Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Taliban milestones after 2 years: Rise in ISIL attacks, more provinces are revolting mainly due to the presence of Afghan army remnants and local warlords, tension with Pakistan & Iran and extreme famine. Yeah truly a great achievement I guess we can say Afghanistan is not only the graveyard of Empires but unfortunately also the graveyard of its people.

I have removed Farhan Jaffari (NATSECJEFF)'s tweet from your post as he is not a friend of Pakistan, has repeatedly tweeted anti-Pakistani propaganda and has supported the Zionist regime.
View attachment 29644
He is also a member of a Pro-Israel think tank directly funded by Israel. His views are not welcome on PDF, please do not share his posts here.

I understand this may be disheartening but it is a decision management will support me on.
Yeah I understand, I know he's a dodgy person but my focus is typically on his specific analyses here and there which tend to be good
Yeah I understand, I know he's a dodgy person but my focus is typically on his specific analyses here and there which tend to be good
Sir, there are many neutral and Pakistan based analysts you can count on. FJ is NOT an analyst he was an English and Maths tutor in Karachi before moving to Holland and branding himself an "analyst", he has no doctorate, research papers or white papers published in any peer reviewed journal.
Even if you discard this, he is aligned and employed by with a Pro-Israeli think tank therefore has obvious bias, this skews his analysis and presentation of information.

Real analysts are people who hold Masters Degrees, Post Graduate and Doctorates and have published books on the subject, have served or consulted in government security establishments and are cited by reputable institutions.

FJ has neither on his CV, he is just another charlatan on twitter.
It seems like Pakistan and Afghanistan social media handles are waging a troll war. Nothing more 🙂
It seems like Pakistan and Afghanistan social media handles are waging a troll war. Nothing more 🙂
It's worse on the ground, lots of unreported clashes at the border. This sentiment has very strong presence in Afghanistan and among their soldiers.

Search about Loy Afghanistan which they believe is their birth right. Also these aren't random accounts, they are state mouth pieces.
It's worse on the ground, lots of unreported clashes at the border. This sentiment has very strong presence in Afghanistan and among their soldiers.

Search about Loy Afghanistan which they believe is their birth right. Also these aren't random accounts, they are state mouth pieces.
Its okay this is just wood with his daily pointless one liner in any thread to do with Pakistan.
Its okay this is just wood with his daily pointless one liner in any thread to do with Pakistan.
Wood does have some valuable input in a lot of areas but a lot of people are ignorant on the Afghanistan issue. I can't really blame them, the level of extremism there is mind boggling to any normal person.
Wood does have some valuable input in a lot of areas but a lot of people are ignorant on the Afghanistan issue. I can't really blame them, the level of extremism there is mind boggling to any normal person.

Don't underestimate these Afghans. 90% of the terrorist attacks are carried out, sponsored and executed from Afghanistan. They often succeed. Often Pakistan has no reply. The Afghans have a mission. They are committed and their hatred against Pakistan is genuine. Pakistan has its work cut out.
Haha balkanization of Pakistan is not going to happen.

If anything Pakistan should annex all of Afghanistan. We could use the land and human resources.
Do the afghans meaningfully care for modern economic development? I don't mean to provoke in an unkind way but to stimulate the notion that firstly economic prosperity can be a tremendous healer and secondly little to no economic development means one side has always next to nothing to lose, if that's true then they might as well go to war at some point? Beat the Soviets, the Americans, why worry about Pakistan? That I fear might be the equation, look at how basic education is going backwards, eventually the population will grow, they will eventually need something to do and someone to direct their resentment towards.

The point on lack of economic development is also an indictment on Pakistan, they cannot substantially develop themselves so they also cannot induce Afghanistan financially, or more ambitiously become economic partners. Therefore what might the calculus of the ruling military establishment be? Would they look to engage in perpetual low to medium intensity warfare to maintain their own control in Pakistan? What about a us friendly establishment looking to destabilise China?

It seems like a toxic mix, everyone seems to be thinking of violence in one form, for narrow self interest. These two countries desperately need an economic growth plan and strategy, the other path is to go backwards whilst the world moves ahead.

Finally, the taliban also have a tonne of old us weapons do they not? Am sure they can do a lot of damage.
Indeed, a very tragic end of "strategic depth" pipe dream.
Induct wakhan and let them weap about it for next 100 years

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