Pakistan's real problem is very poor institutions - not political

I don’t believe that the bribery and sifarish culture is affiliated with politics of democracy or dictatorship as it has been there since beginning irrespective of who was PM or Chief.
Corruption was a big disease even before Pakistan creation. This is why Britain ruled us for 250years, they bribed our own people in order to control us.

Blaming military gives a free ticket to everyone but it will never gain anything because it’s not the complete truth. It’s an excuse. This vicious circle is even more disastrous.
Before everybody pointed fingers at Nawaz Sharif and Zardari but now found a new target to point fingers at. The fingers need to be pointed within, self reflection and self accountability.
Japanese were actually brought in, but the public didn’t want to change its ways.

I recall Japs were even called in to change traffic system but with animals carts, poorly maintained vehicles on road, and public not respecting traffic laws and traffic police, they went back without making any change.
People just don't understand, in the western world the majority of the public follows rules, it starts when your young and taught how to queue up in schools, shops, then to cleanliness on the roads, then children are taught traffic rules, they are taught the positive effects of it and negative effects, parent also explain to children the same. It builds a strong mentality.
People just don't understand, in the western world the majority of the public follows rules, it starts when your young and taught how to queue up in schools, shops, then to cleanliness on the roads, then children are taught traffic rules, they are taught the positive effects of it and negative effects, parent also explain to children the same. It builds a strong mentality.
Corruption was a big disease even before Pakistan creation. This is why Britain ruled us for 250years, they bribed our own people in order to control us.

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That my point to start with. Pakistanis inherited that in 1947. However it shouldn’t have been the case.
On behalf of my ex-compatriots I can only apologize Sir. They know not that what they do only harms themselves, sadly.
That's the sad bit. Not that Indians intervene or comment, but that even attempts at being helpful are rejected . That being the reality, it is undignified for Indians to comment, or react.
That's the sad bit. Not that Indians intervene or comment, but that even attempts at being helpful are rejected . That being the reality, it is undignified for Indians to comment, or react.

For me, what results that are evident say it all. No one is perfect, but just look at where you guys and and where you are headed, and compare that to where we guys are, and where we are headed. No comments or reactions necessary. Reality beats claims, always.
Why is every institution/idara in Pakistan so EXTREMELY weak? (An unfunny joke in straight forward terms)

There's a general trend where they are so unprofessional with plenty of unskilled/unqualified workers that you can hardly even think anyone takes anything serious in this country.

This can be seen across minor irrelevant institutions for everyday tasks, to very important ones related to national security or economy!

Everyone pins blame on single individuals or political events but I believe the above is the core fundamental issue for why this country is stagnant (collapsing)

There's no sense of professionalism or high standard (in relation to other countries national institutes) in how they operate - everything is done hastily, lazily, rushed and to a very poor standard with no attention to detail. You can notice in small stuff like their media releases. Poor English, spokesperson won't have a clue of what he is saying himself, or poor quality media.


Pakistans Main issue is : we simply are not ready to take any responsibility. The day we as nation learned that, we will rock. Until then, keep blaming.
A very long time back, before we were born, there was a man called Ayub Khan, who saw that the country Pakistan's existence is always under danger from India. That made military the preferred institution of the country. No military, no Pakistan. On the other hand, the system of personal contacts (sifarish) and bribery was inherited from the Mughals, thrived in British times to some extent and then flourished from 1947 in the civil sector. This is evident from the fact how 65 years on Malik Riaz challenged if even a small business can be set up without bribery and sifarish. Coming back to Ayub Khan- the man overtook the country and did what he thought was best as in building industrial complexes within the country for progression using resources from the Army as he thought that Civil departments of Govt and private companies/business were inept and failure.

That didn't help in the long run. The military leaders later on found Ayub Khan's action an excuse to throw away democracy at will without realizing Ayub's thinking while the civilian leaders and Govt knew that eventually military will handle the chaos which erupts inside Pakistan or on borders. This was proved wrong in 1971.

Slowly and gradually, Military started becoming strong because it had access to the best technology in Pakistan as well as best teaching instructions including budget and the funds. These funds were the gates opened from China after 1965 with military free weapons/funding lines for arming Pakistan Army. At that point, military started investing in R&D.

I always said Pakistan Military is a system and I maintain it till today. The reason its a system is because civil Govt. or Civil system of any sort-banking, agri, technology, power, engineering, logistics, etc may collapse, but Military won't collapse. why ? because banking-Askari, agri-military lands, power-military MES backups, logistics - NLC/FWO, Engineering- Engineers/Signals etc. The point is that military made a backup of its own for everything in parallel. I just named a few departments. Civil Govt knows it will look towards Military for anything and thus needs to be on good terms with the military.

Why military succeeded and civil failed ? Because not only military had resources, man power, got preference for budget etc, but also that military devised the system through training, discipline, military standards etc to ensure that officers are trained and carry out orders without failure to setup anything that is required. Take NUST for example, all military academic colleges have access to civilian researchers. The civilian students pay NUST to research in different disciplines of R&D.

If today bribery and sifarish ends, the civil system of Govt will collapse. Public will be outraged also since majority of things are done under the table through shortcuts. Actually, Pakistan will cease to exist. Even when military personnel were sent in civil departments like WAPDA, PIA etc, the military failed in front of the system of bribery and sifraish and corruption and other money making techniques from line man to management of these departments and they couldnt be rescued. This is why anything can be done through money in Pakistan while law is pushed aside. The non existent law which is applied on those who are poor thus cannot buy the law. Any MPA, MNA, or affluent person can buy the law. Why should military follow the law ? it has a parallel system in place that civil govt cannot match.

So, no one follows the law in Pakistan. everybody looks for shortcuts. No one wants to work hard except the low tier who have to do it out of compulsion and stop when they become senior.

75 years onwards, the threat of India taking over Pakistan is long gone with advent of nuke, missiles, drones etc, but by this time today military has become the strongest entity in Pakistan so that the Civil Govt and departments are even dependent on it.

In any case, the system benefits any one in department - be it a peon or mid career Govt officer or a top level Director. So why should they change the system ? Eat together.
Agreed, but the military is complicit for current situation of civil institutions, Zia ul haq and musharaf had all the time in the world to bring change in them but.
The military also benefits from such a condition of civil institutes not just corrupt officers and peon.
Why is every institution/idara in Pakistan so EXTREMELY weak? (An unfunny joke in straight forward terms)

There's a general trend where they are so unprofessional with plenty of unskilled/unqualified workers that you can hardly even think anyone takes anything serious in this country.

This can be seen across minor irrelevant institutions for everyday tasks, to very important ones related to national security or economy!

Everyone pins blame on single individuals or political events but I believe the above is the core fundamental issue for why this country is stagnant (collapsing)

There's no sense of professionalism or high standard (in relation to other countries national institutes) in how they operate - everything is done hastily, lazily, rushed and to a very poor standard with no attention to detail. You can notice in small stuff like their media releases. Poor English, spokesperson won't have a clue of what he is saying himself, or poor quality media.


In Short as said in some religious text



problem started the day M A Jinnah wanted to be governor genral and mot PM cause GG post meant better gora shab like protocal ;) :P

then Jinnah stabbed both Khan Kalaat and King of kashmir in the back and betrayed bengalies and hindu law minister and chose some corrupt people as they were some special sect of muslims

and it started from then as Pakistan was made by the british as a buffer state between soviet union and its crown jewel colony @ india

balme it to obsession towards punishing hindu india and doing everything to fuel that fire which was used by corrupt greedy feudal elite

end result is


Watch any video of a drive of any city in Pakistan on youtube. You will see not only that traffic rules are not followed but also how public becomes utterly selfish on the road, makes its own rules and isn't bothered about own safety or others. Taking short cuts, going opposite one-way in streets, illegal u-turns, no indicators, beeping all the way, parking wrongly without ay consideration for others, overtaking with risks causing accidents etc.

This tells a lot about psyche of a nation.

An average person in Pakistan takes out frustration of his life on the road since he has something under his control which can also be used as a weapon - a vehicle- which he can control but he has no control over his life, job, boss, wife, etc.

Now take for instance someone following rules on the road, it will take him 1 hour to complete a 20-min trip and he will be braking and saving himself from others all the time who will be breaking rules.

Those who take shortcuts on roads, also make short cuts in life.
Those who have no patience on roads, are also impatient in life.
Those who honk incessantly also curse in life.
Those who throw litter from car, also throw garbage in streets.

Let me give you a challenge, try maintaining 100% road rules with proper lane driving, following roundabout law and other road laws, making it from point A to point B, driving in Pakistan. Tell me your experience and then relate it with everyday life of a person in Pakistan.
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I wrote above post to mention another point.

Driving and being on the road/streets is a daily thing but its sidelined, so what becomes more important in life ? All what is circulating in the media, that becomes important, which is out of control of public, like Govt decisions, etc. Media will keep brainwashing people and they will be concentrating on those things which were never in their control like military, politicians, government, etc.

BUT driving on road is in control of public, isnt it ? They can change their manner of driving and follow driving laws.

You know when I was posting, the direction that thread was taking is this - Public will not change its own ways (just like i gave example of driving), public wants a good leader who comes and then forces them to change their ways as he puts the country on a prosperous track.
Isn't that twisted in a way ? Like public has an option of betterment by itself but would rather be thrashed to do it instead of voluntarily doing it.

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