Pakistan General Elections 2024

You're debating with delulus, they think 2/3 majority and immi chan with absolute power will change everything.
Yes please believe patwaris instead. Blubberguts Nawaaz is the final solution 10 years exiled and ran like b1tch to saudi and next time round escaped because he had low platelets only to return after army did a surgical procedure as part of the london plan and he miraculously survived and is now going to lead the nation to glory.

The same nawaja who was willing to dump his army chief in India to avoid him coming back to pak,

Imran has more honesty and integrity than the whole of PDM 2.0 put together

What world do you guys live in lol
Independent foreign policy= economic Independency.

Goodluck with dick mearusing contest when you're enrolled with IMF and show eye to america. If america pull the imf funding the pkr will hit 500 against dollar.

This mentality that we can have Independent foreign policy is the biggest chuss, I've been hearing. Our house is not in order, economy in shambles with a begging bowl in our hand, 40% inflation and we want to be the chaudhry of the town and be like listen to us, we matter.
Yes thanks to 75 years of military intervention and their civilian stooges, feudals and gangsters. Ppp and pmln.

Tried those methods they dont work. Rinse and repeat to the dumb masses and you keep fooling for it.

you keep falling for the establishments tricks, its like an abuser keeps telling his victim that if you dont fall in line more bad things are going to you and your family.

You have to break out of the shackles.

I dint believe imran is the answer, but i think he is a far better choice than the crooks we currently have

What the international media had to say about the elections that were everything but predictable

“You might be wondering why it has taken us a couple of days to talk about Pakistan politics and Pakistani elections, one of our favourite subjects; that’s because one, the situation has been fast-moving and second, the situation has been much too cluttered also for me to hold forth on it…”

This is how The Print’s editor-in-chief Shekhar Gupta started his Cut The Clutter episode 48 hours after the general elections. And cluttered undoubtedly it has been.

Following the turbulent year Pakistan’s politics has faced, the international media’s coverage of the country’s elections — undisputedly controversial even before the date was announced — has been hard-hitting, to say the least.

From the pre-poll phase to election day irregularities to the post-poll counting process — the attempts to subvert the PTI that were blatantly executed have not gone unnoticed; neither has the fact that PTI-backed candidates clinched majority National Assembly seats in spite of them.
The best way forward is too squeeze everyone for economic benefits. Suck upto americans, russian, chinese ,be a whore for 20, 30 years and when you have an industrial base, flip the narrative.
Wow….brother you need some help….hasnt the last 20 plus years whoring yourself to uncle sam not satisfied you or them. Get out of this mindset, its degrading and humiliating. This is the noon league and zardari manifesto.

The people do not want this, they have voiced their nyent should respect it . Give imran full 5 years and if he works great if not kick him out

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