Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

We don't love the NRF or anything. We are just glad Afghanistan is being given a taste of its own medicine - proxy war.
it's futile to compare the current Afghan regime to Zionists. Zionists are committing genocide and targeting hospitals.
Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban are two sides of the same coin.

TTP has literally burnt down and massacred countless schools with children inside them like APS. TTP and other Afghani terrorists killed 80,000+ Pakistani civilians by indiscriminately bombing civilian population centres, hospitals , homes and schools. They are no different than zionists. Though it's easy for someone sitting in the comfort of the UK and getting their info from taliban/iran/russian twitter to believe otherwise.
The rumours pop now and then, probably ongoing talks
it's not true. iran is more likely to go to war with the Taliban than to supply them with weapons
it's not true. iran is more likely to go to war with the Taliban than to supply them with weapons
Why do you say that? I believe Iran has more leverage diplomatically, and there isn't any serious disagreements for war to break out
it's not true. iran is more likely to go to war with the Taliban than to supply them with weapons

Who do the Iranians believe are supporting, funding and training the Taliban? Turkey tried to get involved in Afghanistan but someone told them its our territory.
Afghanistan needs stability and stop bombings their neighbours, otherwise Pakistan Iran may jointly give a stick to the Taliban.
Why do you say that? I believe Iran has more leverage diplomatically, and there isn't any serious disagreements for war to break out
no serious disagreement ? are you joking ?

lets start with history:

"On 8 August 1998, Taliban forces captured Mazar-i-Sharif. After this incident, 11 Iranian diplomats and Mahmoud Saremi, a correspondent from Iran's state news agency (IRNA), were attacked at the Iranian consulate and subsequently disappeared. Unofficial reports from the city indicated that all these men were killed. Later it was confirmed that 8 of the Iranian diplomats and Saremi were killed by the Taliban militia attacking the consulate"

"Throughout the 1990s, Iran was the primary state sponsor of the Northern Alliance,[27] along with India and Russia. By contrast, the Taliban were supported by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE"

then more recent history:

and recent threats:

Taliban claims: 'We will conquer Iran soon' amid water dispute​

The Taliban threatened on Sunday that it could conquer Iran as tensions increase over water disputes between Afghanistan and Iran, leaving at least three people dead.

no serious disagreement ? are you joking ?

lets start with history:

"On 8 August 1998, Taliban forces captured Mazar-i-Sharif. After this incident, 11 Iranian diplomats and Mahmoud Saremi, a correspondent from Iran's state news agency (IRNA), were attacked at the Iranian consulate and subsequently disappeared. Unofficial reports from the city indicated that all these men were killed. Later it was confirmed that 8 of the Iranian diplomats and Saremi were killed by the Taliban militia attacking the consulate"

"Throughout the 1990s, Iran was the primary state sponsor of the Northern Alliance,[27] along with India and Russia. By contrast, the Taliban were supported by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE"

then more recent history:

and recent threats:

Taliban claims: 'We will conquer Iran soon' amid water dispute​

The Taliban threatened on Sunday that it could conquer Iran as tensions increase over water disputes between Afghanistan and Iran, leaving at least three people dead.

These are acts of terrorism done by hot heads, but there is no fundamental national dispute to push you towards war, apart from maybe water issue but that could be solved through a negotiation
Also don't take that Khorosani Talib seriously, he has filmed a video promising to destroy Pakistan about three separate times already.

He's a clown
These are acts of terrorism done by hot heads, but there is no fundamental national dispute to push you towards war, apart from maybe water issue but that could be solved through a negotiation
well in 1998 we sent hundreds of thousands of soldiers to the border and were ready to go to war with the terrorist Taliban (ironically the USA helped stop that)

I do not think a war is likely because as I said before iran has bigger geopolitical issues to focus on and there is no point trying to fight a war against terrorists in afghanistan, but a war is more with the Taliban is more likely than iran supplying weapons to the Taliban at this time

Ahmad Shah and many other key figures in the anti-Taliban resistance are said to currently reside in Iran by the way
In my opinion, the neighbor's problems with Afghanistan should be solved by negotiating with Kabul. Some Taliban fighters still think they have to fight. They should be taught that their war is over and they should work for the progress of Afghanistan.
In my opinion, the neighbor's problems with Afghanistan should be solved by negotiating with Kabul. Some Taliban fighters still think they have to fight. They should be taught that their war is over and they should work for the progress of Afghanistan.
do you really think these Taliban terrorists care about the progress of Afghanistan?

not educating half of their population shows how much they care about their progress
do you really think these Taliban terrorists care about the progress of Afghanistan?
They should realize that the Taliban government will only survive with the progress of Afghanistan and the end of terrorist activities and conflicts with neighbors.
They should realize that the Taliban government will only survive with the progress of Afghanistan and the end of terrorist activities and conflicts with neighbors.
I agree. but what they should do and what they are doing are two very different things
Europe is where you will find the highest number of terrorist apologists. This is what happens when immigrants either refuse to integrate or are unable to integrate due to the hostility of the natives. When these immigrants and their children are unable to integrate into society, they feel isolated and start doubling down on their identity, whatever it may be in twisted ways as a reaction to this isolation and racism. This isolation makes them feel more connected to monsters like ISIS and Taliban members just because they are "Muslims". This is why many European Muslims end up becoming insane extremists. @LeGenD and I have discussed this matter for hours.

You will never see this problem with Muslims in North America these days. This used to be a problem in the US for a brief period post-911 and it lasted till Obama's tenure.

@VCheng @Nilgiri @Meengla @Oscar @MastanKhan @Musings Do you have any disagreements with what I stated regarding this problem in North America?

@RescueRanger @AJKashmir1 @RationalPakistani

It depends. I think North America has overall done an OK job in integration compared to Europe as Europe has a longer established duration of many nationstates and their conservatism/nationalisms (and thus relative unease to a notion of building by immigration, though Europe has made progress on this).

But there is an oppressor vs oppressed victimisation narrative that is really starting to take current in the US and Canada over last decade or so especially.....that is now making it easier to blame the collective population for your individual failings (or at least that which can be handled better at local level, like it used to be in say the US)....rather than working on and solving those individual failings with the opportunity you have in a developed society with good individual and property rights enshrined in rule of law.

This current deterioration readily can segment your own social conservatism of your origin (among other things you can opt for), you start harnessing that more....along with any socio-economic problem one may have alongside it. This starts an inner blame cycle which can perpetuate conspiracy theories and all kinds of things.

Some muslim immigrants veering towards heavyset islamism due to this is not unique (though not helped by state of world affairs this century so far for sure) broadly reflects the kind of social conservatism that is reactionary towards the failings of over-wrought "post-modern" social liberalism (that has made and doubled down on major politics of victimhood on identity with unsufficient push back from broader traditional liberal population).

How to imbue more personal accountability again into the nature of the social fabric is the multi-trillion dollar question in the US and West at large staring it this century. When society takes more accountability and responsibility at the individual level.....society gains confidence and cohesion....and ultimately exercises a strong counterforce on things like outsized government, media and so on.
It depends. I think North America has overall done an OK job in integration compared to Europe as Europe has a longer established duration of many nationstates and their conservatism/nationalisms (and thus relative unease to a notion of building by immigration, though Europe has made progress on this).

But there is an oppressor vs oppressed victimisation narrative that is really starting to take current in the US and Canada over last decade or so especially.....that is now making it easier to blame the collective population for your individual failings (or at least that which can be handled better at local level, like it used to be in say the US)....rather than working on and solving those individual failings with the opportunity you have in a developed society with good individual and property rights enshrined in rule of law.

This current deterioration readily can segment your own social conservatism of your origin (among other things you can opt for), you start harnessing that more....along with any socio-economic problem one may have alongside it. This starts an inner blame cycle which can perpetuate conspiracy theories and all kinds of things.

Some muslim immigrants veering towards heavyset islamism due to this is not unique (though not helped by state of world affairs this century so far for sure) broadly reflects the kind of social conservatism that is reactionary towards the failings of over-wrought "post-modern" social liberalism (that has made and doubled down on major politics of victimhood on identity with unsufficient push back from broader traditional liberal population).

How to imbue more personal accountability again into the nature of the social fabric is the multi-trillion dollar question in the US and West at large staring it this century. When society takes more accountability and responsibility at the individual level.....society gains confidence and cohesion....and ultimately exercises a strong counterforce on things like outsized government, media and so on.

Interesting line of thought worthy of discussion, but sadly off topic for this thread.

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