Pakistani man charged with plotting terrorist attack against Jews in New York on October 7 anniversary

I disagree with your assertions.

You do not know us or how we think or even what our goals are. This is the mistake many Pakistanis make, they assume we think like them. Please don't pass off your opinions as fact.

You don't have any counter arguments because you know that I am bombarding you with facts. I am providing you with actual sources. Keep playing this childish game. You will never reach your full potential within the region. The region will remain fragmented and all you will be doing is polishing the boots of the same powers that colonised you and robbed you for 200 million years.

You cannot possibly convince me that India is playing a sane game by allying powers on the other side of the ocean and making enemies right across the borders. Just give it up. You have played this game for far too long. It didn't get you anywhere. All you have is enmity.

Your Hindutva leaders are making false promises. No, you are not going to get Kashmir from Pakistan. No, you are not going to defeat China and Pakistan. It isn't happening. The question is, why is your leadership hellbent on continuing enmity?
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It is always a sight to see someone run off in the middle of a debate. Especially when you are presenting facts, and the opposition only has oneliners.
You don't have any counter arguments because you know that I am bombarding you with facts. I am providing you with actual sources. Keep playing this childish game. You will never reach your full potential within the region. The region will remain fragmented and all you will be doing is polishing the boots of the same powers that colonised you and robbed you for 200 million years.

You cannot possibly convince me that India is playing a sane game by allying powers on the other side of the ocean and making enemies right across the borders. Just give it up. You have played this game for far too long. It didn't get you anywhere. All you have is enmity.

Your Hindutva leaders are making false promises. No, you are not going to get Kashmir from Pakistan. No, you are not going to defeat China and Pakistan. It isn't happening. The question is, why is your leadership hellbent on continuing enmity?
Please stop forcing your opinion on me and presenting it as 'facts'. I don't think you understand what the word means. I reiterate, please don't speak for us, our goals, or our motivations. We do not think like you do.

Thank you for your advice on what India should do. We have our own think tanks who do this for a living and dare I say, going by India's trajectory, have done pretty good job so far.
Please stop forcing your opinion on me and presenting it as 'facts'. I don't think you understand what the word means. I reiterate, please don't speak for us, our goals, or our motivations. We do not think like you do.

Thank you for your advice on what India should do. We have our own think tanks who do this for a living and dare I say, going by India's trajectory, have done pretty good job so far.

It is a fact that Britain colonised India. It is a fact that Britain killed 100+ million Indians. It is a fact that Britain robbed India for 200 years. It is a fact that Britain partitioned India and created Pakistan. It is a fact that India only focuses on Muslims and Pakistan and has created useless enmity.

It is a fact that India under the rule of Modi is appeasing Western powers for preferential treatment. It is a fact that Modi is burning all bridges in the neighbourhood. It is a fact that Modi is making false promises to the people of India. It is a fact that India cannot win a two-front war against China and Pakistan. It is a fact that India will be better served if it played a more positive role with neighbouring countries. India is choosing Western hegemony over regional cooperation. That is an undeniable fact.
It is a fact that India under the rule of Modi is appeasing Western powers for preferential treatment. It is a fact that Modi is burning all bridges in the neighbourhood. It is a fact that Modi is making false promises to the people of India. It is a fact that India cannot win a two-front war against China and Pakistan. It is a fact that India will be better served if it played a more positive role with neighbouring countries. India is choosing Western hegemony over regional cooperation. That is an undeniable fact.
These are not facts. These are opinions. I think you really need an education on what is the difference between facts and opinions. You may be used to passing off opinions and gossip as facts within the Pakistani community but that doesn't fly with others.
These are not facts. These are opinions. I think you really need an education on what is the difference between facts and opinions. You may be used to passing off opinions and gossip as facts within the Pakistani community but that doesn't fly with others.

Change your ways. India is losing the region and creating more enmity every day. Pakistan, China, BD and the list goes on.

Instead of aiming your anger at the right direction you are just a loose projectile going nowhere. I know it is hard for you to confront the truth, but let it sink in. I know that years of Hindutva indoctrination is very difficult to let go. Let go of hatred and think productive.
Change your ways. India is losing the region and creating more enmity every day. Pakistan, China, BD and the list goes on.

Instead of aiming your anger at the right direction you are just a loose projectile going nowhere. I know it is hard for you to confront the truth, but let it sink in. I know that years of Hindutva indoctrination is very difficult to let go. Let go of hatred and think productive.
Now that you have understood the difference between facts and opinions, thank you for your suggestion on how to run Indian foreign and military policies.

Your input is appreciated. Your input is better appreciated when you start by denouncing the islamist behaviour of your country before commenting on hindutva in India.
Now that you have understood the difference between facts and opinions, thank you for your suggestion on how to run Indian foreign and military policies.

Your input is appreciated. Your input is better appreciated when you start by denouncing the islamist behaviour of your country before commenting on hindutva in India.

I have presented you with all the facts including source. Just because you refuse to accept them doesn't mean they are less factual.

Change your Hindutva mindset. Get out of hate. It might be healing.
Pakistani origin man plots terror against Jews in USA
The thread is not about Hindus guys
The topic is the Pakistani origin guys actions
He had tarnished a race religion and nationality like many before him.
Press Release

Pakistani National Charged for Plotting Terrorist Attack in New York City in Support of ISIS​

Friday, September 6, 2024

Young man wanted to do it and the government gave him enough rope to hang himself.
You writing and using words like 'godamn' and 'period' doesn't impress or make the slightest difference to us, the RSS, or the rest of the world.

No one trying to impress you or RSS.
Though that might be your imagination. Telling things as it is.

Otoh packing c*ap (aka RSS) in giftpaper like you and other hindutva try to do, isnt gonna get you far. Most of us here have a connection to South Asia and know the ground realities. Might fool some westerners, but then better spend your energy elsewhere.
No one trying to impress you or RSS.
Though that might be your imagination. Telling things as it is.

Otoh packing c*ap (aka RSS) in giftpaper like you and other hindutva try to do, isnt gonna get you far. Most of us here have a connection to South Asia and know the ground realities. Might fool some westerners, but then better spend your energy elsewhere.
Don't need advice on realities from jihadis, thank you.
Guys look at the title and stick to the topic.

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