Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

They can't attain their objectives by guerilla attacks for Pak's appetite to take causalities is comparable to that of the Imperial states like Russia. The nation states are very sensitive to the causalities of their soldiers, but the Imperial states don't give a damn as long as their existential interests persist....

Anyway, the Pak Deep State won't just go home and die no matter what the cost is...
This is why I have been saying for months if not years now, to prepare concrete pillboxes on the border, or up arm the K-8s or even the Super Mushak trainers for CAS. having a strong defense, even if not used, provides deterrence.

When will you ever say something that make sense? Did you see 5 chinese killed today? Are you ready for 1000s of such attacks on daily basis if Taliban actually joins TTP.

What's the purpose of capturing Wakhan border, when there will be so many suicide attacks going on in your country? What an immaturity to grab a piece of land and push your country to chaos and can't keep peace in your own country. How you will keep your own country together by poking at so many wrong places ?

I fully support to attack the TTP. But what you, @hussain0216 and @Zarvan do is that you guys skip the intelligence agency part and jump straight to attacking part. I always hear war cry, "time to attack", "let's scramble JF-17s, TB2s and pound them" lol. Pound them where?? Instead asking air-force, you should be demanding from ISI to find the chief of TTP and other bad guys. Once ISI has found them, then its too easy for airforce to destroy that house or base. The terror group does not have airbases or established permanent head quarters that you can go and hit it. They remain in hiding and conduct meetings and plannings and your intelligence agency has no idea where they are. For the last many years whenever there is a major attack, Pakistan air force after few hours did a "symbolic" counter attack just to tell the nation that we have avenged by randomly hitting known spots. Those attacks never yielded results because no top leaders were ever killed in such attacks. You never mention that head of TTP is killed because you never had his location. The real success would be to hit when this meeting was happening, such things can only happen when you have competent intelligence agency which is doing its job. So you should never skip all prior steps and jump to attack.

Remember the US did not killed OBL by randomly bombing all over Pakistan like Lahore, karachi, Peshawar. The CIA found his exact location. You too cannot ask the PAF to go and bomb TTP before asking the ISI to do its job. Shift your demands from the PAF to ISI. This is intelligence agency job to find you the terror heads and their network.

Point of action should be:
1- Develop a genuine intelligence agency. Start from sacking incompetent officers including the chief.
2- The capable intelligence agency will eventually find you the locations of TTP top command.
3- Now is the time to launch your drones and F-16s to hit those targets. (you cannot skip first 2 points to reach here)
4- Concentrated effort on Diplomacy, Isolate the TTP, use every extra effort to get the tribes and millions of people in tribal agencies at your side, concentrated effort with the Taliban (remember they hold the entire country of Afghanistan). Getting Taliban on your side is the most important thing. You should know, its practically impossible to guard entire AF-Pak region, the border is of 2700 km. No man-power, no capability on earth exists to guard such vastness. Your only success will come through with a friendly govt in Afghanistan.
Bahi jan please can you not use NatSecJeff as a source on PDF.

God bless you.
As much as I dislike the english tutor, that video wa smaking rounds on other accounts before him - he's just the easiest to copy paste.
When will you ever say something that make sense? Did you see 5 chinese killed today? Are you ready for 1000s of such attacks on daily basis if Taliban actually joins TTP.

What's the purpose of capturing Wakhan border, when there will be so many suicide attacks going on in your country? What an immaturity to grab a piece of land and push your country to chaos and can't keep peace in your own country. How you will keep your own country together by poking at so many wrong places ?

I fully support to attack the TTP. But what you, @hussain0216 and @Zarvan do is that you guys skip the intelligence agency part and jump straight to attacking part. I always hear war cry, "time to attack", "let's scramble JF-17s, TB2s and pound them" lol. Pound them where?? Instead asking air-force, you should be demanding from ISI to find the chief of TTP and other bad guys. Once ISI has found them, then its too easy for airforce to destroy that house or base. The terror group does not have airbases or established permanent head quarters that you can go and hit it. They remain in hiding and conduct meetings and plannings and your intelligence agency has no idea where they are. For the last many years whenever there is a major attack, Pakistan air force after few hours did a "symbolic" counter attack just to tell the nation that we have avenged by randomly hitting known spots. Those attacks never yielded results because no top leaders were ever killed in such attacks. You never mention that head of TTP is killed because you never had his location. The real success would be to hit when this meeting was happening, such things can only happen when you have competent intelligence agency which is doing its job. So you should never skip all prior steps and jump to attack.

Remember the US did not killed OBL by randomly bombing all over Pakistan like Lahore, karachi, Peshawar. The CIA found his exact location. You too cannot ask the PAF to go and bomb TTP before asking the ISI to do its job. Shift your demands from the PAF to ISI. This is intelligence agency job to find you the terror heads and their network.

Point of action should be:
1- Develop a genuine intelligence agency. Start from sacking incompetent officers including the chief.
2- The capable intelligence agency will eventually find you the locations of TTP top command.
3- Now is the time to launch your drones and F-16s to hit those targets. (you cannot skip first 2 points to reach here)
4- Concentrated effort on Diplomacy, Isolate the TTP, use every extra effort to get the tribes and millions of people in tribal agencies at your side, concentrated effort with the Taliban (remember they hold the entire country of Afghanistan). Getting Taliban on your side is the most important thing. You should know, its practically impossible to guard entire AF-Pak region, the border is of 2700 km. No man-power, no capability on earth exists to guard such vastness. Your only success will come through with a friendly govt in Afghanistan.
Defensive strategies do not work against TTP. In the short run you strike their sponsors in Kabul and Delhi, in the long run you improve eduactional standard to hamper recruitment and sympathy.
Defensive strategies do not work against TTP. In the short run you strike their sponsors in Kabul and Delhi, in the long run you improve eduactional standard to hamper recruitment and sympathy.

Bro, first provide education to our children, more than 25million kids have no access to schools & those who have we know their standard.
As much as I dislike the english tutor, that video wa smaking rounds on other accounts before him - he's just the easiest to copy paste.
The guy is a Zionist and a racist who gets high on cheap chars. He should not be promoted here.
The guy is a Zionist and a racist who gets high on cheap chars. He should not be promoted here.

Totally agree. A declared Zionist who openly cherish the Israeli crimes and despise even Palestinian children. The guy literally cherish genocide of Palestinians. Agenda of Zionists like him are NEVER in favor of Pakistan. Their nefarious designs are to collapse Pakistan as a state, like they did with Syria. The easiest way to achieve this is by creating enmity between Taliban & Pakistan. His entire TL is an effort to paint the Taliban / ttp as same. It's sad people are falling right into the trap of enemies of Pakistan. It would be the happiest day & biggest success for TTP when Taliban officially becomes their ally and officially delcare Pakistan as hostile nation.

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