Pak Army trying back door USA engagement


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Stop kidding yourself
They will not look at your interests for one second
USA wants India onboard As per the clip
Pakistan has lost USA and the west in general who only see a rising powerful India
For USA it's about china
For the West including your brother islamic countries it's the Trade potential

Your interests and dispute with India will not concern Washington or Europe or Saudi etc

From now on the Pakistani generals will beg and plead for small arms from the USA. That much has become crystal clear. The Pakistani generals won't get anything. It will be whining and sobbing from the generals. India has always walked away with cream and cherry. Pakistani generals won't even get the leftovers.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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It's already happened

We would not tolerate India In Afghanistan

However the old afghan Republic was intent on using India against Pakistan, this was unacceptable to Pakistan and we attempted to get the U.S to act
The U.S was more confident about it's own issues

This in essence forced Pakistan to act and in the end the Afghan Republic collapsed and the U.S, India, NATO all left after 20 years of efforts d lost investment

Neither the U.S, not the west, nor anyone wants to replace a China with a delusional India.
Just like they want India to control China, their is a vested interest In ensuring Pakistan can keep a loaded gun pointed towards Indias head

That is all very true, but the Pakistani generals are today very naive to believe that they can somehow score small and big arms from the US. The Pakistani generals as you say have completely outplayed the US/NATO and India in Afghanistan for 20 years. Why do the Pakistani generals believe that the Americans are willing to cooperate and provide arms to Pakistan under such circumstances?


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Stop kidding yourself
They will not look at your interests for one second
USA wants India onboard As per the clip
Pakistan has lost USA and the west in general who only see a rising powerful India
For USA it's about china
For the West including your brother islamic countries it's the Trade potential

Your interests and dispute with India will not concern Washington or Europe or Saudi etc

Pakistani interests should concern Pakistan. Unfortunately today that is not the case. This is where Pakistan is losing badly. Today a staunch ally like China has told the Pakistanis to get their house in order. Of course the Americans, Europeans and Arabs don't give a shit about Pakistani concerns.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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That is all very true, but the Pakistani generals are today very naive to believe that they can somehow score small and big arms from the US. The Pakistani generals as you say have completely outplayed the US/NATO and India in Afghanistan for 20 years. Why do the Pakistani generals believe that the Americans are willing to cooperate and provide arms to Pakistan under such circumstances?

Absolutely, personally I would take a cold relationship

The U.S can be nothing but a headache at the best of times

However it is still the superpower of our time, so rather then outright enmity a sort of cold friendship is preferable

I have no idea, why they are pushing for more then that, it could be a double edged sword unless they have some sort of plan or aim


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Absolutely, personally I would take a cold relationship

The U.S can be nothing but a headache at the best of times

However it is still the superpower of our time, so rather then outright enmity a sort of cold friendship is preferable

I have no idea, why they are pushing for more then that, it could be a double edged sword unless they have some sort of plan or aim

Pakistan has realistically one partner in these times. That is China. Unfortunately these stupid generals are confused and keep going back and forth between China and the US. It is one or the other. It cannot be both.


Dec 16, 2023
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Absolutely, personally I would take a cold relationship

The U.S can be nothing but a headache at the best of times

However it is still the superpower of our time, so rather then outright enmity a sort of cold friendship is preferable

I have no idea, why they are pushing for more then that, it could be a double edged sword unless they have some sort of plan or aim

You have already lost them .
Your clearly not listening w khan clip I posted
Pakistani generals ousted Imran khan at USA click of finger

Then they are now starting a military campaign to improve your internal security from your various insurgents and troubles in balouch and Afghan borders . This request or derective is from china who are worried about security in your country and their billions of investment loans on cpec which looks a failure right now...once again your are ordered to get your house In order by china

So now you are running full circle to USA for money to fight a insurgency which could cost hundreds of billions in fuel ammo lost equipment you don't want to spare...

On top of this you want an arms race with a regional power house who has ten times your resources and military budget
Ie this year your military budget 8 billion dollars and India at 80 billion dollars

You have no loaded gun at India
Your in a,mess
And it's spiralling out of control


Full Member
May 7, 2024
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I have no idea,
I have. For the foreseeable future, at least a decade or two, the main source of foreign currency will be IMF, followed by China and Arab countries. It behooves for the generals to maintain enough of goodwill to keep the liquidity faucet open.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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You have already lost them .
Your clearly not listening w khan clip I posted
Pakistani generals ousted Imran khan at USA click of finger

Then they are now starting a military campaign to improve your internal security from your various insurgents and troubles in balouch and Afghan borders . This request or derective is from china who are worried about security in your country and their billions of investment loans on cpec which looks a failure right now...once again your are ordered to get your house In order by china

So now you are running full circle to USA for money to fight a insurgency which could cost hundreds of billions in fuel ammo lost equipment you don't want to spare...

On top of this you want an arms race with a regional power house who has ten times your resources and military budget
Ie this year your military budget 8 billion dollars and India at 80 billion dollars

You have no loaded gun at India
Your in a,mess
And it's spiralling out of control

Pakistani nuclear weapons are sufficient for dealing with India. There is no need for a conventional arms race.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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You have already lost them .
Your clearly not listening w khan clip I posted
Pakistani generals ousted Imran khan at USA click of finger

Then they are now starting a military campaign to improve your internal security from your various insurgents and troubles in balouch and Afghan borders . This request or derective is from china who are worried about security in your country and their billions of investment loans on cpec which looks a failure right now...once again your are ordered to get your house In order by china

So now you are running full circle to USA for money to fight a insurgency which could cost hundreds of billions in fuel ammo lost equipment you don't want to spare...

On top of this you want an arms race with a regional power house who has ten times your resources and military budget
Ie this year your military budget 8 billion dollars and India at 80 billion dollars

You have no loaded gun at India
Your in a,mess
And it's spiralling out of control

An insurgency is a massive conflict
. Pakistan has a total of a few hundred deaths out of a population of 240 million,

Deaths in India to conflict or terrorism is not that different to Pakistan if you look


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Also Pakistan is large conventional military that has more then enough firepower for india


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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I have. For the foreseeable future, at least a decade or two, the main source of foreign currency will be IMF, followed by China and Arab countries. It behooves for the generals to maintain enough of goodwill to keep the liquidity faucet open.

Pakistan will default at some point. This cannot go on for an eternity.


Dec 16, 2023
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Also Pakistan is large conventional military that has more then enough firepower for india

Forgive the typo hussain
Your insurgency will cost few hundred millions sorry not billions per year surely

Which begs the question if as you say you have enough fire power to take on India probably the 4th biggest military power on earth right now ...
Why oh why ....are you running to USA asking for small arms and ammo support to fight this I sur..can you not build these yourself
It's only in house insurgency

Or is this a fifty year old policy in playb again ..

of asking USA for freebies.... then playing them as fools ..

USA has stopped all aid you have lost them....

Why if you have no ammo did you not ask all weather ally china to help you

According to khan's desperate attempts
to get back some credit with USA ...your military is lost without USA approval...
Despite claiming a unique alliance with china you still feel vulnerable with out USA


Full Member
May 7, 2024
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Pakistan will default at some point. This cannot go on for an eternity.
Default is an event; the question is what will happen after that. A nation of 236 million won't fade away because of default. Life has to go on; somehow.


Dec 16, 2023
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Default is an event; the question is what will happen after that. A nation of 236 million won't fade away because of default. Life has to go on; somehow.

Right now I firmly believe even china is concerned their huge investment in cepec will ultimately achieve very little.

China is business first ....

They are fed up of Chinese people getting killed and Pakistan not finding it's share of the development funds .
Pakistanis are blaming cpec failure on china

Throw on USA ally now war on terror is over and it's ever growing ties with modi and India ...and you have the perfect storm. That faces Pakistan

Your economy is in terrible state no inward investment bar china from anywhere...and why would any nation come it's unsafe ..

Forget India
Pakistan is its own worst enemy


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Default is an event; the question is what will happen after that. A nation of 236 million won't fade away because of default. Life has to go on; somehow.

Another default will happen after that. Probably another one after that.

Pakistani habits are bad. Bad habits die hard.

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