Pakistan's real problem is very poor institutions - not political

Now start blaming education. Which is in one way true but there were different modes of education like Govt schools in city and villages, private schools, military boarding schools and home schooling. Different syllabus and curriculum, different teaching methods and assessment methods etc.

So why is the result all the same. It’s not the military even though you want to blame it and think that’s the issue, no it’s not. Pakistan was made in 1947 while martial law came much later. Military didn’t intervene to start with, it was the civil govt and bureaucracy who took reign before Ayub.
@M. Sarmad @Developereo @Joe Shearer @AsaRad1
It is just English invaded and ruled Culcutta first. The modern govt institutes and education were first developed there. British crossed Ravi after 1846 effectively. Not much time and effort were spent by the British in the regions here. Also, you know why ML was famous in UP and Bengal and why we have mainly UP bureaucracy in the early days of Pakistan who were influenced by darbari Lukhnow culture which was infused here. Gulam Muhammad and Iskander Mirza were the first kingmakers. They refused to transfer govt to civilian leadership A typical old UP/Bengali pre-occupation mindset.

You can imagine why Awadh and the Bengals always got separated from Dehli when they could. Mir Jafar wanted to be the king himself. In fact, everyone was pulling each others' legs so East Indians merchants thought why deal with such instability and rule ourselves?

Lastly, it is mainly the ruler's responsibility whether civilian or military. We rarely act by conscience. We are mainly driven by hormones or emotions. That is why religious scriptures emphasize Hell and Heaven. In the UK, the majority will loot and plunder if there is no law. In every economic crisis, racism grows against migration and foreigners. Therefore, a strict environment shapes people's behavior.

So in summary, after 1956, it was the military that didn't let other institutions developed as they wanted no opposition. Fauji Foundations hasn't been in profits despite having a monopoly in Pakistan's markets unless they had CIVILIAN experts at the top management levels. The military requires incompetency in politics, media, bureaucracy, etc so it can't be questioned. As Netwon stated "As*holes attract As*holes". So, that is what follows when a weak and incompetent person is PCB, PIA, Railway chairman etc, or PM of a country. It attracts all 'like-minded' people around it.
Leave politics out. IK knew bajwa is bringing him in power and as long as IK praised Bajwa and Army, he remained in power. IK is party to Bajwa plan so lets not go there.
Again the same old fake news. Bajwa restricted khan seats in 2018 elections -PML N is on record saying that but you continue to live in your own world.
Our people are not well educated in the Hard and Social Sciences.

That is why we are behind other nations.
We need to build more universities, Polytechnics, Colleges, Vocational Colleges in Pakistan.

Which teaches in the Academic disciplines mostly in the Hard (Electrical, Civil, Chemical, Environmental Engineering) and Social Sciences (Economics, Business, Political Science)

Perhaps China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan can help in this.
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Why is every institution/idara in Pakistan so EXTREMELY weak? (An unfunny joke in straight forward terms)

There's a general trend where they are so unprofessional with plenty of unskilled/unqualified workers that you can hardly even think anyone takes anything serious in this country.

This can be seen across minor irrelevant institutions for everyday tasks, to very important ones related to national security or economy!

Everyone pins blame on single individuals or political events but I believe the above is the core fundamental issue for why this country is stagnant (collapsing)

There's no sense of professionalism or high standard (in relation to other countries national institutes) in how they operate - everything is done hastily, lazily, rushed and to a very poor standard with no attention to detail. You can notice in small stuff like their media releases. Poor English, spokesperson won't have a clue of what he is saying himself, or poor quality media.


The root cause is corruption, corruption of mind, morality, dignity and Islam, everything else is an excuse.
The root cause is corruption, corruption of mind, morality, dignity and Islam, everything else is an excuse.
We really need to fix our house, so we can live there for the long term. lol.
Don't need one.
Look at the Assam Rifles.
Politeness forbids me from naming their own horrible examples, who spend their time in Karachi proving that this is pointless.

if you are referring to these guys

they are more a paramilitary group than your local police force
if you are referring to these guys

they are more a paramilitary group than your local police force
There are five or six Central Armed Police Forces, an alphabet soup of them. This one draws its officers from the army. One of the best is the EFR with which I have family connections.
None of the state police, as opposed to the central police, have any ties to the military, except that the Assam Rifles and the EFR take JCOs from retired Faujis.
Imran Khan knew the proper niceties to say to placate Bajwa -- until he didn't. Imran Khan had his faults, ego being one of them, but he is only human and it was unreasonable to expect one man to fix 70 years of rot by waving a magic wand. I think people, including myself, are sometimes too harsh on him. He has a good heart and truly cares for Pakistan, which puts him head and shoulders above the mafia families.

No short cuts, unfortunately. Seventy years of rot has a lot of inertia, simple physics, and only an equally massive force can stop that inertia.

The only Pakistani institution that has the discipline and power is the military. The corrupt civilian elite will not go quietly or nicely.

The public will fall in line when it sees high profile politicians and elite being held accountable. When the ordinary person sees that crime doesn't pay, and that hard work does, they will adapt accordingly, as people do in the West.
Ok my point is why public cannot innovate its ways on honesty, integrity, hard work etc by its own self ?

Why does a leader have to become a man with a whip to put the public in line ?

and why cannot public do anything unless the leader says so ? I mean honesty, truthfulness, hard work, determination etc has to be taught by a leader or are these taught at home (family values, khandani log, cultural values etc) or taught by parents or teacher ?
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Read the Dharma Vira Commission report, if you can get your hands on it.
As long as bureaucrats and policemen are subject to transfer at the wishes of politicians, as long as their careers depend on those creatures, you will not get a principled bureaucrat or a policeman. Oh, and as long as they are not accountable to human rights commissions on a formal, structured basis.
Yes this debate came up when I was preparing was CSS exam and all the Govt officials who would visit our home would be telling me that son all you would be doing is saluting ministers, running left and right for them throughout your career and preparing their protocol.
Again the same old fake news. Bajwa restricted khan seats in 2018 elections -PML N is on record saying that but you continue to live in your own world.
If you dont get the context then why do you bother to reply even.
Lastly, it is mainly the ruler's responsibility whether civilian or military. We rarely act by conscience. We are mainly driven by hormones or emotions.
The only sensible statement in the entire post.

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