Pakistani man charged with plotting terrorist attack against Jews in New York on October 7 anniversary

The Iranians always seek some level of influence in Afghanistan.
Yaar they’re keeping them alive on sadqa or else these Talibunnies would’ve been long dead by now.

Iran basically chuti** hae….. at the end of it all these afghani will do worse to them than what they’ve done to us. Bewquff irani’s think k unko sadqa day ker vo insaan bun jaen gay……😝

Shareef (bewquff) logon ka hur koi faida utthata hae.
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Yaar they’re keeping them alive on sadqa or else these Talibunnies would’ve been long dead by now.

Iran basically chuti** hae….. at the end of it all these afghani will do worse to them than what they’ve done to us.

Just watch……

Aik dum chutiy** hae Iran thinking it can influence those jahil afghani and turn them into human beings 😝

You do know that Iranians drown Afghans? The Iranians are ruthless when it comes to dealing with Afghans. We treat Afghans with velvet gloves.
Listen to this. These are Americans who question their own government and greedy corporations. The United States is a country with a very dubious track record. Involved in regime changes around the world.

How can anyone take the claims of such a country seriously?
You do know that Iranians drown Afghans? The Iranians are ruthless when it comes to dealing with Afghans. We treat Afghans with velvet gloves.
In ko saanp/ scorpion key tarha dussna hae afghanio nay……just watch.

It’ll be a very rude awakening for irani’s if they think they can turn them into decent civilized human beings.

Many have tried bro……but we’ve all failed.
Intelligence Agency trying to make October 7 a special day?
when in fact it bears no significance in the 80 year long ongoing genocide of indiginous people in Palestine. All orchestrated by jewish extremists with assistance and protection from United States of America.

Every brown person is an ISIS/AQ to the Western Anglo-Saxon bandwagon. That has been the case for an eternity. That is just the bitter truth. All you have to do is dig the history and have a look at the present. It is right in front us. First they went into places and made it their own by culling the natives. They used the same slurs back in the day. These people literally stole entire countries belonging to various native populations. Then they colonised, raped, massacred and stole as much as they could. Now they drop bombs and invade countries to bring democracy and humanity. They have installed poodle police officers around the world that try to do their bidding. Even in countries that they created and robbed throughout history.

They come here with a straight face to lecture everyone about being a terrorist. Only a fool would take these scumbags seriously.
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Because they're not terrorists. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they're terrorists. There's a reason why no one buys your narrative globally. Not even the Muslim countries in the middle east, let alone the non-Muslim world.

Your country India was also partitioned by the British. Do you ever request any reparations from Britain? The Brits killed millions of Indians and robbed the entire country for 200 years.

You take pride in simping for the Western Anglo-Saxon bandwagon? They throw you bones and you become a loyal puppy?
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Lol its because of your master the United States of America. Nothing else.
Do americans call zionist settlers terrorists? No!

If you kiss US rear side youre good. Kill and maim anyone you want but terrorist label wont be applied. But make no mistake, that godamn RSS is a terrorist organization legalized by the Indian state. Period.

RSS is the anti dote for bangladeshi jihadi groups. They are being released by the govt. of bangladesh.

Mufti Jashimuddin Rahmani, chief of the Ansarullah Bangla Team, an Al-Qaeda-inspired militant outfit now known as Ansar al Islam, was released from the Kashimpur High Security Central Jail in Gazipur on Monday.

He is a convicted criminal in the blogger Rajib Haider murder case,

Jashimuddin Rahmani was released from the Kashimpur High Security Central Jail at around 11:15am on Monday.

The Deputy Jailor of Kashimpur High Security Central Jail, Rezaul Karim, confirmed the matter.

RSS is the antidote, so of course bangladeshi islamists will see RSS as enemy of bangladeshi islamism. nothing new, nothing surprising, nothing to take seriously.
It is always fun to present facts and see everyone disappear one by one. 😀
Your country India was also partitioned by the British. Do you ever request any reparations from Britain? The Brits killed millions of Indians and robbed the entire country for 200 years.

You take pride in simping for the Western Anglo-Saxon bandwagon? They throw you bones and you become a loyal puppy?
We do what is in our interest whether or not brits or others do it or not. We can also agree with the west without thinking about simping. Anti-colonialism doesn't mean opposing west on everything. It is indifference. We align or oppose based on our national interests and values.

India has suffered Pakistani origin and sponsored terrorism for decades. In this instance we are fully aligned with the west.
Lol its because of your master the United States of America. Nothing else.
Do americans call zionist settlers terrorists? No!

If you kiss US rear side youre good. Kill and maim anyone you want but terrorist label wont be applied. But make no mistake, that godamn RSS is a terrorist organization legalized by the Indian state. Period.
You writing and using words like 'godamn' and 'period' doesn't impress or make the slightest difference to us, the RSS, or the rest of the world.
Most probably an Afghani who bought Pakistani documentts.
RSS is the anti dote for bangladeshi jihadi groups. They are being released by the govt. of bangladesh.

Mufti Jashimuddin Rahmani, chief of the Ansarullah Bangla Team, an Al-Qaeda-inspired militant outfit now known as Ansar al Islam, was released from the Kashimpur High Security Central Jail in Gazipur on Monday.

He is a convicted criminal in the blogger Rajib Haider murder case,

Jashimuddin Rahmani was released from the Kashimpur High Security Central Jail at around 11:15am on Monday.

The Deputy Jailor of Kashimpur High Security Central Jail, Rezaul Karim, confirmed the matter.

RSS is the antidote, so of course bangladeshi islamists will see RSS as enemy of bangladeshi islamism. nothing new, nothing surprising, nothing to take seriously.
Look at the title of the thread and look at the crap you are posting?
We do what is in our interest whether or not brits or others do it or not. We can also agree with the west without thinking about simping. Anti-colonialism doesn't mean opposing west on everything. It is indifference. We align or oppose based on our national interests and values.

India has suffered Pakistani origin and sponsored terrorism for decades. In this instance we are fully aligned with the west.

You Indians have suffered at the hands of the Brits during the colonisation. They slaughtered 100 million+ of you. Let that number just sink in. They robbed you for 200 years. Not only that, the Brits also partitioned you before they left. Yes, they created Pakistan. All the arguments that you have presented aren't logical. Not one bit. You are just running around the bush with your illogical conclusions. So are your leaders by the way. You guys have been brainwashed for generations into believing that Muslims are the enemy. The Brits left you with a lollipop.

The only reason why you have decided to team up with the West is because they are giving you preferential treatment. This isn't wisdom. It is short-term thinking. It will also come at a very high cost. They are asking you to tame China which you absolutely cannot. You cannot fight against Pakistan and China simultaneously as your leaders promise you. None of the Western powers will come to help you. You will become another Ukraine.

Your leaders have divided the Subcontinent in their stubbornness and hatred. Real wisdom is to have peace within the region and cooperate despite all challenges. Real wisdom is to put the past behind you and focus on the future. Wisdom isn't to take dictation from the very same powers that partitioned you and killed you mercilessly.
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You Indians have suffered at the hands of the Brits during the colonisation. They slaughtered 100 million+ of you. Let that number just sink in. They robbed you for 200 years. Not only that, the Brits also partitioned you before they left. Yes, they created Pakistan. All the arguments that you have presented aren't logical. Not one bit. You are just running around the bush with your illogical conclusions. So are your leaders by the way.

The only reason why you have decided to team up with the West is because they are giving you preferential treatment. This isn't wisdom. It is short-term thinking. It will also come at a very high cost. They are asking you to tame China which you absolutely cannot. You cannot fight against Pakistan and China simultaneously as your leaders promise you.
I disagree with your assertions.

You do not know us or how we think or even what our goals are. This is the mistake many Pakistanis make, they assume we think like them. Please don't pass off your opinions as fact.
Look at the title of the thread and look at the crap you are posting?

LOL Some people welcomed this guy to this forum. I didn't because I knew even before this guy started posting what we were dealing with. Well, now everyone knows.

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