Pakistan General Elections 2024

Issue has never been this, but khan went to overboard while having differences with the military bhai. Without the military we have no survival. Economic meltdown is happening because of the extreme uncertainty khan brings. We don't know if he's make a government what their next step will be.

If they start a clash then we are rekt. Honestly we don't have a fiscal space for dharnas and uncertainty and clashing. Let by gones be by gones.

When will you people realise the problem is the military.

Which army in the world do you see has this much influence on ordinary peoples lives.

Imran can got to hell for all we care. But the military have done this every political party.

Pakistan needs to develop into its rightful place in the comity of nations

It cannot do that with a military that wants to control everything

Military needs to stay in the barracks
Good post.
And once we start to think as 'Pakistanis' instead of some emotionally attached party hacks then it becomes clear what needs to happen. And you, despite my occasional disagreements with you going over the years, think for Pakistan first unlike many here who, in their zeal to support Imran, seem willing to throw the baby out along with the bathwater.

Specifically, let us hope that Biden doesn't punish Imran for what Imran stupidly did even while Imran was the sitting PM of Pakistan in March 2022. Imran did that to garner support by tapping into the prevalent Anti Americanism in Pakistan. Imran succeeded but will Biden forgive that? Biden is an ivory tower personality who doesnt' seem to care for anything except for Israel.

Let me repeat something I had been saying in the old PDF: If America decides to punish Pakistan then a mere move of Biden's pen will be enough to cause catastrophic consequences and Biden's actions will be followed by the American vassals in Europe and even Japan. We don't want to know the consequences!!

The best use of IK’s time, after trying to drum up funds from Pakistan and abroad, would be to go around ALL of the country (every constituency, in smaller gathering, not jalsas) and listening to the people, not doing multi hour jalsas. Focus on domestic affairs. Focus on raising taxes on those that can bear it.

People loved him on his first speech taking skit stunted growth, so the best policy he can propose to the parliament is Clean Drinking Water, the lack of which is causing half of the stunted growth.

He needs to lay low until Biden is out of office, in fact hope Biden doesn’t call him and ignores him and Pakistan for the rest of his term.
Contrary to what people say, China, UAE and SA don't like khan. These 3 are our biggest financiers.

So khan has to be sane and not a rabid dog with his statements.
Dude no country is used to pakistan standing up for itself and carving out an independant foreign policy.

Why so you have such a slave mentality? Khan secured cheap wheat for the poor and u guys are too aftaid of upsetting amreeka?

The road to self sufficiency is long and arduous but worth it
He lost support with mehangai (inflation) hard covid times. Obstructive Bajwa and ISI in foreign relations and actively dismantling in NC vote on the behest of USA.

But what happened with PDM straight after? Insane inflation, total mismanagement, disastrous all around.

What happened thereon to vote ko izzat do? The absolutely insane restrictions and muzzling of anything PTI Related, enforces dissapearances, extra judicial murder, torture, entire political workers locked up, mass rigging

……and the people still vote him in? What does that tell you?

Learn to respect peoples mandate

The people have spoken

Mere Bhai, the 'Mehangai' (inflation) you are talking about will be around and maybe even worse in Imran Version 2. Why wouldn't it be? It would be especially bad IF Biden decides to punish Imran!!!

I would be truly all for an Imran Version 2. But if anyone thinks in this divided Pakistan where there is a strong Parliamentary Opposition and a hostile Sindh Province AND without the COAS/ISI Chief firmly behind Imran there would be peace and prosperity then they are very mistaken!!!

Learn from the Lost Decade of the 90s! That's where Pakistan went wrong and I see that's happening again.

The path forward is to put the differences aside and form a Govt of National Consensus. That's what I used to say in the old PDF and based on this latest elections results, it is now even more obvious what needs to be done. Pakistan cannot afford chaos!!
An interesting development, and possibly a hint they see the writing on the wall?

The PML-N has pulled its 2024 Manifesto from its website. I went to the website to see in detail what they wrote, and lo and behold it’s gone.

Btw, if anyone has a copy, can you post a link to an online version of it in a reply to this post?

PPP’s manifesto is still up.

And PTI’s manifesto is still up

So it doesn’t seem logical that 2/3 parties would have it up and one would have it down. Are they signaling that they know they won’t be in the next government or that they don’t want to be held accountable to what they promised if they do form a new government, however long it lasts?
When will you people realise the problem is the military.

Which army in the world do you see has this much influence on ordinary peoples lives.

Imran can got to hell for all we care. But the military have done this every political party.

Pakistan needs to develop into its rightful place in the comity of nations

It cannot do that with a military that wants to control everything

Military needs to stay in the barracks
Military doesn't control the economy. Not one single party has been able to privatise loss making seos and no one has taken an initiative to reform the economic structure, which basically affects every pakistani.

Army doesn't hand out petrol subsidies and gas subsidies, army doesn't derail the IMF programs. As far as i can remember economy is fully controlled by the civilian junta and it sucks big time. Army chief goes around begging for loans because civilians can't sacrifice their vote banks.

You can't get a driving license without paying a bribe, you can't get passport and id card on time. Police are literally thugs and even place drugs on you to extort money. I can go on and on but the army isn't the problem.

Yes army wants a balanced foreign policy and it's the only thing they care about. Leave that to them and build the economy, which no government is interested in. We need to accept army has a politcal mandate.

Even if we slash 80% of the army's budget and confine them to the barracks, i am sorry this country won't progress because people have this disillusioned mindset that the problem of all our misery is the military. I can't wait for this to happen where you have a civilian led order which won't do jack shit and then who will people blame?
Mere Bhai, the 'Mehangai' (inflation) you are talking about will be around and maybe even worse in Imran Version 2. Why wouldn't it be? It would be especially bad IF Biden decides to punish Imran!!!

I would be truly all for an Imran Version 2. But if anyone thinks in this divided Pakistan where there is a strong Parliamentary Opposition and a hostile Sindh Province AND without the COAS/ISI Chief firmly behind Imran there would be peace and prosperity then they are very mistaken!!!

Learn from the Lost Decade of the 90s! That's where Pakistan went wrong and I see that's happening again.

The path forward is to put the differences aside and form a Govt of National Consensus. That's what I used to say in the old PDF and based on this latest elections results, it is now even more obvious what needs to be done. Pakistan cannot afford chaos!!
You're debating with delulus, they think 2/3 majority and immi chan with absolute power will change everything.
TLP boizz be like......

Karachi police use tear gas, baton charge to disperse TLP rally

Karachi police have fired tear gas shells and baton-charged a rally of the Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) against alleged rigging in the general elections.
Soldier Bazaar police Station House Officer (SHO) Shahzad Ilyas said that TLP workers tried to gather at a busy intersection at Numaish Chowrangi on main M.A. Jinnah Road near Mazar-i-Quaid.
As law enforcers did not allow them to gather there, the TLP workers staged a sit-in at Nishtar Park in Soldier Bazaar, the SHO said, adding that the police resorted to “light” baton charges and tear gas shells to disperse the crowd.
TLP spokesperson Rehan Khan claimed that around 40 workers were detained while the SHO said around 17-18 activists were taken into custody. The detainees were later released without charges.

TLP does have a huge support but they have no use in the NA, other religious parties have international connections, know how to lobby the establishment using many different means.

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