Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

1) War torn FATA has been part of KP for around 5 years, not a decade.

2) The fault lies with federal govts, PTI and PDM, both have not released the funding required. provincial ppp not innocent either.

As I said, FATA has been let down on national level. And we will see similar round play over again. Military destroys the tribal areas in ops, govts build couple of shiny projects to give an impression of reconstruction, everyone forgets and abandons it for few years, terrorists exploits the gap left behind. Rinse repeat.

So the root cause is corruption by the ruling elite, they ate all the funds and are sitting comfortably on their seats of power. Majority of the money given by UN/Usa for tribal area development has been eaten by the corrupt ruling elite aswell. It was 750m over 5 years.

Taliban sharif?
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You have no idea of these dealings, right ? Ever understood geostrategic and geopolitical meetings ? Nai na. You just got some burn coz I mentioned your Taliban Khan, whereas throw mud on any politician including N, PPP etc, not my problem.

This meeting was to end talks with TTP in 2022 that your Taliban Khan initiated since TTP was told that their demands will not be considered from now on as Taliban Khan had left and eventually the meeting saga ended.

Try broadening your horizons.
Basically, Azm-e-Istehkam is the new word salad for Raddul fasaad, which was supposed to be exactly what Azm-e-Istehkam is being described.

The new packaging however is an attempt to convince the Chinese that we are doing something. Instead, it spooked our own provincial govts and political parties and now clarification are being given that it's just new packaging. i wonder what the Chinese think of these theatrics.

But after the operation more attacks will take place and we will be back to square one, and our government is still not explaining where the previous funds have been spent, and why are they not releasing the development fund for tribal areas as promised. Unfortunately it looks like we will be stuck in this situation for another 20 years, we also have the balochistan militias to deal with.
Nawaz Sharif Pmln, Fazlur Rehman JUI, Jamat Islami and PTI opposed any military operations against terrorists. General Raheel Sharif started operations when Parliament was debating, he gave the middle finger, took the war to the terrorists, it worked and reduced terrorism. JI and others issued fatwas that Pakistan soldiers are not martyrs, deep down they thought Pakistan will fall like Iraq and others. PDF members and Pakistanis should keep this in mind.
and eventually what occurred ? Should talks have continued ?
You have no idea of these dealings, right ? Ever understood geostrategic and geopolitical meetings ? Nai na. You just got some burn coz I mentioned your Taliban Khan, whereas throw mud on any politician including N, PPP etc, not my problem.

This meeting was to end talks with TTP in 2022 that your Taliban Khan initiated since TTP was told that their demands will not be considered from now on as Taliban Khan had left and eventually the meeting saga ended.

Try broadening your horizons.
Wow. Mud slinging, Broaden horizons says the guy yelling Taliban Khan in every thread like a broken clock who doesn't realize that negotiating with terrorists and letting them in is a police since shakai agreement. Neither sharif nor Khan were responsible. But we can't name who were. Far more have been surrendered by them to terrorist, TTP and BLA, far before IK came in 2018 and attempted a dialogue, supported by the same namaloom afraad.

As brief look on who really backs negotiating and hosting terrorists since atleast WOT. https://defencepk.com/forums/thread...-against-terrorism-june-2024.9934/post-245603

But go ahead, throw around some fancy words you have learned like geostrategic and geopolitical as if you know what they even mean. No one is impressed.
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Do any Pakistanis find it significant that this briefing came from the Defense Minister rather than a general or military spokesman?

It doesn't mean anything. This is the Pakistani military that's looking for handouts from USA.

They are a bunch of land mafia real estate agents.
This is a mentality problem, an ethical, cultural issue. You can travel the world and meet Pakistanis, when they are weak they are sweet and as soon as they get rich and powerful they become abusive. They believe they are special and above the law. @Signalian mentioned this a few times, it's not just in the military but whole leadership, the local leadership in a small areas act like a local mafia. When the British overtook India Pakistan Bangladesh we had the same problem, the mir jafer leadership cooperated with the British and allowed them to overtake as long as they keep their chairs.

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You have to put faith somewhere in the government and military.

The main issue is we are not part of the intel reports, the meetings and the decisions. Whatever GOP decides has been made to seem like a sinister plan, or evil at work against Pakistan for their own personal agendas. At times its been true, but not always. Its a long discussion but what would we have done had we been at their place ? We couldn't make it to the top levels. We are just sitting on the forum.
Not sure how bad the situation is. But whatever this guy says hold no real value as they are installed as puppets with no real mandate of their own. He could also exaggerate to find legitimacy for upcoming military operation in the KP. As people in KP don' t want any operation. The largest representation of people in KP is PTI and JUI-F, both are strictly against any military operation. That means people don't want it. Khawaja also has severe personal bias against govt in KP. I feel the federal govt + army establishment maybe finding a way to declare governor rule in the KP as well. So provincial govt goes dysfunctional. They perhaps want to kill two birds with one stone.

It's all BS.
Wow. Mud slinging, Broaden horizons says the guy yelling Taliban Khan in every thread like a broken clock who doesn't realize that negotiating with terrorists and letting them in is a police since shakai agreement. Neither sharif nor Khan were responsible. But we can't name who were. Far more have been surrendered by them to terrorist, TTP and BLA, far before IK came in 2018 and attempted a dialogue, supported by the same namaloom afraad.

As brief loof on who really backs negotiating and hosting terrorists since atleast WOT. https://defencepk.com/forums/thread...-against-terrorism-june-2024.9934/post-245603

But go ahead, throw around some fancy words you have learned like geostrategic and geopolitical as if you know what they even mean. No one is impressed.
Batain karwa lo bus. Karo blame game coz your brain is wired to defend Taliban Khan, it cannot think much further than that for Pakistan.

You wouldn't know why DG ISI went for meeting in Kabul in 2021. The agenda was different than meeting in 2023. That change of agenda is the main point. And Im sure you have no clue of that.
But after the operation more attacks will take place and we will be back to square one, and our government is still not explaining where the previous funds have been spent, and why are they not releasing the development fund for tribal areas as promised. Unfortunately it looks like we will be stuck in this situation for another 20 years, we also have the balochistan militias to deal with.
As evident in this statement, there is NO NEW OPERATION. There will be no AFTER. Just continuous IBOs here and there like the last 7.5 years of Raddul fasaad. Our forever war.

As for funds, forget tribal districts, the center is hoarding funds from KP proper now as a political tool.

Bunch of horse crap. They need to make money 💰 somehow. Pakistan is basically a Mercenary Force open to the highest bidder to make some $$$... Their main victims are so-called "extremists" mostly self manufactured for the good cop bad cop game they like to play. In reality they end up killing a whole bunch of innocent civilians.... *Bloody civilians" as the Pakistani military establishment like to refer to them.
Batain karwa lo bus. Karo blame game coz your brain is wired to defend Taliban Khan, it cannot think much further than that for Pakistan.

You wouldn't know why DG ISI went for meeting in Kabul in 2021. The agenda was different than meeting in 2023. That change of agenda is the main point. And Im sure you have no clue of that.
This unilateral change of agenda behind closed doors every 15 minutes since 2001 is the reason why we are here today. Bas Taliban Khan Taliban Khan ki blame game krwa lo.
You have no idea of these dealings, right ? Ever understood geostrategic and geopolitical meetings ? Nai na. You just got some burn coz I mentioned your Taliban Khan, whereas throw mud on any politician including N, PPP etc, not my problem.

This meeting was to end talks with TTP in 2022 that your Taliban Khan initiated since TTP was told that their demands will not be considered from now on as Taliban Khan had left and eventually the meeting saga ended.

Try broadening your horizons.

I 💕 love Taliban Khan. Taliban Khan forever!

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