Pakistan General Elections 2024

Dude no country is used to pakistan standing up for itself and carving out an independant foreign policy.

Why so you have such a slave mentality? Khan secured cheap wheat for the poor and u guys are too aftaid of upsetting amreeka?

The road to self sufficiency is long and arduous but worth it
Independent foreign policy= economic Independency.

Goodluck with dick mearusing contest when you're enrolled with IMF and show eye to america. If america pull the imf funding the pkr will hit 500 against dollar.

This mentality that we can have Independent foreign policy is the biggest chuss, I've been hearing. Our house is not in order, economy in shambles with a begging bowl in our hand, 40% inflation and we want to be the chaudhry of the town and be like listen to us, we matter.
Contrary to what people say, China, UAE and SA don't like khan. These 3 are our biggest financiers.

So khan has to be sane and not a rabid dog with his statements.
Indeed, he will have to vet his statements with some foreign policy experts to not say anything off the cuff that hurts Pakistani interests.

For that reason, I hope no more Jalsa beyond one to acknowledge the achievement of a comeback. Even the message of the comeback Jalsa has to be reconciliation and national healing, keeping to domestic affairs and not going to international topics by and large.
Military doesn't control the economy. Not one single party has been able to privatise loss making seos and no one has taken an initiative to reform the economic structure, which basically affects every pakistani.

Army doesn't hand out petrol subsidies and gas subsidies, army doesn't derail the IMF programs. As far as i can remember economy is fully controlled by the civilian junta and it sucks big time. Army chief goes around begging for loans because civilians can't sacrifice their vote banks.

You can't get a driving license without paying a bribe, you can't get passport and id card on time. Police are literally thugs and even place drugs on you to extort money. I can go on and on but the army isn't the problem.

Yes army wants a balanced foreign policy and it's the only thing they care about. Leave that to them and build the economy, which no government is interested in. We need to accept army has a politcal mandate.

Even if we slash 80% of the army's budget and confine them to the barracks, i am sorry this country won't progress because people have this disillusioned mindset that the problem of all our misery is the military. I can't wait for this to happen where you have a civilian led order which won't do jack shit and then who will people blame?

Top post, civilians for now should concentrate on domestic affairs, and international affairs come to some kind of agreement with the establishment, stick to a balance policy. Let's see if civilian leadership can fix Pakistan, fix police, health, institutes. Whatever your describing, its worst in Pakistan, whenever a civilian reaches the corridor of power, all he/she wants to do is loot and safarish is one way to make money, the army is not responsible for it, army only keeps an eye on high level policies, why don't the civilians fix the police, give justice to people.
You're debating with delulus, they think 2/3 majority and immi chan with absolute power will change everything.
The problem with Faujeets is their inability to recognize the dirty hands of Military in this mess

Democracy is an evolutionary System.If Military stays in Barracks, People will be able to put right politicians into the System with time.That's how Democracy works.

Right Now,Khan is the best available option and literally no one here expects Khan to change everything over-night but with time we will be better position than this sh#it#hole
whenever a civilian reaches the corridor of power, all he/she wants to do is loot and safarish is one way to make money
whenever a military selected civilian reaches the corridor of power, all he/she wants to do is loot and safarish is one way to make money.

Now it looks right
Independent foreign policy= economic Independency.
Goodluck with dick mearusing contest when you're enrolled with IMF and show eye to america. If america pull the imf funding the pkr will hit 500 against dollar.
This mentality that we can have Independent foreign policy is the biggest chuss, I've been hearing. Our house is not in order, economy in shambles with a begging bowl in our hand, 40% inflation and we want to be the chaudhry of the town and be like listen to us, we matter.

What you say can really become a reality and I bet if and when that happens, Imran's apolgists will find an explanation for that too. Expats sitting in comfort cheering for Pakistan's downfall. Fools! I lived in Pakistan. Grew up in Pakistan. There were literally 'Jhonpries' (tent housing) a short walk from my house. I seen their misery. Those who discount Pakistan's reliant on the American based world order are either naive or enemies of Pakistan!! Some here with good economic brain better than me can explain how a divided Pakistan will be affected by mere American sanctions.
Fools! Your Haqeeqi Azadi (the real freedom) won't ever come unless you are united AND able to take shocks to your economy!! Pakistan had always been in a fragile position due to the unwinnable rivalry against India over Kashmir and now you want to add sanctions to Pakistan's woes? Pakistan has tensions with 3 out of its four neighbors!!
Military doesn't control the economy. Not one single party has been able to privatise loss making seos and no one has taken an initiative to reform the economic structure, which basically affects every pakistani.

Army doesn't hand out petrol subsidies and gas subsidies, army doesn't derail the IMF programs. As far as i can remember economy is fully controlled by the civilian junta and it sucks big time. Army chief goes around begging for loans because civilians can't sacrifice their vote banks.

You can't get a driving license without paying a bribe, you can't get passport and id card on time. Police are literally thugs and even place drugs on you to extort money. I can go on and on but the army isn't the problem.

Yes army wants a balanced foreign policy and it's the only thing they care about. Leave that to them and build the economy, which no government is interested in. We need to accept army has a politcal mandate.

Even if we slash 80% of the army's budget and confine them to the barracks, i am sorry this country won't progress because people have this disillusioned mindset that the problem of all our misery is the military. I can't wait for this to happen where you have a civilian led order which won't do jack shit and then who will people blame?
You literally have thousand cases pending in judicary, which no one cares about. Our judicial process literally set free hardcore terrorist and to top all of that we still some how come to blame the military. Wow.

Military hasn't asked or twisted the judiciary to not give justice to ordinary men. You can literally see murder cases and see how many people got justice. Sharukh jatoi case, noor mukhdam, still pending and culprits enjoying. How is military responsibile for all of this. Heck if they were tried in military courts they would have been hanged and dusted.

Fauj kai khilaf bakwas karna bohat asan hai but the reality is your civilian setup is so rotten to the core, that it can't be revived.

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