Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

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And we have to understand, this is not a Taliban thing, it's a AFGHAN obsession and they have destroyed themselves and their people trying to achieve this since the 1940s
But try telling that to some bleeding hearts here and in Pakistan who live under the illusion that the Afghan's have some "brotherly" connection to Pakistan. :LOL:
Higher and more likely chances of Afghanistan becoming balkanized, to be honest.

The Tajiks seem to be ready to leave the false union. The Hazara never seemed to want to be a part of it in the first place. The rest are give or take.
Pak should actually take over Wakhan.. and if the afgandus try to attack. Carpet bomb the shithole state.
You know the more this sort of rhetoric comes out of Afghanistan, the more and more it is evident that a conflict along the western border is inevitable.

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