Pak-Afghan Border Skirmishes and Terrorism Watch

Even so, right when the Russians left the Afghans should have been sent right back in force to help them balance in. Letting them rot in camps only made their hatred worse.

I still wonder, why did we not do that?

What was the calculus behind that?

Looking at events that happened post US withdrawal, and now taking everything into account, it sees our strategic planners have always made the wrong decision.

Perhaps it is just a result of our internal discontinuity.
I still wonder, why did we not do that?

What was the calculus behind that?

Looking at events that happened post US withdrawal, and now taking everything into account, it sees our strategic planners have always made the wrong decision.

Perhaps it is just a result of our internal discontinuity.
Because your leaders have largely been a very low IQ version of Islamists who rejected all rational thoughts and realities sitting in front of them, for some unrealistic utopian ideology of we all live together as brothers (but the brother is very serious about brutally murdering you and everyone you know, and has killed few already)

They are like Muslim versions of pacifist Gandhi, a suicide bomber could be approaching them but sar I can never hurt my Afghan brother don't be cruel!
Looking at events that happened post US withdrawal, and now taking everything into account, it sees our strategic planners have always made the wrong decision.
Post US-withdrawal, our establishment declared open season on PTI, so they have been rather busy.
American drones confirmed to be patrolling Afghan Skies :p

Per Doha agreement (Afghani instrument of surrender), as long as they don't open fire, they are allowed to operate with impunity
It depends. I think North America has overall done an OK job in integration compared to Europe as Europe has a longer established duration of many nationstates and their conservatism/nationalisms (and thus relative unease to a notion of building by immigration, though Europe has made progress on this).

But there is an oppressor vs oppressed victimisation narrative that is really starting to take current in the US and Canada over last decade or so especially.....that is now making it easier to blame the collective population for your individual failings (or at least that which can be handled better at local level, like it used to be in say the US)....rather than working on and solving those individual failings with the opportunity you have in a developed society with good individual and property rights enshrined in rule of law.

This current deterioration readily can segment your own social conservatism of your origin (among other things you can opt for), you start harnessing that more....along with any socio-economic problem one may have alongside it. This starts an inner blame cycle which can perpetuate conspiracy theories and all kinds of things.

Some muslim immigrants veering towards heavyset islamism due to this is not unique (though not helped by state of world affairs this century so far for sure) broadly reflects the kind of social conservatism that is reactionary towards the failings of over-wrought "post-modern" social liberalism (that has made and doubled down on major politics of victimhood on identity with unsufficient push back from broader traditional liberal population).

How to imbue more personal accountability again into the nature of the social fabric is the multi-trillion dollar question in the US and West at large staring it this century. When society takes more accountability and responsibility at the individual level.....society gains confidence and cohesion....and ultimately exercises a strong counterforce on things like outsized government, media and so on.
Imo from what I’ve seen living in Canada, this is not true for Canada. Muslim immigrants in Canada tend to be very hardworking and highly educated. They don’t have the victimization narrative you would see elsewhere. USA has a problem with victimization narrative but Canada does not for the most part.
American drones confirmed to be patrolling Afghan Skies :p

Per Doha agreement (Afghani instrument of surrender), as long as they don't open fire, they are allowed to operate with impunity

They are using Pakistani airspace to get there. Is there a deal between Pakistan and America?

Eagle Eye

Monitoring — 𝐀𝐟𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐇𝐮𝐛 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦: 𝐔𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭

▪️In the aftermath of the Taliban's ascent to power in #Afghanistan, the landscape has become fertile ground for terrorist organizations to flourish under the guise of governmental support.

▪️The Financial Times recently shed light on this alarming trend, highlighting Afghanistan as a sanctuary for numerous global terrorist entities, including notorious groups like al-Qāèda and 1SKP.

▪️The ramifications of this haven for terrorism extend far beyond Afghanistan's borders.

▪️The region, particularly Pakistan, bears the brunt of escalating terrorist activities fueled by the safe harbors provided by Afghanistan's terrain.

▪️The tacit endorsement from the Taliban interim government further emboldens these terrorist organizations, as evidenced by a recent UN report elucidating the symbiotic relationship between the Taliban and al-Qāēda.

▪️Tragically, the consequences of Afghanistan's role as a terrorist sanctuary have reverberated globally.

▪️The heinous attack on #Moscow's Crocus Theater by the 1S-Khorasan stands as Russia's worst terror incident in two decades, claiming over 140 lives.

▪️The 1S-Khorasan, which claimed responsibility for the atrocity, underscores the transnational threat emanating from Afghanistan.

▪️Beyond the loss of lives and destabilization of regions, Afghanistan's complicity in terrorism extends to depriving its own people of fundamental rights. Women are systematically denied education and coerced into labor, perpetuating cycles of oppression.

▪️ Al-Qaeda's exploitation of Afghanistan's lucrative gold mines, reaping $194 million in revenue, further fuels terrorism across the region.

▪️The complicity of the Taliban government in arming and facilitating terrorist operatives cannot be overlooked. Through a vast smuggling network, weapons, cash, and contraband flow freely, bolstering terrorist activities and posing a grave threat to global security.

▪️As Afghanistan continues to serve as a breeding ground for terrorism, it poses a pressing question: is the resurgence of global terrorism inexorably linked to the country's role as a sanctuary for extremist ideologies?

▪️The evidence suggests a resounding affirmative, underscoring the urgent need for concerted international action to stem the tide of terrorism emanating from Afghanistan.

· Apr 1, 2024
Eagle Eye

Monitoring — Afghan Taliban Deputy Interior Minister Muhammad Nabi Umari during an address at khost has called for dialogue between the Pakistani government and the TTP to resolve the conflict.Umari stated that even if the Pakistani army were as large as one billion strong, it would not be able to end the war, and the TTP too could not emerge victorious against the state, even after a century of fighting. He further said that dialogue remains the only path to resolving the conflict.

Umari referred to those fighting against Pakistan as brothers and stated that, despite labeling their struggle as Jihad or war, Afghanistan does not interfere in their activities. He also addressed the TTP, noting that without the support of the local populace, they cannot achieve victory.

However, it is important to note that since the Taliban regime came into power in Afghanistan, the TTP has been operating freely from Afghan soil with strategic support from Afghan Taliban.

▪️They have recruited hundreds of Afghans to fight against Pakistan and are running several training camps unimpeded on Afghan soil.

▪️TTP leadership is currently residing in Afghanistan and is not facing any restrictions.

▪️Recently, a video surfaced showing an Afghan Taliban commander instructing TTP members on attacking Pakistani forces.

▪️Numerous Afghan citizens who were TTP members have been killed on Pakistani soil attacking Pakistan's security forces and citizens, including suicide bombers.

▪️The TTP is freely using Afghan territory and US leftover weaponry provided by Afghan Taliban to launch attacks on Pakistani people and their territory.

▪️While Afghanistan releases statements advocating for dialogue to conceal their true intentions, they must take action from their own side and cease sheltering and supporting the TTP.

▪️They should hand over key terrorist commanders residing in Afghanistan under Taliban shelter to Pakistan.


6:20 AM · Apr 3, 2024

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