Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

By shooting it self in the foot we mean first creating such a mess and now walking down the path of conventional war with Afghanistan cuz of its pacifism and shortsightedness.
I’m not saying for Pakistan not to take action. Heck, I wanna see 100x enemies die for every 1 of our killed. But there’s a way to approach everything.
Afghanistan and Iran supported by india have chose proxy war with us. Our army is already stretched thin. We should reply in kind. There’s no shortage of anti Taliban, anti Iran and anti india elements in the region.
Taliban are strong against a conventional power because they can fight a long guerrilla war and Afghan terrain is tough. However, Taliban can’t fight an insurgency and would fair far worse than ANA did.
Engaging our enemies through proxies will be cheaper and better PR as well.
Remember India’s excuse for balakot. We have to measure our overt response to terrorists in Afghanistan or else we give india a chance to justify its false flags.

Imo Pakistan should use proxies in Afghanistan to keep Afghanistan in check and actively work to sabotage relations between Afghanistan and Iran. Make our enemies fight each other. The many loosely united umbrella orgs headed by warlords in Taliban have many weaknesses which can be exploited to cause Iran vs Taliban tensions.
India should be taught a lesson it understands in Kashmir and north east india.

The only way to survive in the region is through playing treacherous games like our enemies do and teaching them a lesson they understand.

Kill your enemy then show up to their funeral to shed some tears in solidarity and leave. That should be Pakistan’s approach.
Do as much proxy if you think it is good. Just friendly advice don’t train and shelter them in Pakistan else you will be worse off.
This is a very Punjab/Bengal centric view of South Asia
Possibly because Pakistan is a true artificial entity where the melting pot of two distinct cultures has never really closed and a chasm remains.

However, they do get along okay and other than occasional hot headed rivalry its mostly pleasantries to live and let live. Recent Modi charged NRI idiocies aside.
What has Pakistan got to lose? Nothing. Her friendship and support from the Chinese need not be given up, as it will be to Chinese advantage also to have a stronger Pakistan. Strategic advantage? Enormous; can anyone imagine an attack on that pipeline, that will imperil vested commercial advantages in your neighbouring country, the sort that pays for its government to stay in power with thousands of crores every year? Pakistan will most probably seal in a strategic guarantee and be able to release military resource to concentrate on difficulties that cannot be acquired with such ease.
Stepping towards economic blackmail allows for less leveraging of nuclear blackmail and a pathway to increasing soft power.
Wakhan is not the point I was contesting - I was contesting your point that afghans have always fought so leave them to their fighting. Sir this will not work it hasn’t worked since 1979 and I am old enough to remember the 80s and 90s.

So trust me when I say this. This cannot be allowed to continue either way.
There are cultures where it’s simply best to work around them - for all the worried about groveling to Soviet occupation officials it was probably worse to defeat the soviets. They would have gone bankrupt regardless.

Even so, right when the Russians left the Afghans should have been sent right back in force to help them balance in. Letting them rot in camps only made their hatred worse.
Stepping towards economic blackmail allows for less leveraging of nuclear blackmail and a pathway to increasing soft power.
Yes, understandably an unpleasant option to contemplate. So much nicer to keep things dumb and dirty.
Stepping towards economic blackmail allows for less leveraging of nuclear blackmail and a pathway to increasing soft power.
What I can't get over is that when I went through @Saifullah's post, I was sitting there wondering why your national leadership didn't act straight and do at least some of the things that were possible to have done. My post was tongue in cheek, but none of what was there was outlandish, every single detail is practicable.

I dunno.....
The Afghans won’t stop fantasising about Pakistani land.
This is why a direct rail route to China through Gilgit/Baltistan is fast becoming a necessity. Ideally it would have been nice to work with the Afghans but either we are seen by them as groveling for what would be mutually beneficial relationship, or we are dealing with their instability and irredentist claims. Better to skip all that, work with China and build the bloody rail line, and secure a more secure route to Central Asia. Sideline Afghanistan and fortify the border with Afghans with a deep ditch and minefields were necessary, and wait for them to come to us for business deals as we work on fixing our internal problems. Pakistan needs to find way to not be dependent upon the Afghans what so ever.

Pakistan needs to have the bandwidth to remove Afghan politics from the front of Pakistani minds.

Let the FC become a more capable and robust constabulary force and properly police the border and reduce areas to identify and deal with the miscreants with the national borders while the Army raises enough troops to man the western borders (both Afghanistan and Iran) in full force.

P.s. it appears like the powers that be are trying to waffling on everything but particularly on how to deal with the Afghans, trying to split the difference and in that indecisive attitude the Afghans are deciding to use Chabahar over Gwadar.
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Where does Bengal intrude into your world-vision?
The only two regions which were actually "partitioned" and have a shared history with their smaller Muslim minority counterparts in India.

From a Pashtun's point of view, Pakistan shares more with Afghanistan than it does with India.

But Pashtun would be more correct than the Punjabi. Punjabis and Pashtuns are ethnicities who reside primarily in Pakistan. A small part of each lives in neighbouring countries. But Punjabis are a miniscule part of India, while Pashtuns are a core part of Afghanistan. Afghanistan also has many more religious and cultural similarities.
𝐔𝐧𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐫, #𝐀𝐟𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧

▪️Local sources in Kandahar reported an unmanned aircraft conducted patrols in the province's airspace. The UAV was observed flying at a low altitude over Kandahar around 2:00 a.m. this Friday.

▪️Details regarding the purpose of this drone patrol and its origin country remain undisclosed, leaving questions unanswered about its mission and entry into Kandahar's airspace.

▪️This marks the first instance of a drone conducting surveillance at such a "very low" altitude since the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan.

▪️Despite the activity, Taliban officials in Kandahar have not provided any statements regarding the incident.

▪️Additionally, similar reports have emerged from Nimroz, an unmanned aircraft conducted patrols in the skies of this province as well days ago.

Most likely Pakistani drones, trying to map the ground below for future strikes......
There are cultures where it’s simply best to work around them - for all the worried about groveling to Soviet occupation officials it was probably worse to defeat the soviets. They would have gone bankrupt regardless.

Even so, right when the Russians left the Afghans should have been sent right back in force to help them balance in. Letting them rot in camps only made their hatred worse.
Nothing remained of Kabul post soviet occupation. Moreover, Afghans didn’t want to return to an Afghanistan ruled over by the Taliban. That is why they remained.

As for “letting them rot in camps”. That was a failure on part of UNHCR and the international community as much as Pakistan.
Looks like some positive movements are taking place. The Pak and Chinese authorities should take it to a couple of levels higher and keep on dialing it up more and more. Nothing should be off the limits and tables. They should control the escalation ladder full of surprises, and it must be swift. The Chinese should have a "quiet" talk with the Iranians too. This monkey game must end....


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