Pakistan's real problem is very poor institutions - not political

any attempt by individuals to protest against the government is resisted by the military. what is the point ?
Political motives will meet that result or where political motives align with other threats. Boycotting or threat to boycott industry can be tried for sake of values like honesty and integration in the department.
any attempt by individuals to protest against the government is resisted by the military. what is the point ?
The same military also shut-down anti-PTI protests once upon a time. Most members were cheerleading the fauj back then.
Political motives will meet that result or where political motives align with other threats. Boycotting or threat to boycott industry can be tried for sake of values like honesty and integration in the department.
Who decides whether something is political ?
I think 4th makes sense for the ones who cant immigrate.

Sadly, I think the vast majority of Pakistanis are in that category.

That's why I don't like it when overseas Pakistanis, most of them sitting comfortably in the West, tell Pakistanis to rebel in the streets, otherwise they 'deserve the government'.

We all know the brutality of the Pakistani system. These overseas Pakistanis are dishonest and just plain vulgar.
Economists are figure magiicans and can manipulate stats in whatever way they want. You need to look at the reality on the plate not pies in the sky. Yes, India has made progress, but this progress hasn't reached hundreds of millions of Indians. India is a heavily unequal society not that Pakistan is any better, both countries need to work to regional peace and prosperity.

Yes exactly.
who reads people's minds ?

that does not answer the question
Probably start with basic things by changing ownself like saying no to immoral/illegal instructions which can lead towards sifarish/bribe, instead of making things complicated.
Probably start with basic things by changing ownself like saying no to immoral/illegal instructions which can lead towards sifarish/bribe, instead of making things complicated.

A lot of things do not have a right or wrong answer
Dont have that much time on my hands. You can dive in the past if you want.
He said something to the effect - I am the chief martial law administrator and I decide.

In the context of Pakistan I am fine with that if he tells me how is he going to be accountable if he makes a mistake

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