are facing.

'Past operations required large-scale displacement of local populations. Currently, there are no no-go areas'

In the wake of opposition shown by majority of political parties in the country, the Prime Minister's Office clarified on Monday that Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, announced recently for sustainable peace and stability, is being misunderstood

The statement from the Prime Minister's Office explained that the operation is being incorrectly compared to previous military operations such as Zarb-e-Azb and Rah-e-Nijat, which targeted no-go areas and regions challenging the state's writ.

"These past operations required large-scale displacement of local populations and a complete eradication of terrorism from affected areas," the statement read. "Currently, there are no such no-go areas in the country."

"These past operations required large-scale displacement of local populations and a complete eradication of terrorism from affected areas," the statement read. "Currently, there are no such no-go areas in the country."

The office emphasised that previous military operations had decisively dismantled the capacity of terrorist organisations to conduct large-scale operations within Pakistan. "There is no consideration for any large-scale military operation that would necessitate population displacement," it added.

Azm-e-Istehkam is described as a multifaceted national vision for sustainable peace and stability, involving collaboration between various security agencies and the entire state apparatus.

"The aim is to reinvigorate the ongoing implementation of the revised National Action Plan, which was initiated with national consensus in the political arena," the statement noted. "The goal is to decisively eliminate the remnants of terrorists, their criminal facilitators, and violent extremism in the country."

The operation will ensure a secure environment conducive to Pakistan's economic development and prosperity, the office stated. It will incorporate political, diplomatic, legal, and informational aspects in addition to the ongoing operations by law enforcement agencies.

"We should all support this positive initiative, launched with collective wisdom and political consensus for national security and stability, while dispelling all misconceptions and ending unnecessary debates on the subject," the statement concluded.

The statement came after resistance to the proposed operation by the PTI-led government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, along with JUI-F, Jamaat-e-Islami, ANP, PkMAP, and others.

They emphasised that the federal government should take Parliament and provincial assemblies into confidence for actions against terrorism and consult all political parties in Pakistan, adding that the operation cannot be supported until its details are clear.
Basically, Azm-e-Istehkam is the new word salad for Raddul fasaad, which was supposed to be exactly what Azm-e-Istehkam is being described.

The new packaging however is an attempt to convince the Chinese that we are doing something. Instead, it spooked our own provincial govts and political parties and now clarification are being given that it's just new packaging. i wonder what the Chinese think of these theatrics.
Thank God PTI never came into power earlier, otherwise they would have put TTP creation on PTI too LOL!

Just look at their audacity, PTI only came in power in 2018. Pakistan suffered most from the hands of TTP / terrorism from 2005 to 17. Still they have audacity to blame PTI LMAO!

We are really debating with totally dishonest people. People void of reality or just bias & straight face liars.
unfortunately, Pakistani govt and military is a huge liability on people of pakistan, perhaps, they are amongst the worst in mankind

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