Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

If Pakistan is serious to end the TTP threat, then it must recreate the intelligence network in Afghanistan. Its going to spy agencies game. You simply cannot go to war with whole of afghanistan that will never yield any results and you have no resources to that at first place without compromising security at every side.

The art of intel agencies is they can help you achieve strategic goals. A capable intel agency can penetrate into ranks of enemy, you can even attack Taliban as TTP members or you could do the vice versa. You don't let them join forces ever. OR you could create tensions at Afg-iran border and you make them busy elsewhere. Even if you need to find the top chain of command of TTP or an individual with deep links to TTP within Taliban then you need spy agency to find and eliminate such.

Its time intel agencies in Pak must focus on outside instead of focusing on internal political parties. They have lost a lot of ground and credibility because of their sheer incompetence. I can only imagine that RAW must have built more presence in afg than isi and the results look that way too. Pak had opportunity post 2021 to rebuild its network in afg. But it got busy internally with regime change op and whatever that followed. Critical time is lost. Still its never too late to work on that direction.
This is a very Punjab/Bengal centric view of South Asia
You forgot to include Sindh and now this makes up the vast majority of Pakistan so my point is perfectly valid.
I was sitting there wondering why your national leadership didn't act straight and do at least some of the things that were possible to have done.
All of our current issues is caused by bad leadership.
I don’t see anything improving without a major change in the system and leadership. Major changes don’t come working in the broken system.
Everyone can Chill the F out now that Queen Malala has criticized the Taliban.

I actually respect this young lady in many ways, but when I compare her statement against Russia with her Statement against Israel I can't help but feel she is a hypocrite




Yeah, sure Malala. That luke warm sitting on the fence statement tells us exactly which way your bread is buttered. Don't worry none of us are going to call you out on it because your roti and rozi is on the line, but we are not retarded. Thanks.
Everyone can Chill the F out now that Queen Malala has criticized the Taliban.

I actually respect this young lady in many ways, but when I compare her statement against Russia with her Statement against Israel I can't help but feel she is a hypocrite

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Yeah, sure Malala. That luke warm sitting on the fence statement tells us exactly which way your bread is buttered. Don't worry none of us are going to call you out on it because your roti and rozi is on the line, but we are not retarded. Thanks.
Lets hope this clown sticks to twitter, and doesn't decide to comeback and run for office with an "islamic touch"
Strategic depth isn't offered on a silver plate, you have to fight with an infinite capacity to take pains to grab it from the jaws of your avowed enemies with "hard nuts"......

Some, Pakistanis really give too much respect to afghans. It sorta feels like we have an afghanistan phobia which paralyzes our aggressive stance towards afghanistan. A stance which in my opinion will fix many of our internal issues and with Afghanistan
These are all very valid questions, the problem stems from a lack of foresight and leadership at the upper echelons of our country, corruption and a crisis of our own making. I discussed these questions particularly number 3 and 4 in a post in Dec 2023:
I think we assume and judge about Pakistan's top leadership decisions according to the dimensions of limitations of our minds. We let our mind wander towards conspiracy theories and then try to connect the dots somehow to prove ourselves right - which may not be correct at all. If we dont go towards conspiracy theories, then we assume based on experiences, knowledge, information and intelligence.

In reality, we dont know what is happening behind closed doors in those rooms , how those decisions are being taken about Pakistan and the issues Pakistan faces today.
Some, Pakistanis really give too much respect to afghans. It sorta feels like we have an afghanistan phobia which paralyzes our aggressive stance towards afghanistan. A stance which in my opinion will fix many of our internal issues and with Afghanistan
The thing is, they have an Afghanophile fetish. They are insecure or something and idolise them - they care more about Afghanistan than their own home. We have some really shameless people in Pakistan.

It seems like Pakistan's environment has taught them to worship Afghans or something. Disgusting inferiority complex.

When you point out the glaringly obvious truth, and simple facts, it hits them like a rock and hurts them.

When you tell them that Afghanistan is no friend, and has more issues with you than India, is doing everything in its power to harm you through militancy, and always has been - they get personally offended and make you sound extreme when it is basic facts.
Nothing remained of Kabul post soviet occupation. Moreover, Afghans didn’t want to return to an Afghanistan ruled over by the Taliban. That is why they remained.

As for “letting them rot in camps”. That was a failure on part of UNHCR and the international community as much as Pakistan.
They should not have been left to remain - it probably would have been better for Afghanistan and the Afghan situation had they all been sent back as it would have diluted the taliban’s power and hardcore regime.

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