Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

The broad consensus is that the largely alienated generation stems from Gen X who have continued to propagate their narrative to people born after 1995 up until 2009 (this is the prime recruitment generation) for these scumbags.
Lol! This is the conclusion I also came to. Thanks for confirmation. But the fear is the last two years of disillusionment, let’s hope it’s remedied and not turned into another 80s.

@RationalPakistani read this entire post and see how they exploit (genuine) grievances for their nefarious purposes.
Sir, food insecurity in Afghanistan has gone from 70 odd percent before Taliban takeover to 98% post takeover. With over 40% of families designated as food insecure nationally.
Brother, don’t call me sir, coming from a senior member its a bit embarrassing for me.

What I meant was, Talibs (and Afghan society to some extent) thrives on war and conflict because that’s all what they have known for 50 years. We need to deprive and starve them of it, eventually, the internal pressure on delivering on governance will rise for them.

If they get another conflict, they will successfully divert the attention of the population to the same old conflict mindset.
Brother, don’t call me sir, coming from a senior member its a bit embarrassing.

What I meant was, Talibs (and Afghan society to some extent) thrives on war and conflict because that’s all what they have known for 50 years. We need to deprive them of it, eventually, the internal pressure on delivering on governance will rise for them.
Thank you, god bless you.

What I meant was, Talibs (and Afghan society to some extent) thrives on war and conflict because that’s all what they have known for 50 years.
Fully concur. Watch what this reporter says after 3m:16s

Next 10-15 years. If we play it right, both on home front to cater for the next generation. And on Afghan front to deprive them of a conflict. We “might” finally end this.
They're taking PDF way too seriously....

Even a hunchback wants to walk straight....

By the by, I am dead serious with my comments regarding Afganistan. Pakistan's redemption lies in Afganistan's perdition....
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He is 100% spot on with Afghanistan

Mod Edit: Removed tweet from dubious source.

I have removed Farhan Jaffari (NATSECJEFF)'s tweet from your post as he is not a friend of Pakistan, has repeatedly tweeted anti-Pakistani propaganda and has supported the Zionist regime.
He is also a member of a Pro-Israel think tank directly funded by Israel. His views are not welcome on PDF, please do not share his posts here.

I understand this may be disheartening but it is a decision management will support me on.

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