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Rafale M Deal: India and France to Fast-Track Negotiations After Elections


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Dec 31, 2023
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Here you go sir https://www.defenseone.com/business/2024/04/f-35-program-costing-more-and-doing-less-gao-says/395747/#:~:text=From design to retirement, the,previous estimate of $1.7 trillion.

From design to retirement, the F-35 program is now estimated to reach a total cost of $2 trillion, GAO said, up from the previous estimate of $1.7 trillion.
Lol F35 and F-22 are the most complex machines ever built so far, do you know what's the project cost of both fighter jets, F-22's project cost were 60 billion dollars and F35 project cost is 1 trillion $$$ and Rafaie and EF-2000 PROJECT COSTS ARE NOWHERE NEAR THE PROJECT COSTS OF F-22/F35

Project cost OR lifecycle cost. Choose one. Dont spout random numbers .
For f22 which numbers you used ?
Oct 29, 2020
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Project cost OR lifecycle cost. Choose one. Dont spout random numbers .
For f22 which numbers you used ?
I can't remember correctly where i read F-22 program cost, it was long ago when I read this about F-22 program cost

And did you read the article, it is saying from development to retirement, also cover both Project cost and lifecycle cost


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Jan 3, 2024
If you have the videos, share them. Or better yet, indulge my previous request and share a link that states that Indian bases were bombed. That was your claim.

Chup! Bilkool Chup!

Alan Warnes Documentary

Video below is from PAF presentation to the world, check from 7.30 onwards to see where we handed your asses to you...

Now go away and cry harder.


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Feb 20, 2024
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Here you go sir https://www.defenseone.com/business/2024/04/f-35-program-costing-more-and-doing-less-gao-says/395747/#:~:text=From design to retirement, the,previous estimate of $1.7 trillion.

From design to retirement, the F-35 program is now estimated to reach a total cost of $2 trillion, GAO said, up from the previous estimate of $1.7 trillion.
That is from design till retirement. That's inclusive of over 3 decades of design, acquisition (buying F-35s), sustainment, operations, etc.

That's very different from what has been spent up to now on design, development, acquisition and sustaining

Goemaere said these efforts had reduced the F-35’s “cost per tail per year” by 34 percent, from $9.4 million in 2014 to $6.2 million in 2022. He also said the “cost per flying hour” had dropped from $87,000 to $34,000 over that span, in constant 2012 dollars.

See this part- cost per tail per year (i.e. cost per fighter per year) was $9.4 million and even now is $6.2 million per year. Multiply that by thousand plus F-35s and then multiply it by 20 more years at least. It's easily in the hundreds of billions of $ for just the USAF and USN maintaining and sustaining the fleet.

That is a different way of accounting that we don't usually get for other air forces. For e.g. I don't know how much each Su-30MKI costs per year for the IAF to be able to maintain and sustain. But it will easily be at least a couple of million USD per year. Spares, engine overhauls, new engines as the older ones expire, spare LRUs, etc.


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Sep 24, 2018
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Dec 16, 2023
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Rafales are coming to the Indian navy
I am over the moon
Right now the Rafales are the most sought after aircraft for the some of the richest nations in the the world

No it's not F35 it's Omni role multi role fighter. It's perfect for our navy and air force

Going on about cost is ridiculous
The decision was made after careful evaluation of the super hornets which where offered with very advanced weapons like latest amraams radars

India chose Rafales....end of


Full Member
Feb 20, 2024
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Rafales are coming to the Indian navy
I am over the moon
Right now the Rafales are the most sought after aircraft for the some of the richest nations in the the world

No it's not F35 it's Omni role multi role fighter. It's perfect for our navy and air force

Going on about cost is ridiculous
The decision was made after careful evaluation of the super hornets which where offered with very advanced weapons like latest amraams radars

India chose Rafales....end of

They have only just begun negotiations. There is some way to go.

Plus the election results may affect what happens. Too early to be over the moon.

with the BJP expected to form a coalition govt, I expect MRFA to be permanently put into the freezer. They'll be busy doling out freebies to win back voters, thanks to Congress Party making it a habit now and then their poll promises mean that keeping an eye on the next General elections, they'll start to give massive freebies, no matter how much it impacts the treasury.

That won't leave as much money for $25 billion plus deals like MRFA, P-75I, etc.

Justin TruDont

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Apr 23, 2024
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I don't know what advantage will 36 + 26 Rafales will provide to India

Their numbers have to rise to 108 + 50
For them to be actively involved in war planning and War fighting
Otherwise bulk of Air combat will continue to be carried out by Su30Mki and the Tejas Mk1a


Dec 16, 2023
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Rafale is the tip of the spear
The best we have
Going from 36 to 62 in no's is they make bigger impact

Against china not much difference they have massive air force on par with USA

62 Rafales
260 Mki
120/200 Tejas with Aesa radars

Will be very potent against Pakistan

More than enough


Mar 6, 2024
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Rafale is the tip of the spear
The best we have
Going from 36 to 62 in no's is they make bigger impact

Against china not much difference they have massive air force on par with USA

62 Rafales
260 Mki
120/200 Tejas with Aesa radars

Will be very potent against Pakistan

More than enough
The problem for us is that China is now our primary adversary. Pakistan has suffered a catastrophic reduction of its Comprehensive National Power. It is less and less of a military threat every year. It's economy is going to stay stagnant for at least a decade, their social indicators are years behind India. And over the next decade, the gaps will increase further across all domains as we ramp up.

However, China is increasingly a bigger threat. Their actions across the world clearly show case that it is a bully that will try to shove everyone around it. Our military has to be potent enough to deter China. That is where we are falling short.


Dec 16, 2023
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We cannot stand up to china alone
We need quad
Apr 24, 2024
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Indian Navy was offered a naval variant of the Tejas MK2, but they rejected it, stating that single-engine jets are not ideal for aircraft carriers. HAL then proposed a twin-engine variant of the Tejas MK2. However, the Navy again rejected it, arguing that converting a single-engine design to a twin-engine would compromise its aerodynamic performance. Consequently, HAL decided to develop a new twin-engine deck-based fighter from scratch.

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