Pakistan General Elections 2024

Issue has never been this, but khan went to overboard while having differences with the military bhai. Without the military we have no survival. Economic meltdown is happening because of the extreme uncertainty khan brings. We don't know if he's make a government what their next step will be.

If they start a clash then we are rekt. Honestly we don't have a fiscal space for dharnas and uncertainty and clashing. Let by gones be by gones.
The accept he has a sizable enough supporter base that requires some kind of deal with him. A new social contract.

Guaranteeing Khan will be able to serve out a 5 year term, so that he’s not looking over his shoulder, will set a new precedent, for stability.

But I agree, not more off the cuff remarks like Trump, we don’t have the space for that. We also need professionals making economic policy and advising the prime minister on realistic options, so he knows what he’s agreeing to take the blame for.
We can agree to disagree on where the protest vote was directed towards, but I will agree all involved can’t continue their games.

I will agree on this; IK will have to be a reformed person or else he will have no excuse. He can’t take away the lesson that all his policies have been vindicated, but that everyone else’s mistakes have given him a second chance, a final chance. His excuse in the last government was that he was given poor advice. I hope to God, before he makes any major statement or policy prescription, he runs it through creditable experts and thinks it over, especially between now and the re-election of Trump, now till January 20th, 2025 is the time to focus on economic stability. Even when trump comes to office it will take 6-12 months for Trump to settle in. Nothing big can really happen until 2026, so better to not rock the boat.

Good post.
And once we start to think as 'Pakistanis' instead of some emotionally attached party hacks then it becomes clear what needs to happen. And you, despite my occasional disagreements with you going over the years, think for Pakistan first unlike many here who, in their zeal to support Imran, seem willing to throw the baby out along with the bathwater.

Specifically, let us hope that Biden doesn't punish Imran for what Imran stupidly did even while Imran was the sitting PM of Pakistan in March 2022. Imran did that to garner support by tapping into the prevalent Anti Americanism in Pakistan. Imran succeeded but will Biden forgive that? Biden is an ivory tower personality who doesnt' seem to care for anything except for Israel.

Let me repeat something I had been saying in the old PDF: If America decides to punish Pakistan then a mere move of Biden's pen will be enough to cause catastrophic consequences and Biden's actions will be followed by the American vassals in Europe and even Japan. We don't want to know the consequences!!
Nawaz Sharif and his cronies winning seats by hands other than the normal people of Pakistan. You can't make it up.
I hope these videos are shared the world over and people have taken note. The EU is taking careful notes as well.
No will take these vermin seriously, no trade relations, no allies coming to help, loss of prestige in the world and it will go on. If they form a government I gave it 6 months before utter collapse with an economic nightmare unfolding.

The world had to take notice because this time the scale of rigging is so massive and so blatant. PTI is ahead according to "official Form-45s" from total booths. This is so blatant selection that ECP change its own rules and announce decisions without considering the real counting (Form-45s) from all booths. The Form-47 being issued by ROs / ECP has no basis and even the math don't add up. In addition to this cooking up results, in previous elections only 15-20 seats used to go here and there. This time they robbed PTI from 70+ seats. This is enormous and mind blowing.
TLP boizz be like......

Karachi police use tear gas, baton charge to disperse TLP rally

Karachi police have fired tear gas shells and baton-charged a rally of the Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) against alleged rigging in the general elections.
Soldier Bazaar police Station House Officer (SHO) Shahzad Ilyas said that TLP workers tried to gather at a busy intersection at Numaish Chowrangi on main M.A. Jinnah Road near Mazar-i-Quaid.
As law enforcers did not allow them to gather there, the TLP workers staged a sit-in at Nishtar Park in Soldier Bazaar, the SHO said, adding that the police resorted to “light” baton charges and tear gas shells to disperse the crowd.
TLP spokesperson Rehan Khan claimed that around 40 workers were detained while the SHO said around 17-18 activists were taken into custody. The detainees were later released without charges.
If the establishment is wise enough to use these kinds of headlines, it can now pivot to in image that it is stepping back the way Indonesia’s military did.
It would be in their best interests
My friend: It is not a protest vote as you understand. What the hell Imran did to change the status quo while in power? He was in bed with the same Establishment which he programmed his followers to turn against due to the quest for power between Imran and Bajwa after the Fall of Kabul in August 2021. Nothing new: Previously, stupid Nawaz Sharif had multiple personal fights against Army Chiefs. The civilians always lose. In case of Pakistan, the Establishment and the entrenched politicians know that Pakistan is too dependent upon the West and thus they keep the status quo. Would Imran change the status quo? I don't think he can unless he has the whole nation behind him--no more bickering. No more chaos.

What we are seeing is a rejection of the Sharifs primarily because of the misrule of the PDM after April 2022. Imran having craftily turned Pakistan's economic miseries into a grand-narrative is not only a gift of Imran's politics but also a natural outcome: Poverty increased, misery increased and someone had to be blamed and believed to be the culprit. Enter America and the Army.

Who can say with confidence here that Imran given power will not be a repeat of where he ended by April 2022? He was going to lose the Early Elections and that's why he didn't call them even though he had weeks to call them before the NCM was tabled. Prime Minister who have confidence in their electability call early elections like ZAB did in 1976! Imran did not and you all mark my words: Unless he is a reformed person, he and Pakistan will be back to early 2022 days and it would sadly interesting to see what next excuses you guys would come up for Imran's another failure! Establishment? America? Discredited Noonies? Taliban?
He lost support with mehangai (inflation) hard covid times. Obstructive Bajwa and ISI in foreign relations and actively dismantling in NC vote on the behest of USA.

But what happened with PDM straight after? Insane inflation, total mismanagement, disastrous all around.

What happened thereon to vote ko izzat do? The absolutely insane restrictions and muzzling of anything PTI Related, enforces dissapearances, extra judicial murder, torture, entire political workers locked up, mass rigging

……and the people still vote him in? What does that tell you?

Learn to respect peoples mandate

The people have spoken
The accept he has a sizable enough supporter base that requires some kind of deal with him. A new social contract.

Guaranteeing Khan will be able to serve out a 5 year term, so that he’s not looking over his shoulder, will set a new precedent, for stability.

But I agree, not more off the cuff remarks like Trump, we don’t have the space for that. We also need professionals making economic policy and advising the prime minister on realistic options, so he knows what he’s agreeing to take the blame for.
Contrary to what people say, China, UAE and SA don't like khan. These 3 are our biggest financiers.

So khan has to be sane and not a rabid dog with his statements.

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