Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

I don't mean to sound offensive here, but Pakistanis don't understand Afghanistan at all, especially Punjabis generally have no clue. They tend to be politically illiterate.

Afghan psychee cares little about economic prosperity and all these other measures which you guys have in your mind.

They've been living in harsh conditions since forever and when it comes to conquering KPK and Balochistan - well they are willing to do anything for it and they view it as their birth right stolen from them by "black ugly Punjabis" (this is how they view things culturally). This includes genocide if they have to.
Just form a 50km buffer zone and shoot any Afghan male that enters it. And make Afghanisatn totally economically dependent on Pakistan by taking Wakhan, destroying other border crossings, and imposing a no-fly zone.
This kind of stuff should be part of the narrative building.
Narrative building will never be done because boomers will never allow young people to come to power and deploy the latest tactics.

Look at India, they have thousands of telegram groups with thousands of members dedicated to mass brigading tweets/posts they like/dislike to spread Indian narrative.

After the spanish tourist rape fiasco Indians started strategising how to fix their online image, and devised a long term strategy. In the short term, they started tweeting old vidoes of sexual assault in Pakistan ad nauseam, and brigading them with thousands of likes.
Gains are back on the menu:

South Korean won has a lower dollar rate than the Afghani. Does that mean Afghanistan is more developed than South Korea?
Afghans are not going to invade, but they are going to bleed by thousand cuts. A strategy devised by Pakistan itself. Then again, Pakistan's strategies backfiring is nothing new.
Your own Indian Prime Minister was blown up by the very same LTTE terrorists you sponsored in Sri Lanka, decades before the Taliban was even founded. The Prime Minister before him, Indira, was shot up by the Sikhs whom you supported in their massacres of Muslims in partition.

Indians tend to bark a lot despite having 0 knowledge.
With $128B in debt already, where would the money to "buy out" Afghanistan come from??

Afghanistan is worth Trillions. They have the resources to buy Pakistan, not the other way around. :ROFLMAO:

And from the looks of it, they would rather have Pakistan bleed.
Invade Afghanistan, sell its minerals, pay off debt, build DHA Kandahar.
Taliban Fanbois in this thread make me cringe. Completely detached from reality.
Those are the same people who think that Afghanistan defeated Alexander the Great and other major empires.

Afghanistan didn't exist back then, and Alexander plowed through the entire region quite quickly and easily. He faced armed resistance after occupation in the region, but that's also true for other regions he conquered.

Other powers also plowed through Afghanistan, and had a lot better luck in Afghanistan than other invasions. For example, the US had a much easier time in Afghanistan than Vietnam, and that's reflected in the horrendous death toll the vietcong dealt the US forces. The taliban barely did any damage to the US war machine; the Americans just got bored and lost interest in Afghanistan which is why they left, that's not exactly a victory for the taliban against the US.

Pakistan very well knows the history of Afghanistan, and if a war occurs, it won't end in an occupation of Afghanistan, but rather a break up of the Afghan state.

Afghans aren't a chosen and powerful people; they're a poor people in an artificially created nation made through an incomplete conquest that the conquered people to this day do not completely recognize, and they'd do well to realize this fact.
Those are the same people who think that India defeated Mughals and other major empires.

India didn't exist back then, and Babur plowed through the entire region quite quickly and easily. He faced armed resistance after occupation in the region, but that's also true for other regions he conquered.

Other powers also plowed through India, and had a lot better luck in India than other invasions. For example, the British had a much easier time in India than America, and that's reflected in the horrendous death toll the Americans dealt the British forces. The Indians barely did any damage to the British war machine; the British just got bored and lost interest in India which is why they left, that's not exactly a victory for India against the British.

Pakistan very well knows the history of India, and if a war occurs, it won't end in an occupation of India, but rather a break up of the Indian state.

Indians aren't a chosen and powerful Aryan people; they're a poor people in an artificially created nation made through a British conquest that the conquered people to this day do not completely recognize, and they'd do well to realize this fact.
Funnily enough this a fitting description of the hindutva akhand bharat clowns to the east.
India has only interest in POK which includes GB. Rest assured india will not touch Pakistan with 1000 ft poll.
India is interested in Ijrael and Kashmir, but Ijrael and Kashmir are not interested in India :)
The Bayraktar drone would be very useful in this scenario. Bomb Afghans targets "the Turkish way."
There is no reason for Pakistan to interfere nor fight Afghanistan. Except the elimination of TTP. Our only enemy in Afghanistan is the TTP. It is problematic as long as TTP continues to use Afghan soil to launch attacks inside Pakistan. The Taliban must understand and address this problem.

The solution is to destroy Afghanistan. A long-term pest.

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