Pakistan General Elections 2024

Realistically speaking right now there are two key pillars that can ensure the people's mandate is respected and support the injustice of Feb 9th:

1) Media
2) Judiciary

1) Currently the news channels are tip toeing around the mass rigging and not making that the front and centre news item when it should be. Dawn online (supposed bastian of liberal democracy) is avoiding the topic and giving other stories prominence. It shows the Khaki Criminals are controlling the narrative there.

2) Monday and Tuesday will see the first feel from the courts, but this I doubt will be significant. Any SC hearing most likely will see Nazi Fraud Isa listen to cases with his discredited bench and therefore justice will be suppressed.

Nothing currently gives much optimism that PTI and the people's mandate will prevail when these two pillars are not standing with the truth in an explicit and forceful manner.

Of course, I sincerely hope I'm wrong.
It's new game of presstitute media, faujeets and their poodles, they're trying to pacify PTI on one hand by applauding their victory, on other hand they're trying to form opinion at world stage that PTI got 100 seats so couldn't form govt. - Social media, independent "youtubers" etc. have been actual power of PTI till now not the yellow journalists and so called main stream media. PTI's leadership will be idiots of highest if the fall into trap.
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