Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

I think it shows the short sightedness of some people in this reply section with comments about Pakistan shooting itself in its foot.They can't see that the situation tells there is major tension b/w these two countries. Although no war is on the horizon, it leads a path for a toxic future relationship. Kabul has to seize in its anti Pakistan elements it aids and stop stoking tensions on the bloody Durrand Line then peace talks initiate.
It's okay - this has always been our problem. For all their faults the present regime is correct, without a unified voice on such issues you cannot expect the nation to be galvanized against the menace of terrorism.

Red Mosque incident, SWAT massacre and even APS couldn't shake some people out of their slumber. I am glad however that the scales are slowing being lifted from the eyes of many who saw Afghanistan as some sort of unofficial province of Pakistan.
I think it shows the short sightedness of some people in this reply section with comments about Pakistan shooting itself in its foot.They can't see that the situation tells there is major tension b/w these two countries. Although no war is on the horizon, it leads a path for a toxic future relationship. Kabul has to seize in its anti Pakistan elements it aids and stop stoking tensions on the bloody Durrand Line then peace talks initiate.
By shooting it self in the foot we mean first creating such a mess and now walking down the path of conventional war with Afghanistan cuz of its pacifism and shortsightedness.
I’m not saying for Pakistan not to take action. Heck, I wanna see 100x enemies die for every 1 of our killed. But there’s a way to approach everything.
Afghanistan and Iran supported by india have chose proxy war with us. Our army is already stretched thin. We should reply in kind. There’s no shortage of anti Taliban, anti Iran and anti india elements in the region.
Taliban are strong against a conventional power because they can fight a long guerrilla war and Afghan terrain is tough. However, Taliban can’t fight an insurgency and would fair far worse than ANA did.
Engaging our enemies through proxies will be cheaper and better PR as well.
Remember India’s excuse for balakot. We have to measure our overt response to terrorists in Afghanistan or else we give india a chance to justify its false flags.

Imo Pakistan should use proxies in Afghanistan to keep Afghanistan in check and actively work to sabotage relations between Afghanistan and Iran. Make our enemies fight each other. The many loosely united umbrella orgs headed by warlords in Taliban have many weaknesses which can be exploited to cause Iran vs Taliban tensions.
India should be taught a lesson it understands in Kashmir and north east india.

The only way to survive in the region is through playing treacherous games like our enemies do and teaching them a lesson they understand.

Kill your enemy then show up to their funeral to shed some tears in solidarity and leave. That should be Pakistan’s approach.
It's okay - this has always been our problem. For all their faults the present regime is correct, without a unified voice on such issues you cannot expect the nation to be galvanized against the menace of terrorism.

Red Mosque incident, SWAT massacre and even APS couldn't shake some people out of their slumber. I am glad however that the scales are slowing being lifted from the eyes of many who saw Afghanistan as some sort of unofficial province of Pakistan.
The Afghans I personally know in Canada don't look upon Pakistan fondly. But I always think of this as a sort of sibling rivalry. You guys have a lot of shared culture after all 🙂
We share far more history and culture with you guys than we do with these barbarians. Pakistanis and Indians get along very easily in foreign countries whereas Pakistanis and Afghanis hardly ever get along anywhere.
We share far more history and culture with you guys than we do with these barbarians. Pakistanis and Indians get along very easily in foreign countries whereas Pakistanis and Afghanis hardly ever get along anywhere.

Number one are Bangladeshis. We get along perfectly fine with them
Then Indians who normally keep their hindutva in check when abroad
Afghans. Well no human can live with them no matter where
The Afghans I personally know in Canada don't look upon Pakistan fondly. But I always think of this as a sort of sibling rivalry. You guys have a lot of shared culture after all 🙂

LOL who cares. Feelings, emotions and thoughts are meaningless. What matters are actions. We have certain intentions and we will now put them into action.

Wakhan corridor belongs to Pakistan. We have set our eyes on this corridor. We will do everything in our power to achieve this goal.
It will be ours, Joe. That is all everyone needs to know.
I heard this guy

Because at the end there isn’t any diplomatic, economic or national impetus currency or will to undertake anything beyond the “policing” activities being done today.
There's no military solution to this only true democracy or else people will express themselves through militant means

This is a territorial dispute. Nothing more nothing less. If Afghans believe our territory belongs to them they should also understand that the Wakhan corridor belongs to Pakistan. Let’s see who wins in this territorial dispute.
By shooting it self in the foot we mean first creating such a mess and now walking down the path of conventional war with Afghanistan cuz of its pacifism and shortsightedness.
I’m not saying for Pakistan not to take action. Heck, I wanna see 100x enemies die for every 1 of our killed. But there’s a way to approach everything.
Afghanistan and Iran supported by india have chose proxy war with us. Our army is already stretched thin. We should reply in kind. There’s no shortage of anti Taliban, anti Iran and anti india elements in the region.
Taliban are strong against a conventional power because they can fight a long guerrilla war and Afghan terrain is tough. However, Taliban can’t fight an insurgency and would fair far worse than ANA did.
Engaging our enemies through proxies will be cheaper and better PR as well.
Remember India’s excuse for balakot. We have to measure our overt response to terrorists in Afghanistan or else we give india a chance to justify its false flags.

Imo Pakistan should use proxies in Afghanistan to keep Afghanistan in check and actively work to sabotage relations between Afghanistan and Iran. Make our enemies fight each other. The many loosely united umbrella orgs headed by warlords in Taliban have many weaknesses which can be exploited to cause Iran vs Taliban tensions.
India should be taught a lesson it understands in Kashmir and north east india.

The only way to survive in the region is through playing treacherous games like our enemies do and teaching them a lesson they understand.

Kill your enemy then show up to their funeral to shed some tears in solidarity and leave. That should be Pakistan’s approach.

By all means. Let’s settle some scores for once and for all.
What is this Pakistani obsession with the Wakhan Corridor?
What is its significance?
Imo it’s just cope.

Don’t get me wrong, Wakhan corridor is important as it will connect us to Central Asia and Wakhan has many natural resources.
But current Pakistan won’t be able to benefit one bit from Wakhan.

We have energy rich Iran as a neighbour but failed to take advantage of that and instead allow Iran to host anti pak terrorists.
We said Gwadar is game changer but Gwadar is barely connected to the rest of Pakistan and many areas of Balochistan are closer to Iran than the rest of Pakistan.
We built game changer Karakoram Highway decades ago and connected our self with China by land but we fail to use that route to send our products into Central Asia or China. We’ve signed trade agreements many times but didn’t make use of them.
What good will Wakhan make? It’ll take us no less than a decade and billions of dollars to build the necessary infrastructure to start trade with Tajikistan via land. We can’t deal with current levels of terrorism and we expect Wakhan to be Central Asia’s gateway to Gwadar.
If we talk about natural resources, we have Reko Diq mine, Saindak gold and copper mine, Khewra salt mine and many more places but failed to properly use them and instead allowed daylight robbery of our resources in the form of horrible deals with foreign companies and allowing raw product to be shipped abroad where all the value added work happens.

Wakhan is important in the right hands. Pakistan in its current form can’t even make use of what it already has let alone Wakhan. That’s why I think it’s just cope whenever we bring up Wakhan.
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