Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

“In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility; but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger; stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with hard-favor'd rage.”​

― William Shakespeare, Henry V
The current issue is ballooning of ISI and other assets supporting it. These resources need to be shifted towards west (KPK and Baluchistan), but the wing looking at political aspects of the country though supported by other intel agencies, has entrenched itself with political reporting. The monitoring of political matters used to be spurious, but its become constant now.
Pakistan biggest problem was to leave the ideology of Allama Iqbal, which was based on traditional Islam but relevant in the modern era. Islam is a modern religion in all eras because Quran is a miracle, Quranic teachings are new in all eras till the day of judgement. Mistake was to allow foreign sects to be promoted in our nation via billions a year, they promote as you said protestantism type of ideology which is alien. Pakistan has a rich Islamic history for 1000 years, we made mistakes but overall the society was peaceful and tolerant. Our state has no effective religious policy, its like every man for himself and the security forces use force to control people.

Pakistan must turn towards traditional Islam which is based on our rich history, developed century upon century. The moderist movements reject traditionalism, they promote new concepts alien to Islam, new interpretations based on fitna and their lack of Islamic understandings. We have 100+ so called jihadi groups operating in the muslim world, including the likes of TTP, they are involved in violence because they reject the old boring Islam and have created their own interpretation of Islam, Jihad, the rules of jihad, human rights, darul Islam and Darul kufr, for example for them Pakistan is darul kufr and this is why their jihad is legitimate, the state called Pakistan is kafir state, their rulers and military is a legitimate target.
Afghan war - its the Saudis who financed, not just buying weapons from CIA for Pakistan and Afghani mujahedeen but also sponsoring madrassah's. The wahabi mentality alongwith jihadi psychology (only AK-47 related) sprung into action. The meaning of jihad became only waging war and use of force through weapons, since it was the use of weapons that helped win against USSR. Reasoning, humanity and self-accountability died.
Nuke Nangarhar already.....Our delayed response has 'called our bluff' after we established a 'new normal' , i.e. strikes across the border for major terror attacks. Nothing can be bigger than attack on Chinese in Pakistan. We must respond like never before....
I hope that response comes.

The concern is shifting of focus from India (a conventional war) towards purely anti-terror and COIN war. This isn't happening completely.

Count the number of formations which are ready for a conventional war Vs the number of formations which are fighting TTP and BLA. The former are more in number, the latter are mostly paramilitary (under equipped).
Pakistan is a secular state, pretending to be an Islamic state, ruling over a Muslim polity, resenting them for being so, trying its best to secularize them, who in turn are trying to Islamize it.

Solve this identity crisis and you'll be an unstoppable force. TTP te shai hi koi ni.
Unfortunately, there are Pakistani (civilians) supporters of TTP as well as BLA inside Pakistan. The extremist ideology of Islam still exists in KPK, as well as to a smaller level in other provinces.
This is one of the most abused bits of legislation in Pakistan.
Lawlessness - another issue. Military knows civil bureaucracy doesn't follow law. Judiciary gets its way where it can, but gets frustrated by freedom enjoyed by military.

Let me say one more thing here - Pakistanis want burecracy, judges, generals, ministers, government officers - to follow the LAW at all costs, but Pakistanis themselves break the law all the time, day or night.

Those asking why military breaks constitution, do they follow the law themselves ? No. Its a trend to break law from top to bottom. Its like everybody is a saint in Pakistan except the ones sitting at top as they are deemed corrupt only. Its the Pakistani society as a whole which is corrupt as none follow law.

So in Pakistan its shown as - the saints (civilians) are being ruled by the devils (ministers, generals etc). That is utter crap.
Beijing’s reaction has been firm, with the Chinese embassy demanding the Pakistani state take “practical and effective measures” to protect its nationals here. China has come to this country’s aid at difficult times, and invested in Pakistan when few others were willing to. Moreover, at a time when Pakistan is trying to woo foreign investors to bring their dollars here in order to breathe some life into a moribund economy, the country cannot afford terrorists attacking foreign workers.
Security must immediately be beefed up for all foreigners working in the country, particular Chinese nationals. The civilian and military leadership must work closely together to uproot the terrorist infrastructure without delay.
Its important to learn from Chinese at many levels. 1947 and 1949 weren't far apart, two different nations mired by different troubles. Chinese tackle issues in meaningful ways, where as Pakistan is still not going on the effective offensive doctrine.

Now there is more, although its says criminals not terrorists, but the state machinery takes a hit.

Certainly, both the Bisham and Gwadar attacks appear to be aimed at derailing the Pakistan-China relationship, specifically the economic aspect of it. The fact that Chinese blood has been spilt makes matters more serious. Several past incidents have also resulted in the death of Chinese nationals, such as the 2021 attack in Kohistan, which is close to Bisham, and the 2022 assault on Karachi University’s Confucius Institute.
Terrorism is an international problem.

The daring IS-K assault in the Russian capital demonstrates the group’s increasingly destructive capacity to carry out high-profile acts of terrorism beyond the region it has so far been operating in. The attack has raised the profile of the IS-K as a global terrorist group that has long been active in Afghanistan and the surrounding countries.

The suspects who were arrested are from the Central Asian region, which has produced a large contingent of foreign fighters for the Islamic State in the Middle East in the past. Many of them are now associated with its Khorasan chapter after the routing of the transnational jihadi group in Iraq and Syria.

Chinese projects inside Pakistan are not the only targets, why the terrorists targeted Russia ? You see three countries are directly getting affected by terrorism recently.

This is what needs to be discussed.
Those asking why military breaks constitution, do they follow the law themselves ? No. Its a trend to break law from top to bottom. Its like everybody is a saint in Pakistan except the ones sitting at top as they are deemed corrupt only. Its the Pakistani society as a whole which is corrupt as none follow law.
It is not bound to civilians to obey the law by morality, at least. It is the duty of officers, bureaucrats, ministries etc as they take the oath. So, they claim to be saints to take the positions. It is their duty to obey the law and enforce it. In the end public follow.
So in Pakistan its shown as - the saints (civilians) are being ruled by the devils (ministers, generals etc). That is utter crap
Yes, elites are corrupt and the public is not. it is in the interest of poor and civilians that law should exist and fairness is practised. Elites, onth prefers corruption and privileges.
It is not bound to civilians to obey the law by morality, at least. It is the duty of officers, bureaucrats, ministries etc as they take the oath.
Its exactly this mentality which is the core issue of leading Pakistan towards ruin.
Editorial | Published | March 27, 2024 | Updated about 10 hours ago

Original Source:

A STRING of deadly terrorist attacks over the past few days — with the bombing in KP’s Bisham area on Tuesday being the latest atrocity — drives home the grim point that Pakistan is in the midst of a multidimensional terrorist insurgency.

From the coast and interior of Balochistan to the rugged mountains of the north, violence is occurring with alarming frequency. While most of the victims thus far have been civil and military security personnel, the Bisham attack targeted Chinese nationals. According to officials, at least six people were killed in what has been termed a suicide bombing — five of them Chinese. The foreigners were en route to the Dasu power project from Islamabad when an explosives-laden car smashed into their vehicle.

Meanwhile in Turbat, Baloch separatist militants attacked the PNS Siddique naval base on Monday night. An FC trooper was martyred in the incident. Last week, security forces had thwarted a terrorist attack, also carried out by Baloch militants, on the Gwadar Port Authority Complex.

At the time of writing, no group had claimed responsibility for the Bisham bombing. In the past, both Baloch militants and religiously inspired fighters have targeted Chinese interests in the country. An ISPR statement has identified “certain foreign elements” as being responsible for the latest wave of terrorism, while the Foreign Office has said “enemies of Pakistan-China friendship” are behind the violence.

Certainly, both the Bisham and Gwadar attacks appear to be aimed at derailing the Pakistan-China relationship, specifically the economic aspect of it. The fact that Chinese blood has been spilt makes matters more serious. Several past incidents have also resulted in the death of Chinese nationals, such as the 2021 attack in Kohistan, which is close to Bisham, and the 2022 assault on Karachi University’s Confucius Institute.

Beijing’s reaction has been firm, with the Chinese embassy demanding the Pakistani state take “practical and effective measures” to protect its nationals here. China has come to this country’s aid at difficult times, and invested in Pakistan when few others were willing to. Moreover, at a time when Pakistan is trying to woo foreign investors to bring their dollars here in order to breathe some life into a moribund economy, the country cannot afford terrorists attacking foreign workers.
Security must immediately be beefed up for all foreigners working in the country, particular Chinese nationals. The civilian and military leadership must work closely together to uproot the terrorist infrastructure without delay.

If malign foreign actors are involved in subterfuge, diplomatic channels need to be used to communicate to them that their facilitation of terrorist violence will be exposed before the international community. For the government, the honeymoon is over, and the time has come for decisive action against militancy.
Published in Dawn, March 27th, 2024
Previously I took such things to be external threats. But if you look closely, such attacks are due to:
Conflicts between local smugglers and Generals, as they both compete or some times collaborate in smuggling.
Our political elite and bureaucracy doesn't take people of the land seriously. And when they fight back, then we label them this or that.
I understand the role of external forces(that includes external corporate sector and think tanks as well in addition to militaries and agencies). But we create a good environment for them here.

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