Pakistani man charged with plotting terrorist attack against Jews in New York on October 7 anniversary

It is clearly stated in the article the Pakistani was set-up by CIA agents. He got into contact with them thinking they were ISIS and then they came up with the plan for him. When he went to do the plan they gave him they arrested him.

This is very common for American agencies to find people, give them a plan, encourage them to carry it out, and then stop them and act like they caught a criminal.

See for example the Draw Muhammad event where the shooters were literally being followed by FBI agents who were making sure the shooting took place.

American politics is a big clown show.
It is clearly stated in the article the Pakistani was set-up by CIA agents. He got into contact with them thinking they were ISIS and then they came up with the plan for him. When he went to do the plan they gave him they arrested him.

This is very common for American agencies to find people, give them a plan, encourage them to carry it out, and then stop them and act like they caught a criminal.

See for example the Draw Muhammad event where the shooters were literally being followed by FBI agents who were making sure the shooting took place.

American politics is a big clown show.
It's all about entrapment. FBI/ agency people sitting around just chitty chat in all our masjids bhai long before 911 even. Just chitty chat foolish humble migrant people.

I remember my friend confiding once that he's been approached by a professional woman sitting in a big federal car parked outside the mosque in the midwest where I used to live.

She told him that look, yous a great educated guy for 'role playing'.........if you agree we'll give you a $1000 per week, only if yous make 'phraandz' with this guy n that guy coming for juma......and tell us what they say. You can wear a wire for a bonus or carry this nice pen we'll give you and it records everything....... :p

They'll confide in you cuz yous educated and good lookin no?......:p

The problem here is that this has all been run just like the 'pig slaughtering' scam prevalent these days. The feds were already doing this in the late 90's guys......They knew where the policy was headed.

These bastards in the FBI are just looking at justifying their budgets and the poor uneducated migrants get goaded literally into becoming willing sacrificial victims.

For Pakistani's only the below para.......sorry mods:

پتا نہیں اس رنڈی ایف بی آئی ایجنٹ نے اپنا پھودا اور بھنڈ دیکھا یا کے ممے...... بلکل دیوانہ ہو گیا تھا پاگل نوجوان کی ترہا میرا دوست۔ بیوقوف انسان
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What would you say about your Zionist brothers that have killed 40000+ Palestinians? Are they a blessing to humanity?
You still don't get it.

Who are Zionists to kill anyone ?. Life is given and taken by Allah. Palestinians are getting what Allah decided for them.
Why would Iran support wahabbi jihadi CIA operatives? Makes no sense at all, along the same lines that Iran supports Daesh/ISIS? Sworn enemies of shia no?

Makes no sense.

However, I will admit that today the iranis are giving charity to the jahil afghani talibunnies. Along humanitarian lines. Which to me is criminal behavior.

Why would anybody give humanitarian assistance to jahil wahabbi dalit?

You see the issue I got with this?
Do you think that Iranian leadership has a principled stand on all issues in the world?

Iranian support to Taliban elements is not news to me, Iran provided shelter to these elements in 2001. Iranian policy is to support any entity that has opposed the US in some capacity irrespective of how bad it is. Some countries will do anything for geopolitical gains and this is why they do not grow and prosper even though they have considerable potential. Iran has its problems and vice versa but it is difficult to understand its leadership.
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Because they're not terrorists. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they're terrorists. There's a reason why no one buys your narrative globally. Not even the Muslim countries in the middle east, let alone the non-Muslim world.
They are 100% terrorists and now the western world is also speaking about them. That's why modi was also banned to travel outside India before you elected a genocider as your PM. The reason why not any action has been taken so far is the huge indian market. On a street level the world is well aware of what indian society is these days though sadly in most Muslim countries their rulers aren't the representative of public opinion.
Do you think that Iranian leadership has a principled stand on all issues in the world?

Iranian support to Taliban elements is not news to me, Iran provided shelter to these elements in 2001. Iranian policy is to support any entity that has opposed the US in some capacity irrespective of how bad it is. Some countries will stoop to any level for geopolitical gains and this is why they do not grow and prosper even though they have considerable potential.
I agree in principle that anyone helping a jahil entity like the Taliban is only bringing disrepute to himself. Even if it’s charity.

It’s a very shameful thing Iran is doing. I criticize Iran every chance I get on that issue.

Totally sharamnaak behavior. And I bet you money that down the road these taliban will kill irani’s. Only then Iran will realize their mistake.
The world is wide awake after the indiscriminate genocide of Palestinians.
You're still in never-never land, Dalit. Everybody who prefers to mouth and write such stuff is. You're in Netherlands, why can't you be brave?
You're still in never-never land, Dalit. Everybody who prefers to mouth and write such stuff is. You're in Netherlands, why can't you be brave?
How is this related to the topic?
First you suggested no Pakistani commented on this topic - now you want us to go off topic?
A lone arse who is highlighted in the western media to hide the everyday war crimes committed by the lowest forms of human?
Something for us to take the eye of the main criminal in this world today.
It's all about entrapment. FBI/ agency people sitting around just chitty chat -
Hmm. Jadoon was arrested in Canada before he could reach the U.S. border. Was that done to help the FBI or to frustrate it?

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