Pakistan Among the Top 10 Military Powers According to Global Firepower Report 2024

Without Nuclear Weapons

Russia can not match with even weak Ukraine
Wth is Russia doing in Ukraine for 3 years ?

-- Russian soldiers dont know how to fight in urban warfare
because zero experience

-- Russian Armed Forces can not use technology like UCAVs , guided munitions , guided MLRS , also 120-250-280 km Tactical Ballistic Missiles

Russian technology and Russian Armed Forces sucks
Russian guided Bombs can not hit even targets with point accuracy

go and produce 1.000 UCAVs armed with 50-80-100-150-200-280 km guided munitions , misiles and kamikaze Drones to hit all Ukranian Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , Air Defense Systems from safe distance

also ground based guided munitions , misiles and kamikaze Drones to destroy everything

including laser guided MLRS to hit even moving targets

but Russia lack all these technologies ...

Russia still using KA-52 Attack Helicopters in KURSK
And Ukranian Forces turned them into scrap of metal

Turkish TB-2 , ANKA , AKINCI UCAVs would destroy all Ukranian Forces in KURSK
Ukranian Forces would not even understand where death comes from

only 5 seconds of missile sound and BOOOOM ... GAME OVER

MANPADS can not do anything when UCAVs flying at 30.000 - 40.000 feet altitude
and attack from 15-30 km even from 100 km away
Russia is fighting NATO in Ukraine, not just Ukraine alone.
Without Nuclear Weapons

Russia can not match with even weak Ukraine
Wth is Russia doing in Ukraine for 3 years ?

-- Russian soldiers dont know how to fight in urban warfare
because zero experience

-- Russian Armed Forces can not use technology like UCAVs , guided munitions , guided MLRS , also 120-250-280 km Tactical Ballistic Missiles

Russian technology and Russian Armed Forces sucks
Russian guided Bombs can not hit even targets with point accuracy

go and produce 1.000 UCAVs armed with 50-80-100-150-200-280 km guided munitions , misiles and kamikaze Drones to hit all Ukranian Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , Air Defense Systems from safe distance

also ground based guided munitions , misiles and kamikaze Drones to destroy everything

including laser guided MLRS to hit even moving targets

but Russia lack all these technologies ...

Russia still using KA-52 Attack Helicopters in KURSK
And Ukranian Forces turned them into scrap of metal

Turkish TB-2 , ANKA , AKINCI UCAVs would destroy all Ukranian Forces in KURSK
Ukranian Forces would not even understand where death comes from

only 5 seconds of missile sound and BOOOOM ... GAME OVER

MANPADS can not do anything when UCAVs flying at 30.000 - 40.000 feet altitude
and attack from 15-30 km even from 100 km away
Ignorant comment.

99% of the countries on planet won't be able to sustain the extremely high intensity warfare of Ukraine arena for even some months. Russians are sustaining it for 3 years and actually advancing right now.
You want to compare India to ‘marching ants?’ India's population isn't just biting, it's kicking your insecure ass from every angle. It's quite rich coming from a country full of mindless drones bowing to a government that tells you when to wipe your ass. You want to mock India? Sit down, because your sorry dragon’s all smoke and mirrors. Your so-called ‘industrial power’ is just a factory of knockoffs, churning out garbage tech and slave-labor goods. How does it feel to know your military hardware is nothing but cheap, malfunctioning junk, while India's out here building missiles that actually work? We’re not some colony waiting to be 'conquered'—those days are long gone, but I guess history lessons were skipped in your propaganda classes. And just so you know, those 'ants' you’re laughing at are developing hypersonic and supersonic missiles, nuclear capabilities that would make you think twice before spouting this kind of nonsense.

You want to talk about population? The only thing China’s got going for it is a bunch of brainwashed clowns who have to be told when to take a piss break. You’re too busy censoring the internet because you’re petrified of free thought. You think your country’s some kind of unbeatable powerhouse? Get real. We all know your shoddy military tech is held together with glue and duct tape, and the only thing propping it up is your obsession with stealing ideas from other nations.

We're not here to play second fiddle to anyone, especially not some bloated wannabe superpower who can’t stop throwing tantrums over Taiwan. You want to know what’ll bite? It’ll be India’s ballistic missiles if you keep trying to throw your weight around. And yeah, sure, talk about your so-called ‘industrial powers.’ But let's be real: China's a wannabe empire that bullies its neighbors because it can’t handle the fact that countries like India are growing stronger, smarter, and more dangerous by the day.
LMAO. India number one superpower.
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Russia is fighting NATO in Ukraine, not just Ukraine alone.


NATO doesnt give even sophisticated weapons to Ukraine
just HIMARS MLRS , ATACMS Tactical Ballistik Missile , SCALP Cruise Missile , PATRIOT , NASAMS , IRIS-T SLM Air Defense Systems and now second hand old F-16s

Russia can not match with even weak Ukraine
Ignorant comment.

99% of the countries on planet won't be able to sustain the extremely high intensity warfare of Ukraine arena for even some months. Russians are sustaining it for 3 years and actually advancing right now.

1.000 UCAVs
200 Fighter Jets
Long range guided Missiles
long range guided munitions
Long range and tactical kamikaze Drones
Laser guided MLRS and air launched Missiles will be enough to destroy Ukranian Forces

Turkish Armed Forces already would crush Ukranian Forces

No need even urban warfare ....
just go and use unmanned Systems and Fighter Jets

Russia is fighting 3 years
because Russia lack UCAVs , cost effective and long range guided missiles , munitions , kamikaze Drones

Iranian dumb and low speed Kamikaze Drone is junk
Russia using expensive Missiles instead of cost effective Missiles
And Russian Air Force sucks ..... can not do even CAP missison in Ukraine
1.000 UCAVs
200 Fighter Jets
Long range guided Missiles
long range guided munitions
Long range and tactical kamikaze Drones
Laser guided MLRS and air launched Missiles will be enough to destroy Ukranian Forces

Turkish Armed Forces already would crush Ukranian Forces

No need even urban warfare ....
just go and use unmanned Systems and Fighter Jets

Russia is fighting 3 years
because Russia lack UCAVs , cost effective and long range guided missiles , munitions , kamikaze Drones

Iranian dumb and low speed Kamikaze Drone is junk
Russia using expensive Missiles instead of cost effective Missiles
And Russian Air Force sucks ..... can not do even CAP missison in Ukraine
Junk post as usual.
Ignorant comment.

99% of the countries on planet won't be able to sustain the extremely high intensity warfare of Ukraine arena for even some months. Russians are sustaining it for 3 years and actually advancing right now.

Extended ukraine war is due a blunder in decision making by Putin---.

His generals had proposed a Blitzkrieg---. Putin wanted to be nice and slow give ukrainians a chance to accept the deal---.

What is happening now is what happens when civilians interfere in the decisions made by the generals---.

His generals would have wrapped up this war within 2-4 weeks if they had their way---.
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Nope I respectfully disagree bro.... India should be below France, UK, Israel.....

Both France and UK can decimate India in a matter of hours if full blown war takes place.... France from its barracudas can launch M51 ICBM straight from English channel or from Atlantic and a single such submarine can roast most of the India.... remember France do have neutron bombs too.....

Same with UK.... it's astute class submarines by staying in Atlantic can destroy India with its deadly Trident missiles and saddest part is India cannot even take a revenge simply because even Agni 5 lacks range to hit UK and France......

Isreal doesn't have comparable power like France or UK like SSBNs or SSNs but it has nuclear weapons in the form of Jericho missiles and can easily decimate India at will....

Agni 5 may have a range to hit Israel but Isreal with its superior air defence like Arrow, PAC 3, THAAD etc will be able to defend itself unfortunately we don't have this luxury....
dude,,, Israel is slightly bigger than south Delhi and we need a single hit to make it part of Dead Sea.. none the less, all these countries are either friednly or allies of India.. why would they compete with each other .. such a stupid analysis..
Yet when we did have a skirmish, India was utterly beaten and humiliated by Pakistan, India was so panicked it shot down it's own helicopter, surely you were well placed then to launch a full scale war??.!

But you didn't, did you? And that tells you everything you need to know that even after so much humiliation India did not want to escalate

It's because they understood the consequences
Dude, there is a difference between a 15-minute operation and a full-scale war with a much larger adversary.

For context, Ukraine spent close to $300 billion on its defense against Russia, including $200 billion in aid from NATO countries. War costs money these days, which Pakistan does not have a lot of.
Dude, there is a difference between a 15-minute operation and a full-scale war with a much larger adversary.

For context, Ukraine spent close to $300 billion on its defense against Russia, including $200 billion in aid from NATO countries. War costs money these days, which Pakistan does not have a lot of.
Agreed and more importantly - such lists are in essence simplistic measures for fanboys.

Its like saying these are the top ten best cars in the world and putting a 911 with a Corolla and a G wagon.

Each is looking for a different threat environment, different geopolitical and economic considerations- and to your point - not only will each car consume “gas” at a different rate they also have different gas storage sizes.

Finally there is the question of nuclear weapons which at the end aren’t essentially a determinant of military strength and more so a security metric to ensure against occupation or “nation ending” event.

If we truly factor everything from the economy to reported discipline, morale, training and so on - I have my doubts regarding Pakistan and 1-2 other countries on the list.
Turkiye : $1,4 trillion of GDP Nominal now

Turkiye produce/develops over 850 military projects
( one of top 10 in the world )

High discipline and military tradition since 209 BC
Turkish Army is stronger than German+French+British Armies combined
Also Turkish Army has 20 Commando Brigades

French and British Armies only can dream about it

Others are training but Turkish Armed Forces fighting since 1985

N.Cyprus , Iraq , Syria , Azerbaijan , Libya , Qatar and Somalia

Germany is so weak ...
Countries like The UK and France can not fight in Ukraine for even 2 years

Tiny British and French Armies would lose all military personnel if they fight against Ukraine

even huge Russian Army could not match with Ukraine
Without nuclear weapons a few countries are joke on the list
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Percentage of Europeans Who Are Willing To Fight A War For Their Country​


Stop dreaming with The UK , France , Germany
Europeans even can not fight in a war ...They are nothing without USA

From high to low, these are the percentages by country
  • 74% – Finland
  • 73% – Turkiye
  • 62% – Ukraine
  • 59% – Russia

  • 29% – France
  • 27% – United Kingdom
  • 20% – Italy
  • 18% – Germany
Turkiye : $1,4 trillion of GDP Nominal now

Turkiye produce/develops over 850 military projects
( one of top 10 in the world )

High discipline and military tradition since 209 BC
Turkish Army is stronger than German+French+British Armies combined
Also Turkish Army has 20 Commando Brigades

French and British Armies only can dream about it

Others are training but Turkish Armed Forces fighting since 1985

N.Cyprus , Iraq , Syria , Azerbaijan , Libya , Qatar and Somalia

Germany is so weak ...
Countries like The UK and France can not fight in Ukraine for even 2 years

Tiny British and French Armies would lose all military personnel if they fight against Ukraine

even huge Russian Army could not match with Ukraine
Without nuclear weapons a few countries are joke on the list
You work for Turkish military's sales department?
Agreed and more importantly - such lists are in essence simplistic measures for fanboys.

Its like saying these are the top ten best cars in the world and putting a 911 with a Corolla and a G wagon.

Each is looking for a different threat environment, different geopolitical and economic considerations- and to your point - not only will each car consume “gas” at a different rate they also have different gas storage sizes.

Finally there is the question of nuclear weapons which at the end aren’t essentially a determinant of military strength and more so a security metric to ensure against occupation or “nation ending” event.

If we truly factor everything from the economy to reported discipline, morale, training and so on - I have my doubts regarding Pakistan and 1-2 other countries on the list.
I absolutely agree with you on that. One of the other factors that we don't consider when it comes to measuring national strength is the culture of warfighting. Time and again, we have seen that some cultures thrive on war and destruction, while others absolutely despise them. A case in point is the U.S. and France being on opposite sides of the spectrum. Similarly, I would doubt the abilities of, say, the Japanese and Taiwanese societies to tolerate a high number of casualties. That's where Middle Eastern and South Asian cultures and countries tend to cope better with large numbers of casualties. We don't value life as much, and hence, the affinity to kill or be killed is much higher. The same is the case with the Russians and Ukrainians.

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