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Pak Army trying back door USA engagement


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Right now I firmly believe even china is concerned their huge investment in cepec will ultimately achieve very little.

China is business first ....

They are fed up of Chinese people getting killed and Pakistan not finding it's share of the development funds .
Pakistanis are blaming cpec failure on china

Throw on USA withdrawal.as ally now war on terror is over and it's ever growing ties with modi and India ...and you have the perfect storm. That faces Pakistan

Your economy is in terrible state no inward investment bar china from anywhere...and why would any nation come it's unsafe ..

Forget India
Pakistan is its own worst enemy

Pakistanis are not blaming China fool. Pakistanis are blaming general Bajwa. General Bajwa is responsible for trying to sabotage CPEC on behalf of the Americans. He failed though. CPEC is still here.

Pakistanis 100% support cooperation with China. Pakistan stands behind China in all its endeavours. Remember that Pakistan and China stand united against India. Our enemy is the same. In a full blown war against India both Pakistan and China will cooperate and confront India. It is known as the two front war.


Dec 16, 2023
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Pakistanis are not blaming China fool. Pakistanis are blaming general Bajwa. General Bajwa is responsible for trying to sabotage CPEC on behalf of the Americans. He failed though. CPEC is still here.

Pakistanis 100% support cooperation with China. Pakistan stands behind China in all its endeavours.

Why would a general sabotage your biggest project ever
His job like any professional army is to run and maintain security surely
Well that's what most generals do


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Why would a general sabotage your biggest project ever
His job like any professional army is to run and maintain security surely
Well that's what most generals do

Ask general Bajwa.

No matter what Bajwa did. Pakistan and China are united against India.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Forgive the typo hussain
Your insurgency will cost few hundred millions sorry not billions per year surely

Which begs the question if as you say you have enough fire power to take on India probably the 4th biggest military power on earth right now ...
Why oh why ....are you running to USA asking for small arms and ammo support to fight this I sur..can you not build these yourself
It's only in house insurgency

Or is this a fifty year old policy in playb again ..

of asking USA for freebies.... then playing them as fools ..

USA has stopped all aid you have lost them....

Why if you have no ammo did you not ask all weather ally china to help you

According to khan ...it's desperate attempts
to get back some credit with USA ...your military is lost without USA approval...
Despite claiming a unique alliance with china you still feel vulnerable with out USA

Buddy Pakistan makes its own ammo, hell the vast majority of Pakistani arms are made inside Pakistan

Pakistan is a top ten military, It has one of the biggest militaries in the world and is a nuclear power with multiple missiles and warheads

Any top 10 military against another top ten military will be slaughter at the moment

If India tries to attack Pakistan it's would be absolute butchery of Indian soldiers


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May 7, 2024
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Another default will happen after that. Probably another one after that.

Pakistani habits are bad. Bad habits die hard.
Default is not a tragedy. It is somewhat similar to what we call Chapter 11 in U.S. Many companies that were mismanaged before go through Chapter 11 and come out stronger and become successful. Once default happens, financial management will de facto go to the lenders. They may pull back rent seeking behavior by the military and direct it towards human development. Argentina is king of defaults but has managed to live on.


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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And the Indians are smarter than the Pakistani Generals, as the Indians are after real hard long lived economic benefits and technology transfer that will outlive the USA interest in India.. Indians are preparing themselves better for a life post USA.

The Senior Pakistan Generals are more stupid than two piles of steaming cow-shit and can only think of the world from weapons, and aid as money and not economic growth ..

SIFC is the usual Pakistani shorterism of wanting quick cash now and not strategic planning or investment.
The real problem is that Pakistani elite does not care about Pakistani masses


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Pakistanis are not blaming China fool. Pakistanis are blaming general Bajwa. General Bajwa is responsible for trying to sabotage CPEC on behalf of the Americans. He failed though. CPEC is still here.

Pakistanis 100% support cooperation with China. Pakistan stands behind China in all its endeavours. Remember that Pakistan and China stand united against India. Our enemy is the same. In a full blown war against India both Pakistan and China will cooperate and confront India. It is known as the two front war.

Does it occur to you China might dump Pakistan for India just like USA did ?


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Does it occur to you China might dump Pakistan for India just like USA did ?

LOL I think you are having too many wet dreams lately. China will dump Pakistan for India? US and China becoming good friends has more chance.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Default is not a tragedy. It is somewhat similar to what we call Chapter 11 in U.S. Many companies that were mismanaged before go through Chapter 11 and come out stronger and become successful. Once default happens, financial management will de facto go to the lenders. They may pull back rent seeking behavior by the military and direct it towards human development. Argentina is king of defaults but has managed to live on.

LOL a default isn't bad? Pakistan isn't Argentina though. Pakistani elites don't invest IMF loans to build infrastructure. They use IMF loans to enrich themselves. Pakistan hasn't even benefited from these loans. Not even a comparison between Argentina and Pakistan. Argentina at least invested this money in building their nation.


Dec 16, 2023
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LOL I think you are having too many wet dreams lately. China will dump Pakistan for India? US and China becoming good friends has more chance.

What benefits does china get from Pakistan
Right now you offer nothing
Nil trade
Constant need for loans
What do you offer them
Nuisance value to India who have outgrown you by miles now

India china trade is 140 billion a year that 20 times your trade level with china

It's not beyond impossible that china becomes neutral between India and Pakistan

They are alien race to you people
USA dropped you
They can drop you if you become burden they no longer want to carry


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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What benefits does china get from Pakistan
Right now you offer nothing
Nil trade
Constant need for loans
What do you offer them
Nuisance value to India who have outgrown you by miles now

India china trade is 140 billion a year that 20 times your trade level with china

It's not beyond impossible that china becomes neutral between India and Pakistan

They are alien race to you people
USA dropped you
They can drop you if you become burden they no longer want to carry

India has territorial disputes with China. Are you Indians willing to give China territory? If so, you can have a balanced relationship with China immediately.

The US can have a big middle finger a hundred times over. The Americans used us and we used them. We are even. China is our main ally and that will always remain the case.

If China somehow chooses to become neutral it will be because of treacherous Pakistani generals who are playing a duplicitous game.
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Full Member
May 7, 2024
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LOL a default isn't bad?
Default is bad. But the situation is already bad. Pakistan is already in de facto default, in the sense that the only creditors are IMF and friendly countries like China and Saudi Arabia etc., With a sovereign rating of Caa3 (poor quality and very high credit risk) Pakistan can't float any commercial debt. Default forces a more efficient allocation of resources. When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Default is bad. But the situation is already bad. Pakistan is already in de facto default, in the sense that the only creditors are IMF and friendly countries like China and Saudi Arabia etc., With a sovereign rating of Caa3 (poor quality and very high credit risk) Pakistan can't float any commercial debt. Default forces a more efficient allocation of resources. When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.

I hope Pakistan defaults a million times over. I don't care about the Pakistani economy anymore.


Dec 16, 2023
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I hope Pakistan defaults a million times over. I don't care about the Pakistani economy anymore.

That's some attitude buddy.
Without economy you nothing but beggar

You guys talk about j31 j10 Submarine yet how you going sustain this.

You want to stay in a conversation with India the fastest growing gdp on the planet ...I suggest you try to keep and rebuilding the economy

Otherwise there will be no conversation

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