Pakistan's real problem is very poor institutions - not political

Model pakistan army after Bengalis or Indians..that's the solution

In future Pakistan threat is Afghanistan not India

Resource rich afgahnistan will catch up soon like how Bengal Vietnam, Korea did
Military whole narrative is that we aren't corrupt and it's civilians who are corrupt

This narrative may sell in front of military families but general public who dealt with military knows it's the other way around

The institutions got worse simply because those institutions got military men

Wapda didn't got corrupt because of civilians it got corrupt because of military

Wapda was fine till ayub and followed start adding military attache and retire to it

Facts are always there.. undistorted and visible, anyone can check on This and it will be visible

Why is military corrupt because it's remanant of british era military was corrupt an institution design to rule and plunder India not to protect it

The only solution to Pakistan issue is rewrite the military..remove it British roots

Remove British raj, remove Batmans, remove luxuries, BMWs, gulf courses, mansions and retirement jobs in wapda pia and railway
Remove huge lands, dhas and islands
No, the civillians are also corrupt.

You aren't any different playing the blame game until you acknowledge its a societal issue
Model pakistan army after Bengalis or Indians..that's the solution

In future Pakistan threat is Afghanistan not India

Resource rich afgahnistan will catch up soon like how Bengal Vietnam, Korea did
I feel like it's also lack of attention in proper effective and accessible education for all which is another huge reason
No, the civillians are also corrupt.

You aren't any different playing the blame game until you acknowledge its a societal issue
Tough to find a single non corrupt military general

Where as the non corrupt civilians are plenty

History suggest the same..the most corrupt organization is the one led by military or judiciary..both basically same British raj remanant
Tough to find a single non corrupt military general

Where as the non corrupt civilians are plenty

History suggest the same..the most corrupt organization is the one led by military or judiciary..both basically same British raj remanant

Also we must realize more dangerous form of corruption which we oversee usually and that is misuse of authority.

When you use your force for political means, abducting political workers, suppressing political parties or stealing elections then basically you are using enormous resources of the state for illegal activity. You maynot be making money in these activities but still this is corruption and at much larger scale.
This is 100% true but no one has mentioned any solutions?

The solution is actually world class education provided to your entire population.

They need to mentally catch up with the rest of the first world mentally. Leave behind that old mentality that's slowly evolving from Mughal, British occupational times from villages.
The solution is a job market that is linked to exports. The job market will set the standard of education. Parents and schools will adapt to make sure the kids will get the education they need to compete in a job market if the market is there. The Chinese didn’t train their youth in technical skills, 20-40 years ago for no reason, it was tied to job opportunities in factories in the special economic zones making exportable products.

Otherwise, the more you educate the more will flee abroad once educated.

Let the market produce the education, it will get every efficient and economical if everyone is doing it and there is a merit based method to job selection.

Linking the job market to exports will help students and job applicants catch up to global standards, study on their own and become creative in adapting to global trends.

Once you have the market trends set, build places young people (and older people looking to change jobs) go to study in peace and quiet. Build libraries/study halls.

Look at Carnegie libraries in the US a 100 years ago, and how it leveled the playing field for people looking to skill up.

Now creating an export oriented job market will require breaking up the hold local monopolies have on various sectors and creating an actual competitive market investors would be willing to invest in, considering the opportunities to get potentially higher ROI in other countries, with less of the hassle.

Investors and students alike need predictability. Heck students can’t even predict the dates for final exams in many universities in Pakistan. Equally, investors can’t predict out 10-20 years what the landscape will look like if they set up a factory.

It might be hard for the status quo industrialists and vested interests to allow but you asked for realistic solutions so I named three.
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