PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

China has 1.4 billion people. More than 4 times that of the US. China needs 1,000 to 2,000 new fighter jets over the next decade just because of China's big population alone. China needs 4 to 5 times as many fighter jets as the US has just because of China's big population alone.

Blahblahblah ... nothing but stupid big words from a stupid troll!

As if the number of peoples relevant for the number of fighters an air force needs. But hey, but can we expect from you other than such nonsense? 🤡
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Blahblahblah ... nothing but stupid big words from a stupid troll!

As if the number of peoples relevant for the number of fighters an air force needs. But hey, but can we expect from you other than such nonsense? 🤡

Chinese need jobs too. Chinese air force needs 5 times the number of employees as the US air force. It makes sense China needs 5 times the number of F-16 the US has.
Chinese need jobs too. Chinese air force needs 5 times the number of employees as the US air force. It makes sense China needs 5 times the number of F-16 the US has.
Lol what a stupid you're, USA and China have almost same area and don't need such numbers of J10C, it will be the burden on PLAAF rather than assets because it much more expensive to buy maintain and logistics much more expensive than J10A/S

And what's the proofs that PLAAF needs 5 time the number of employees, give us the backup of your stupid claim

Or shut the fcuk up your baseless blabbering lol
Chinese need jobs too. Chinese air force needs 5 times the number of employees as the US air force. It makes sense China needs 5 times the number of F-16 the US has.
Seriously. What kind of rediculous conversation is taking place here. Can mods at least enforce a level of discourse which will not allow forum to decend into rediculous statements like number of fighters is tied to population or that job market of a communist country has any bearing on its decision on which multimillion dollar defense products it acquires...

All that will happen is quality posters will be pulled into bullshit discussions with these idiots who should bre reading the discourse and learning rather than actively participating like this is fantasy.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
-Mark Twain
It was not until last year that PLAAF completed the full decommissioning of J6/J7.
To this day, a small number of J8s are still in service with PLAAF.
So, don't rush and take your time
If all J-6/7s have been retired, when does it look like the PLAAF/PLANAF will retire the remaining J-8s and JH-7s?

Considering the PLAAF/PLANAF Prefers heavier jets, do these services plan to retire the J-10s early in favor of indicating heavier jets to replace them or let the J-10s serve out their full service lives?

Lowering the types of fighters to just 2; the J-16 and the J-20 models in the PLAAF (plus the J-35 in the PLANAF) could be viable if annual production numbers for each fighter are high. Any indication production rates will be high enough (triple digits at least for each jet) to move to a two model PLAAF fighter force, by at least the 2030s?

Perhaps then the J-10Cs could be refurbished and sold on to Pakistan, as F-16 replacements and then some? It would be more likely the PAF could afford ~$30 million refurbished J-10Cs to fill out its need for about a 100 jets in that size, then buy more J-31s at $80-100 million each. The PAF is probably only going to be able to field 2 squadrons at most of the J-31s at those prices (and maintenance requirements) but will more easily be able to field large numbers of refurbished J-10s. If the JF-17 numbers cap at under 200, F-16 numbers come down to 36 in the 2030s and J-31 numbers go up to also 36. The PAF is going to need around 150-180 J-10s (maybe 36 less if it gets 36 KAAN fighters), at $30 million each; $4-5 Billion could fit very well into PAF acquisition plans, and be a real boost to capabilities.

36 J-31
36 F-16s
180 J-10s
180 JF-17 (earlier models being replaced with “PFX” /Block 4 models in the 2030s, in a gradual manner, mostly focused around the engine)

24 solid squadrons (smaller then the current PAF, but much more capable and available)

The most economical manner would be refurbished J-10C from the PLAAF. Earliest J-10C started operating around 2016 and as of this year, CAC has build around 8 batches of J-10C of around 20 jets each. So if China phases these out, if it ramps up production of the J-20s and J-16s, it could be a viable transfer plan and very helpful support to a strategic partner to keep the Indians bogged down and requiring their forces to be divided. Should the Indians step up their capabilities and if the Pakistani economy has recovered by the 2030s, more J-31 could be purchased to maintain the balance in the region.
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Seriously. What kind of rediculous conversation is taking place here. Can mods at least enforce a level of discourse which will not allow forum to decend into rediculous statements like number of fighters is tied to population or that job market of a communist country has any bearing on its decision on which multimillion dollar defense products it acquires...

All that will happen is quality posters will be pulled into bullshit discussions with these idiots who should bre reading the discourse and learning rather than actively participating like this is fantasy.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
-Mark Twain
Good sir
Mods are NOT bots.

They are human beings
They do not get paid that they crawl forums constantly
They do not have omniscient idea of what discussions are taking place

You the member have a DUTY to use the report button to call the mods just like you would the police in case something is happening

Otherwise, if you still complain that the mods should just show up by magic because they are omnipresent and sit on the forum with no-pay all day then please apply the same to real life and next time you have someone trying to break in instead of calling the police just sit there and maybe they too will show up out of nowhere

Report - or you have nothing to complain about.

Thank you for your support

The member is question however, has been banned from this thread permanently
Seriously. What kind of rediculous conversation is taking place here. Can mods at least enforce a level of discourse which will not allow forum to decend into rediculous statements like number of fighters is tied to population or that job market of a communist country has any bearing on its decision on which multimillion dollar defense products it acquires...

All that will happen is quality posters will be pulled into bullshit discussions with these idiots who should bre reading the discourse and learning rather than actively participating like this is fantasy.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
-Mark Twain
He does this in almost every thread. He keeps getting banned but like a herpes it just keeps coming back sometimes much worse and when you don't expect him. 🫤
If all J-6/7s have been retired, when does it look like the PLAAF/PLANAF will retire the remaining J-8s and JH-7s?

Considering the PLAAF/PLANAF Prefers heavier jets, do these services plan to retire the J-10s early in favor of indicating heavier jets to replace them or let the J-10s serve out their full service lives?

Lowering the types of fighters to just 2; the J-16 and the J-20 models in the PLAAF (plus the J-35 in the PLANAF) could be viable if annual production numbers for each fighter are high. Any indication production rates will be high enough (triple digits at least for each jet) to move to a two model PLAAF fighter force, by at least the 2030s?

Perhaps then the J-10Cs could be refurbished and sold on to Pakistan, as F-16 replacements and then some? It would be more likely the PAF could afford ~$30 million refurbished J-10Cs to fill out its need for about a 100 jets in that size, then buy more J-31s at $80-100 million each. The PAF is probably only going to be able to field 2 squadrons at most of the J-31s at those prices (and maintenance requirements) but will more easily be able to field large numbers of refurbished J-10s. If the JF-17 numbers cap at under 200, F-16 numbers come down to 36 in the 2030s and J-31 numbers go up to also 36. The PAF is going to need around 150-180 J-10s (maybe 36 less if it gets 36 KAAN fighters), at $30 million each; $4-5 Billion could fit very well into PAF acquisition plans, and be a real boost to capabilities.

36 J-31
36 F-16s
180 J-10s
180 JF-17 (earlier models being replaced with “PFX” /Block 4 models in the 2030s, in a gradual manner, mostly focused around the engine)

24 solid squadrons (smaller then the current PAF, but much more capable and available)

The most economical manner would be refurbished J-10C from the PLAAF. Earliest J-10C started operating around 2016 and as of this year, CAC has build around 8 batches of J-10C of around 20 jets each. So if China phases these out, if it ramps up production of the J-20s and J-16s, it could be a viable transfer plan and very helpful support to a strategic partner to keep the Indians bogged down and requiring their forces to be divided. Should the Indians step up their capabilities and if the Pakistani economy has recovered by the 2030s, more J-31 could be purchased to maintain the balance in the region.
According to official information, the J-6/7 has indeed been fully decommissioned. All fighters with medals will be presented to the patriotic education base. The rest of the fighters, the aircraft with inferior airframes were disassembled. According to the verification of Chinese military enthusiasts through various channels, several hundred decommissioned J-6/7s have been converted into UAVs and target aircraft.
The J-8 and JH-7A are being phased out of service, and the PLA replaces these older fighters with the J10C and J16. It should be completely decommissioned soon.
I had my point of view in a previous post about the PLA selling the decommissioned J10C to PAF after refurbishment, so you can check it out.
I don't know the tactical positioning of the PAF against the J10C. The PLA positions the J10C as a theater of operations homeland defense and day-to-day affairs. After the PLA implemented the tactical measure of "replacing training with actual combat", the J10C usually formed a mixed formation with other PLA fighters to complete the training subjects for new fighter pilots through combat readiness patrols, warning and driving away and other actual combat operations. Therefore, J10C is used very frequently.
From various open sources of reality, PLAAF really prefers heavy fighters. However, this did not prevent PLAAF from choosing the J10C, a medium fighter, for daily affairs, after all, there is a gap in flight costs.

I believe that by the time the first J10Cs are retired, PAFs may not be able to take a fancy to them.

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