Pakistan General Elections 2024

Man I hate these click baits. She have shared her all F-45 results to prove her victory, there's no official recounting yet as RO isn't entertaining her request. Selection commission and kangaroo courts will drag the cases until PDM 2.0 govt. lasts.
Is this legit?
is there any serious discussion going on officially to end this shit show and accept peoples mandate?
is there any serious discussion going on officially to end this shit show and accept peoples mandate?

If Faujeets had IQ in two digits, they would have brushed their sh!t under carpet as soon as it became apparent that their VONC chutipa have back-fired. They've been digging deeper hole for themselves since then, I hope there's no negotiation to give these duffers safe exit.
If Faujeets had IQ in two digits, they would have brushed their sh!t under carpet as soon as it became apparent that their VONC chutipa have back-fired. They've been digging deeper hole for themselves since then, I hope there's no negotiation to give these duffers safe exit.
yup no safe exit! itna zarf nai dikhana latkana hai is qabza mafia ko!
Man I hate these click baits. She have shared her all F-45 results to prove her victory, there's no official recounting yet as RO isn't entertaining her request. Selection commission and kangaroo courts will drag the cases until PDM 2.0 govt. lasts.
Yeah stupid reporting. State anything and put a question mark. Are you an alien? Hindu khatry ma hay? Kaya asim whisky peeta ha? kaya Bushra jado karti ha?
yup no safe exit! itna zarf nai dikhana latkana hai is qabza mafia ko!

Public will not forgive PTI and IK if he try to play Nelson Mandela, He is free to forgive crime committed against him as person but have no right to forgive crimes committed against public. Everyone who have been involved in illegal acts willingly or under pressure (as pressure / ooper se order is no justification for crime) must be given maximum punishment as per law. Ones who violated constitution including Holy cows of military and judiciary, ECP must be tried under article 6 and hanged in public. This cancer can't be treated without doing chemotherapy, we have population 250m people and have more than enough honest, hardworking and capable people to replace crooks in every public institutions.
is there any serious discussion going on officially to end this shit show and accept peoples mandate?

If they wanted a serious discussion they could of done it 2 years ago.
Pakistan is heading towards civil war, this Army will kill millions of their
own people but they still won't let go of power.

Same thing happened in 1971 and the end result was breaking half the
Country and then surrendered their backsides to India. They have learnt
no lesson from it.
There will not be a peaceful end to this, the people will have to pick
up weapons.

They have to do what the Bengalis did.

I would kindly request you not to promote this type of talk. If PTI picks up weapons they will be finished, even IK knows that.
It seems people of pakistan have more or less accepted the Poll Outcome..Barring a few PTI led protest there is no mass agitation again the Election Outcome.
So what next ? PDM 2.0 led by PMLN ?

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