Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Pakistan doesn't need to fuel any conflicts on its west, though India would love if that would happen.

This is the key point: we can want peace all day long but we need to be realistic.

It is a known fact that other countries use Afghanistan as a springboard to create trouble for us, and Afghan government allows it, so we must be prepared for the worst.
This is the key point: we can want peace all day long but we need to be realistic.

It is a known fact that other countries use Afghanistan as a springboard to create trouble for us, and Afghan government allows it, so we must be prepared for the worst.

"Government allows it" - must add here the fact that governments are composed of individuals who can be bought, compromised and coerced and can have their own perception of things. Even Pakistan has had these issues since decades and continues to experience it. Heck, even Pakistan has its Tarek Fatehs and what not! There's always a divide present in a society that can be used to create further turmoil. But the fact remains, most of the population has no issues with each other and it would be extremely unwise for our state to sow any hatred between the two nations. Afghanistan is highly susceptible to foreign meddling and that's a fact Pakistan has to live with for the foreseeable future. It needs management, not a full blown war. Although, aggression is always an option if everything else fails.
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"Government allows it" - must add here the fact that governments are composed of individuals who can be bought, compromised and coerced. Even Pakistan has had these issues since decades and continues to experience it. Heck, even Pakistan has its Tarek Fatehs and what not! There's always a divide present in a society that can be used to create further turmoil. But the fact remains, most of the population has no issues with each other and it would be extremely unwise for our state to sow any hatred between the two nations also. Afghanistan is highly susceptible to foreign meddling and that's a fact Pakistan has to live with for the foreseeable future. It needs management, not a full blown war. Although, aggression is always an option if everything else fails.

Didn't realise Afghan history started with the Taliban. Let’s completely forget the decades Afghanistan spent trying to destabilise 1/2 of Pakistan and the 1 time they had that communist piG leader with some dangerous brains thankfully the US started funding groups to overthrow him lol …
It's worse on the ground, lots of unreported clashes at the border. This sentiment has very strong presence in Afghanistan and among their soldiers.

Search about Loy Afghanistan which they believe is their birth right. Also these aren't random accounts, they are state mouth pieces.
The Afghans I personally know in Canada don't look upon Pakistan fondly. But I always think of this as a sort of sibling rivalry. You guys have a lot of shared culture after all 🙂
Didn't realise Afghan history started with the Taliban. Let’s completely forget the decades Afghanistan spent trying to destabilise 1/2 of Pakistan and the 1 time they had that communist piG leader with some dangerous brains thankfully the US started funding groups to overthrow him lol …

One can only have a perception of reality, and a perception of history. Both narratives exist, you might feel strongly against Afghanistan as a country/nation based on your understanding and perception of what really happened or is happening. But it doesn't change the fact that still, majority of the people don't think the same way. Some Afghans would argue that a "pig" from Pakistan was an American boot licker and tried to destabilize Afghanistan by jumping into war on terror. What difference does it make? How are we in a higher moral standing to "fix" Afghanis by teaching them a "lesson".
Who needs enemies when you have people like UserUsing who bend over backwards for the enemy?

People with in built fear and inability would have lots of "enemies". I see people as people, not enemies. Its on my ability to make friends, and it would be my failure to make enemies.
most of the population has no issues with each other and it would be extremely unwise for our state to sow any hatred between the two nations.

This is the part that complicates matters for Pakistan. It is easy to say 'bomb them to hell' or 'build a wall', and both of these have some utility but, at the end of the day, there are a lot of tribal and family connections across the Durand Line. These connections have existed, and wil continue to exist, for generations.

Alienating the Afghan population will have blowback in our own KPK civilians. It is a very complicated scenario and, as much as we like to blame the Pakistani establishment for incompetence, they have a very tough job in dealing with this situation with a long term focus.
One can only have a perception of reality, and a perception of history. Both narratives exist, you might feel strongly against Afghanistan as a country/nation based on your understanding and perception of what really happened or is happening. But it doesn't change the fact that still, majority of the people don't think the same way. Some Afghans would argue that a "pig" from Pakistan was an American boot licker and tried to destabilize Afghanistan by jumping into war on terror. What difference does it make? How are we in a higher moral standing to "fix" Afghanis by teaching them a "lesson".

Crikey! What a great explanation hehe.

To those like you saying Pakistan trained terrorist groups need to re read history, US funded mujahideen fighters against soviets and that was the start of it.
Pakistan obliged because it didnt want a deranged communist superpower on its boarder searching for a warm water port.
After this another deranged superpower and its cronies set up show and Pakistan had to be alert on both sides against india and NATO forces in Afghanistan against an invasion. ( US had threatened Pakistan multiple times)
So what would you have Pakistan do ? roll over and trust the good will of nato that it wont attack or disrupt them by covert means to guarantee safety or at least an outcome it can manage better.
Crikey! What a great explanation hehe.

To those like you saying Pakistan trained terrorist groups need to re read history, US funded mujahideen fighters against soviets and that was the start of it.
Pakistan obliged because it didnt want a deranged communist superpower on its boarder searching for a warm water port.
After this another deranged superpower and its cronies set up show and Pakistan had to be alert on both sides against india and NATO forces in Afghanistan against an invasion. ( US had threatened Pakistan multiple times)
So what would you have Pakistan do ? roll over and trust the good will of nato that it wont attack or disrupt them by covert means to guarantee safety or at least an outcome it can manage better.

I never mentioned any terrorist groups but you did, anyways we'll take that argument and build on it. Ok, Russia wanted warm waters, attacked Afghanistan yes... we sided with USA to kick out Russia and used the concept of Jihad for it... all good. Then we sided with USA to kick in USA into Afghanistan, this time telling Afghans Jihad is not good when its against USA who is bombing you and destroying thousands of people - often for sport - as proven by several court cases through out the world. We told Afghans to submit to USA as the Khilafat e America is to be respected? Whatever you are trying to establish here... that's behind us isn't it? There can be various versions of this story based on whose the author. All good...

Please enlist benefits of war against Afghanistan. How it is the highest priority thing with respect to all the challenges Pakistan has? Specially the economic challenges it has. And how do you plan to make it a success? Considering even USA with its allies couldn't really succeed in Afghanistan?

And while you are at it, please enlist how the "communist" Russia is deranged and "democratic" USA is so good and un-deranged?
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The Afghan tough talk will all but disappear if we close the border. Stop all trade and deport all the Afghans. See how big they are when they can't smuggle dollars and drugs through our country. When they can't get the bare essentials thier government will weaken and chaos will ensue. They'll be too busy fighting each other to bother us.
"The United States shoud either redistribute the geography of Pakistan to the deserving neighboring countries, or compel the Pakistani Armed Forces to heed the nation’s desires. Such..."

Read more 🔗 @RescueRanger @Panzerkiel @SteppeWolff @Oscar @_NOBODY_ @PakAl @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Jamie @hussain0216 @hussain @arjunk

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Pakistan is already kind of balkanised. Punjab is ruled by pmln, sindh by pppp, kpk by pti, balochistan mostly by pppp and its allies, kashmir ka ALLAH hi Hafiz and the federal govt is cotrolled by IMF.
I’m all for it. In fact it’s long overdue. This was expected sir.
A few points come to mind.

1. Why can't Pakistan Armed Forces win this fight on its own against all elements of Taliban, AQ, ISIS, TTP, BLA etc , since the border is shared with Afghanistan ?

2. Previously, USA helped with weapons in 1980's to fight against Soviets and then in 2000's to equip, train and weaponize so Pakistan fights terrorists.

3. Now help can come from China, but then again, why is help required from a foreign country like a superpower to engage the enemy/terrorist. How would USA feel about Chinese access and intervention in Afghanistan ?

4. What if the next contenders to fight/join the WOT are Turks or Russians ? Wouldn't Russians want influence and presence in Afghanistan again ? And would Pakistan allow Chinese or Russian or Turk boots inside Pakistan and the repercussions that follow with it.

5. What if all the weapons, equipment including intel assets are provided to Pakistan to fight and win this WOT, just like most of the PAF is equipped with Chinese jets and almost all armor is Chinese tanks. What more is required since the man power(number of troops) is already there.
"The United States shoud either redistribute the geography of Pakistan to the deserving neighboring countries, or compel the Pakistani Armed Forces to heed the nation’s desires. Such..."

Read more 🔗 @RescueRanger @Panzerkiel @SteppeWolff @Oscar @_NOBODY_ @PakAl @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Jamie @hussain0216 @hussain @arjunk

View attachment 29646
Pakistan should take the pakhtoon side of afghan and rest should be divided into central asian neighbors and Iran.

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