Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Wasnā€™t there rumours Taliban is trying to acquire loitering munitions from Iran?
What ttp posted is most likely a useless model but the potential of loitering munitions being acquired by Taliban/ttp is there.
ā€œPotentialā€ is the operative word.
One thing I will add here is how the TTP used the chassis of one of these:

To make a pretty devastating RCIED. Luckily the idiots took the car to a local plaster moulder in Rawalpindi to cut the frame and the guy did his civi duty and called the police.

If successful the vehicle was capable of carrying a payload of up to 10kg with a range of 800feet.

Shame stuff like this never makes the news!
It seems like they have good relations aside from some water disputes?
Iran does not recognise the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan

Many of the leading NRF commanders live in Iran and Iran famously almost went to war with the Taliban in 1998 (after they executed 11 Iranian diplomats in Mazar-i-Sharif) and provided significant support for the Northern Alliance against the Taliban

Iran doesn't seek a conflict with the Taliban since we have bigger geopolitical fish to fry but Iran's position is to try to facilitate reconciliation between the Taliban and NRF (Iran hosted mediations between the Taliban and Ahmad Shah etc in Tehran but it didn't go well) and to heavily criticise the Taliban for its treatment of minorities and lacking an inclusive government

There have also been various border clashes in the past few years but these are usually resolved quickly. Rogue Taliban fighters threaten they will conquer Iran but Iran basically ignores them.

@Hack-Hook can let us know if he disagrees with what I said
Sindhis are staunchly distinguishing their culture from even Punjab.
There was no Indus River Valley Civilization without Sindh and no Pakistani takes more pride in Indus River Valley Civilization than the Sindhis. Taking pride in the uniqueness of one's culture doesn't make one blind to the similarities.
Wasnā€™t there rumours Taliban is trying to acquire loitering munitions from Iran?
What ttp posted is most likely a useless model but the potential of loitering munitions being acquired by Taliban/ttp is there.
The same Iran they have major water disputes with?

The fearless, successful and accurate guerrilla attacks of the resistance are considered a vital step in the path of liberating our country from terrorism. It is very remarkable and commendable that despite the massive population in Kabul, harming civilians is always avoided. In a city like Kabul, where every Tajik is generally viewed as an enemy and monitored by checkpoints and security cameras, the execution of such detailed operations shows the extraordinary professionalism, courage and bravery of our resistance fighters. We constantly think of you brave warriors and honor your unforgettable deeds.

Committing terrorism to combat terrorism, gotcha.
It's called resistance Afghan, why are you getting mad šŸ˜‚

May Allah help the NRF against the Kandahari bandits with beards
It seems like they have good relations aside from some water disputes?
Yes, Taliban is also giving them Shia militant recruits

This is geopolitics. Their ideology went out the window suddenly. They are murtads according to their own logic.

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