Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Terrorists are attacking your country and citizens here are reciting poetry. I tried Google to see why terrorists attack Pakistan. Google seems to be as confused as most members here. From our personal experience, you cannot defeat uprisings against the State with nuclear bombs and armies. You need statesmen and women to talk and try to resolve the cause of the discontent, whatever it may be in your case. Good luck and sadness at the loss of so many lives
If you need to know why terrorist attack Pakistan - you don't need to google. You can ask members here, or read some of the many threads on the subject:

First thing Pak Army needs to weed out the traitors within the Army like
the Turks done.

Can you tell us how many Generals/ Soldiers/ Air Force personnel were
hanged or imprisoned by President Erdogan?
Hanging is forbidden in the Turkish constitution....

As for weeding out the FETO traitors, 250K officials were dismissed without any benefits from military, police, judiciary, academia, bureaucracy etc. Around 100K were given prison sentences of various lengths. they can't appeal to any courts. No organizations - public or private - can employ them. Their children can't apply for any public jobs, or run for elections. Dismissed judges have now become janitors....

Around 160 generals and admirals (1 star and above) are imprisoned for life, not to mention the other ranks (~3,500). Around 80% of the F-16 pilots got imprisoned; hence, an immediate help from the PAF was sought....

While surrendering the traitors were told to strip down to their under garments for their uniforms wear bearing the emblem of the Turkish flag....
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While surrendering the traitors were told to strip down to their under garments for their uniforms wear bearing the emblem of the Turkish flag....

All the traitor Generals in Pak Army need to be stripped down as well, they
roam around like dons wearing so many models but they never fought a war.
Maybe they get these medals from a box of cornflakes. lol
Pakistan is a secular state, pretending to be an Islamic state, ruling over a Muslim polity, resenting them for being so, trying its best to secularize them, who in turn are trying to Islamize it.

Solve this identity crisis and you'll be an unstoppable force. TTP te shai hi koi ni.
A nation-state is a product of modernity. Pakistan was never 'Islamic' and never will be if it continues in this modern paradigm. Which is unavoidable if we don't make a change in our knowledge systems, vigorous research to explore destruction by modernity in our epistemes, and a revival of our tradition - a 'Shri yi' paradigm as Hallaq calls it - ... We are absolutely in a crisis. Which is knowledge-based.
Also, the West redefined Islam during modernity aka the colonial period. (Like Wahhabism is like Protestantism). This is why a knowledge-based strategy is needed to make people think beyond this modern engineering. We need to deorientalize and decolonize our heads.
A nation-state is a product of modernity. Pakistan was never 'Islamic' and never will be if it continues in this modern paradigm. Which is unavoidable if we don't make a change in our knowledge systems, vigorous research to explore destruction by modernity in our epistemes, and a revival of our tradition - a 'Shri yi' paradigm as Hallaq calls it - ... We are absolutely in a crisis. Which is knowledge-based.
Also, the West redefined Islam during modernity aka the colonial period. (Like Wahhabism is like Protestantism). This is why a knowledge-based strategy is needed to make people think beyond this modern engineering. We need to deorientalize and decolonize our heads.

Pakistan biggest problem was to leave the ideology of Allama Iqbal, which was based on traditional Islam but relevant in the modern era. Islam is a modern religion in all eras because Quran is a miracle, Quranic teachings are new in all eras till the day of judgement. Mistake was to allow foreign sects to be promoted in our nation via billions a year, they promote as you said protestantism type of ideology which is alien. Pakistan has a rich Islamic history for 1000 years, we made mistakes but overall the society was peaceful and tolerant. Our state has no effective religious policy, its like every man for himself and the security forces use force to control people.

Pakistan must turn towards traditional Islam which is based on our rich history, developed century upon century. The moderist movements reject traditionalism, they promote new concepts alien to Islam, new interpretations based on fitna and their lack of Islamic understandings. We have 100+ so called jihadi groups operating in the muslim world, including the likes of TTP, they are involved in violence because they reject the old boring Islam and have created their own interpretation of Islam, Jihad, the rules of jihad, human rights, darul Islam and Darul kufr, for example for them Pakistan is darul kufr and this is why their jihad is legitimate, the state called Pakistan is kafir state, their rulers and military is a legitimate target.
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It's all by design. Pakistani Military establishment needs a kinetic conflict area. In Pakistan's case that kinetic area happens to be within its own borders. The goal is to offer US and other States their services in exchange for some $$$$.

A stable prosperous Pakistan isn't going to do that for the military establishment. Sacrificing expandable villagers, bloody civilians, and even their own low grade officers is an acceptable tradeoff for these Generals and above.

The failed banana republic of Faujistan needs continued conflict for its own survival. Corrupt politicians and judges provide the curtain (facade) behind which they prefer to operate. However, due to the incompetence of the politicians they military establishment needs to pull the curtain aside every now and then to re-align the system.

Terrorism is part of the Pakistani experience. Pakistan is a client Punjab garrison state. It's service are for hire to the highest bidder. It's by design. Pakistan's people are it's slave.
We need to deorientalize and decolonize our heads.
I was listening to this podcast. Apparently, the 295-c blassphemy law isn't even "Islamic". It is a copy-paste of mutiny law enforced by East-India company. This is what happens when you disconnect from your history and juresprudence.

I was listening to this podcast. Apparently, the 295-c blassphemy law isn't even "Islamic". It is a copy-paste of mutiny law enforced by East-India company. This is what happens when you disconnect from your history and juresprudence.

This is one of the most abused bits of legislation in Pakistan.
This is one of the most abused bits of legislation in Pakistan.

The blasphemy law like any other law is misused in Pakistan, it is used to target the weak and minorities. The reality should be we don't tolerate any blasphemy against any religion in Pakistan, full investigation should be done and the people should be given a chance to learn from their mistakes, if the person continues to blasphemy only then they should be punished. Now some peope may say what right have we got to punish them, then I would say what right have we got to prosecute those who make anti army statements. Unfortunately our state allows people to cause fitna and turns a blind eye, and when citizen takes the law in to his own hand and only then the state takes action. The fault belongs to the state, it is incompetent and useless.
Pakistan needs a strong state sponsored narrative that is firmly anti-Taliban and anti-BLA

You need to make every child from young aware of their crimes and their anti-Pakistan agenda and hate them

Make taranas/nasheeds against them and war songs against them

Just like the Turks do against PKK, their society butcher anyone who is pro pkk...

Pakistan needs a strong state sponsored narrative that is firmly anti-Taliban and anti-BLA

You need to make every child from young aware of their crimes and their anti-Pakistan agenda and hate them

Make taranas/nasheeds against them and war songs against them

Just like the Turks do against PKK, their society butcher anyone who is pro pkk...


The turks are also highly educated, over 95% literacy rate, Pakistan is around 50% literate and that too is probably basic education. Strong Muslim states like Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia society education level is really high, they can tell easily from extremist and normal people, they do have their own problems ofcourse but still elect those who will take the nation forward. This is why they can effectively tackle extremism and separatism ideologies.

100% agree with your message, we should have done this when 1000s of bombs were being exploded in our country, when extremists tried to topple the state, declared everyone as kufar and mushrikeen. It has been 20 years, what anti terrorism, extremism, separatism, fundamentalism policy have we implemented? We must destroy their ideology and isolate the terrorists from the sympathisers so they have noone to recruit from, then destroy them all using military force. At the moment we will 100, they recruit 200 more.
They (millitants) know how scared GHQ are as the men in uniform cannot and will not respond.
It's all by design. Pakistani Military establishment needs a kinetic conflict area. In Pakistan's case that kinetic area happens to be within its own borders. The goal is to offer US and other States their services in exchange for some $$$$.

A stable prosperous Pakistan isn't going to do that for the military establishment. Sacrificing expandable villagers, bloody civilians, and even their own low grade officers is an acceptable tradeoff for these Generals and above.

The failed banana republic of Faujistan needs continued conflict for its own survival. Corrupt politicians and judges provide the curtain (facade) behind which they prefer to operate. However, due to the incompetence of the politicians they military establishment needs to pull the curtain aside every now and then to re-align the system.

Terrorism is part of the Pakistani experience. Pakistan is a client Punjab garrison state. It's service are for hire to the highest bidder. It's by design. Pakistan's people are it's slave.

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