Pakistan boosts space agency's budget from $24 million to $127 million

SUPARCO is a failed organisation. It's a do-nothing organisation. So much budget for so many years and no output. It's a serious loss making entity. A private company with 50 employees can achieve far more than what SUPARCO has done in decades with 1000s of employees. It should be closed and space program should be prioritized through other existing organisations. NESCOM / KRL should be given the task to produce SLV, Others can be tasked for satellites.
it has collaborated with nescom in the past to develop ballistic missiles. the programs were later shifted in their entirety to nescom.
it has collaborated with nescom in the past to develop ballistic missiles. the programs were later shifted in their entirety to nescom.
Per past posts of the deterrent similar setup will be established. SUPARCO will focus on satellite development and some other organization will develop proper modular liquid fueled SLV.
Per past posts of the deterrent similar setup will be established. SUPARCO will focus on satellite development and some other organization will develop proper modular liquid fueled SLV.
its a good thing that the military planners have now realized the value of a space program. resources were usually diverted towards missiles in the past.

this bifurcation in responsibilities is also good, people with more experience in missile development should work on SLVs. SUPARCO should only focus on sats.
This is Space program London
View attachment 48256
Reminds me of Ziad Hamid's Radio Pakistan Delhi. lol
Radio Pakistan Delhi hahahaha 🤣
Zaid Hamid also claims to be an Arab, even though his father was a Bihari Hindu who converted to Islam to marry his Kashmiri Muslim mother. I know his home in Jehanabad, and his relatives are still Hindu. 🤣
pakistan has a space programme ? which SLVs does it produce ?
A lot of ground work is currently being laid for programmes such as satellite manufacturing, a space centre, Observatory, space research, Mars orbitor amongst others since 2017.

This is work in progress but the program was put in cold storage between August 2018- April 2022. It's back up and running again.

10/01/1989UnknownExperimental / MilitaryPPPSecret 'payload" sent to space from Pakistani launch pad
06/07/2002PAKSAT-1CommunicationsMilitaryLeased (formerly Anatolia 1)
11/08/2007PAKSAT-1RCommunicationsMilitaryFirst Pakistani owned/built Pakistani communications satellite
21/11/2013iCUBE-1Cube SatellitePML-NFirst Pakistani cube satellite
22/03/2018PAKSAT-MMICommunicationsPML-NAcquired (formerly AsiaSat 4)
09/07/2018PRSS-1Remote SensingPML-N-
09/07/2018PakTES-1AExperimental Remote SensingPML-N-
03/05/2024ICUBE-QamarCube Satellite / Lunar OrbiterPML-NFirst Pakistani Lunar Orbiter

Upcoming satellites.

20??: PNSS-1
20??: PakTES-1B
20??: iCUBE-2
20??: PRSS-S-1
20??: PRSS-02
20??: PSNP
20??: PakSat-2
A lot of ground work is currently being laid for programmes such as satellite manufacturing, a space centre, Observatory, space research, Mars orbitor amongst others since 2017.

This is work in progress but the program was put in cold storage between August 2018- April 2022. It's back up and running again.

WOW! One of the lamest excuses ever to put blame of your entire life's failures on a 3 year tenure. Would you bother telling everyone here, What SUPRACO achieved since 1980s till 2018 ? General Zia's tenure, then his production & lap boy Nawaz shareef rule, then PPP, then Nawaz and so on. So what exactly SUPARCO did in those 4 decades except corruption and do-noting and eating haram ??

I am saying it again that any private company with even only 30 employees could have achieved a 100 times more than what SUPRACO achieved with 1000s of employees and billions of budget. Total waste of national funds.

BTW! how pathetically & shamelessly you put your entire life's miseries on mere 3 years PTI tenure is mind boggling. Shows how immensely bias & a liar you are. That 3 years tenure was still the most progressive despite entire time they had to face off with COVID and later regime change conspiracies. Even that iCube (A mere university level project) was also planned and finalized during PTI tenure, later a tout PM Shehbaz (an embarrassment) calls that a national achievement LMAO! If this is the mentality & honesty of this tout govt on stolen mandate then be assure that they will do NOTHING for the nation.
It's not really a space program; it's a scheme for corrupt politicians and generals to make money. I don't see Pakistan doing anything significant regarding space exploration.
Hard to say, they can repurpose any missile. But I think it's more of a matter of need. Why spend hundreds of millions of dollars when you can purchase them like the rest of the world.
I just read some bookmarked posts, but couldn't follow more as pages do not exist anymore. So it gave me an impression that SLV is planned or being worked upon? Are there any details out there regarding this?
Only this:

- Will be liquid fueled
- Will be a dedicated purpose built SLV not a makeshift BM based solution
- Will be a family of systems
- Will not be done by SUPARCO
- The pace is slow
Radio Pakistan Delhi hahahaha 🤣
Zaid Hamid also claims to be an Arab, even though his father was a Bihari Hindu who converted to Islam to marry his Kashmiri Muslim mother. I know his home in Jehanabad, and his relatives are still Hindu. 🤣

If his father became a Muslim and raised his children Muslims, then what's the problem?

What does his old relatives still being idol worshippers have to do with his father or him?
If his father became a Muslim and raised his children Muslims, then what's the problem?

What does his old relatives still being idol worshippers have to do with his father or him?
They don’t understand. They don’t know the there are many Prophets who’s close relatives chose the path of ignorance and that does not have any bearing on anyone but that person.

All the Sahabas were converts mostly from idol worshipping. Generally converts are much better Muslims than the ones born into it because they studied the religion properly to become Muslims.

That Lal Topi is a joke but this is a non-issue.
They don’t understand. They don’t know the there are many Prophets who’s close relatives chose the path of ignorance and that does not has any bearing on anyone but that person.

All the Sahabas were converts mostly from idol worshipping.

That Lal Topi is a joke but this is a non-issue.

They just don't get once you dump something like Hinduism and embrace islam, all the old crap doesn't mean anything anymore, your no longer connected to it, I think it's their caste mentality
They just don't get once you dump something like Hinduism and embrace islam, all the old crap doesn't mean anything anymore, your no longer connected to it, I think it's their caste mentality
Absolutely, the bloodline instead of the concept taqwa and one’s effort.

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