Pakistan General Elections 2024

The best way forward is too squeeze everyone for economic benefits. Suck upto americans, russian, chinese ,be a whore for 20, 30 years and when you have an industrial base, flip the narrative.
Just having a backbone and loyal Army chief is enough. Saying no to Americans pissed them off but there were no sanctions against Pakistan.

There are enough oversea Pakistani who can start to bring foreign investment to Pakistan. Once we fix law and order situation and bring stability to the country - money will follow.
An actual independent foreign policy is probably a generation away, if we do serious work on the economy. Even then, as only the second largest country in the region, by population, Pakistan will have to continue to balance what it says and what it wants with its vulnerabilities.

Instead of aiming for an “independent” foreign policy, we should aim for a “principled” foreign policy, as it is in Indonesia.

Founding Principles: Indonesia's foreign policy is rooted in the country's founding principles of Pancasila, which emphasizes peaceful coexistence, mutual respect, and non-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries.

How many times Indonesia was involved in two Superpower's very aggressive and destructive wars right on its border? How many large, powerful countries border Indonesia, at least one of them would pounce at any opportunity when senses weakness?

Pakistan is unfortunately part of the Eurasia. Indonesia is too peripheral even Bangladesh is a peripheral nation.

I wish Pakistan was on some Pacific Island!!
The best way forward is too squeeze everyone for economic benefits. Suck upto americans, russian, chinese ,be a whore for 20, 30 years and when you have an industrial base, flip the narrative.

The one who pays will also want alot of benefits, by the time theyre finished it will be bye bye to Pakistan, Pakistan will be laying naked on the footpath. So a bad policy.
Pakistan had its ideology, Allama Iqbal ideology, which talked about united as one people, working hard towards Islamic welfare state, promoting science and technology, education, peace, respect, Looking towards the Muslim ummah for friendship, promoting the Islamic culture, identity etc. At first Pakistan was all secular and liberal, then turned towards radicalism due to billions of funding, now we're divided and not sure what way to go. Pakistan needs to go back to its roots.
That’s domestic policy. But for international policy we need to adopt a pragmatic approach.

Look at China in the 80s. Or Indonesia now. Basically Pakistan needs to rebrand itself internationally on its roots. We need to promote the IVC (Indus Valley Civilization) ancestry and local diversity, including Sufism. If India has Yoga, we have Sufism and our poetry.

Thankfully the GWOT is over and the world doesn’t really care about Pakistan. It gives Pakistan the space to rebrand itself, with relatively limited foreign interference.
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How many times Indonesia was involved in two Superpower's very aggressive and destructive wars right on its border? How many large, powerful countries border Indonesia, at least one of them would pounce at any opportunity when senses weakness?

Pakistan is unfortunately part of the Eurasia. Indonesia is too peripheral even Bangladesh is a peripheral nation.

I wish Pakistan was on some Pacific Island!!
May you live in interesting times as the old Chinese saying goes on this the Chinese new year.

Our Curse is our opportunity if we learn to harness it. We harp on our Geo-Strategic importance, it’s about time we learn to use it for development and to stay out of any superpower kinetic wars.
Military doesn't control the economy. Not one single party has been able to privatise loss making seos and no one has taken an initiative to reform the economic structure, which basically affects every pakistani.

Army doesn't hand out petrol subsidies and gas subsidies, army doesn't derail the IMF programs. As far as i can remember economy is fully controlled by the civilian junta and it sucks big time. Army chief goes around begging for loans because civilians can't sacrifice their vote banks.

You can't get a driving license without paying a bribe, you can't get passport and id card on time. Police are literally thugs and even place drugs on you to extort money. I can go on and on but the army isn't the problem.

Yes army wants a balanced foreign policy and it's the only thing they care about. Leave that to them and build the economy, which no government is interested in. We need to accept army has a politcal mandate.

Even if we slash 80% of the army's budget and confine them to the barracks, i am sorry this country won't progress because people have this disillusioned mindset that the problem of all our misery is the military. I can't wait for this to happen where you have a civilian led order which won't do jack shit and then who will people blame?
The military may not control the economy directly, but every single intervention, every interference, every political chess play, removal of certain individuals and promoting other individuals has disrupted, the political and eventual economic outcome this is a fact of rthe past 75 years its Machiavellian tactics have caused all of these problems Imagine if in America their chief or army in cahoots with the CIA was responsible for the winning or removing of every political party since its existence. How can any party perform when not a single one has served its course. you need consistency and continuity in political reform. especially when the politicians you are promoting or relegating at your whims are as crooked as the army is itself.

give me one example in the world of an army running a country that is not a failed state. your neighbour India is on course to run a multi trillion economy , while you guys are tip toeing around this army, sooner or later India will swallow Pak up if things dont change drastically.

you say the army has a political mandate, for what?where? which country does this. the only mandate they have is to protect its civilians not commit:

extra judicial murder
enforced detention
threaten to rape peoples wives and daughters
make pornographic videos to co-erce
Ban political parties
kidnap politicians make them force people to change parties
control the media to not mention a certain party
arrest and jail political elite and attempt to destroy their party
Acquire ill gotten wealth and properties

what kind of world do you exist when you accept the above. use all the above incidents and relate these to a western or european country or even USA and see how that would play out? ill wait for your answer
EVM machine software can be manipulated, so having a paper record as well is necessary.

In the US, I still vote via a paper ballot and the US population is larger than the Pakistani population.

So an EVM (that has software safeguards) with a paper record as well as a record for the voter to take home is probably the best.
Bit late in the thread but, EVM comes with a printer called VVPAT, so basically you can see who you voted as soon as you vote a paper falls into a box (can't take it home) showing the party symbol then EC counts these votes seperately picking any boxes out of random (10%) and compare it to EVM.

You can dispute an election result, they will verify and compare. So far EVM strike rate is 100% no false results.

Also EVM is very basic and old technology it doesn't have a dedicated software per se. And works like a counter. ECI held hackathons but none were successful.
The best way forward is too squeeze everyone for economic benefits. Suck upto americans, russian, chinese ,be a whore for 20, 30 years and when you have an industrial base, flip the narrative.
Whore is to strong of a word, but I understand what your getting at, and yes it will take 20-30 year to flip the narrative, the way China has done it.

We just have to be careful to not put our eggs in any one basket anymore, so “CPEC” projects need to be diversified amongst suppliers (and perhaps funded by Western FDI or remittances/investments).

Also we have to be careful not to open ourselves up to much to India. They are developing quickly and if we open up to them their industries will outcompete our industries and put us into a vassal position. Besides, we need to save all the labor intensive industries for our workers, so we can maintain social stability in Pakistan.

One example is Pakistan steel mills. If we get ToT on modern rail technology, and modernize ML-1, ML-2, and ML-3, as well as expand the network from Karachi to Gwadar and up to Taftan, then that approx. $30 billion can be spend all locally to build up many industries. If we outsource it to China, we will not be utilizing one of the best opportunities to modernize many industries.
The fight .

This is the same Kamran Shahid who was rightly critizing Imran's extremely stupid, inexplicable decisions starting early 2022 and now he is rightly going after the Noon League. And he is not the only one.
As I tried to make a point about journalism in Pakistan: The PTI supporters, whether in the blogspace or in the media, betray a strange cultism. And eerily, I see a reflection of such cultist journalism in America's Democratic Party/Liberal media.
Gujranwala PMLN chapter also cooked
Khuram Dastagir lost after god knows how many years
If Potohar wasn't so rigged, you could have had a PTI CM. But unfortunately, Imran would purposely bless us with Buzdar-esque fools. So maybe it wasn't that bad after all.
This time either Hammad Azhar or Pervez Elahi or his son. If they didn’t take part or win in the first round get them in in by elections.
This is the same Kamran Shahid who was rightly critizing Imran's extremely stupid, inexplicable decisions starting early 2022 and now he is rightly going after the Noon League. And he is not the only one.
As I tried to make a point about journalism in Pakistan: The PTI supporters, whether in the blogspace or in the media, betray a strange cultism. And eerily, I see a reflection of such cultist journalism in America's Democratic Party/Liberal media.
This is the same Kamran Shahid who was rightly critizing Imran's extremely stupid, inexplicable decisions starting early 2022 and now he is rightly going after the Noon League. And he is not the only one.
As I tried to make a point about journalism in Pakistan: The PTI supporters, whether in the blogspace or in the media, betray a strange cultism. And eerily, I see a reflection of such cultist journalism in America's Democratic Party/Liberal media.
PTI has sold the public a dream, that it only takes honest hard work. Middle class people want to hear that it’s just a matter of effort and with enough will and determination the outcome is assured, hence the over-eagerness.

Look at the narrative arch of IK’s entire life, especially in cricket, hard work. I hope now he realizes that he needs to focus on the team more so than him being captain.

Selling a dream, is what politicians do.

Now what IK has to do is direct that energy to serving Pakistan, as Jinnah instructed us to do. Many people were willing to die for IK, now they must be told to live the rest of their lives and careers to serve Pakistan.

This is why to direct the people’s energy I hope IK instructs his supporters to help end illiteracy in 5 years. As charity for the nation’s sake. And to pay their taxes so that enough water treatment plants can be built so that all people have clean water. A healthy and educated population will be better able to then serve the nation even further.

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