Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

Look I'm not Russian, so i don't particularly care THAT MUCH about Russia or any of its aims, except that the current world order is a crock of shit that is damaging the world for the interests of a handful of western Nations and Jews

So Russia is fighting the good fight as it's taking on this western order

So let's clarify, Russia's STATED aim was the protection of the Russian speaking population in the east of Ukraine

Russia has taken the Crimea
It will take the Donbass soon enough

Ergo all stated aims of Russia will be complete

Now beyond that, taking all of Ukraine was never a aim of Russia, not admitted to anyway, any land taken outside of the Donbass was supposed to be a tool to be used in negotiations

But I won't be surprised if Russia now to protect itself and it's future interests

Takes the Donbass, and then pushes for Odessa to completely cut off the black sea for Ukraine and pushes west to take vital known mineral sites in Ukraine

The Russians don't care how many dead or how much equip they use up, it can be rebuilt, they are fighting for their strategic future

In negotiations Ukraine will be made into a buffer state or continue to face war
Stupidest justification ever.
I don’t like the current world order so let’s root for evil 🤦🏿‍♂️
And that was never the sole aim, oh I remember the parroting of we need to protect the children of the Donbas.
Again critical thinking is definitely lacking here
How will they rebuild their population?
Btw first Russia needs to take their own territory back 😂
The problem is with your understanding.
I will not talk for others but, Do you really think I want Russia to win?
I will ask you to look my stance and my post from the beginning (obviously you can't do as you are too busy to troll and spam on this forum).
Dude! Although many time I said Russia is winning (and yest it is) I never said I want Russia to win as a whole.
I only want America and filthy alliance to lose (which they are).
Russia is not our friend.
None of the parties fighting here are Muslims.
It's after a long time that USA (and alliance) is not fighting against a Muslim country or best I can say against any weak nation.
As long as both are harming each other I am very much fine with it.
Btw as long as Russia is kicking Nato's ass she is winning. 😉
Bad news bro, Russia isn’t winning and America is still the dominant super power.
So nothing has been accomplished, in fact the western alliance is stronger than ever 😂

Btw brightboy nato hasn’t declared war so no Russia isn’t kicking natos ass. If that was the case this war would have been over years ago. Again Russia can’t take little Ukraine you think they can take on nato 🤡

Critical thinking, try it
Nato boit

I tried to explain same thing to these trolls a few times but they are too busy to cope and their internal shock won't let them understand.
Who cares Russia wins or not as long as all the targets set by Russia and "us" are met. 😊
Cope harder, what are 12? You seriously can’t see Russia isn’t winning?
500k dead
Half their army is scrap
Russia has lost over 400 square miles of their own territory.

Yep that’s winning alright 🤦🏿‍♂️
1+1=6 because Putin said so. Stupidity on display in this thread

Try finding some empirical data to back up your claims, without it’s plain bs.
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Bad news bro, Russia isn’t winning and America is still the dominant super power.
So nothing has been accomplished, in fact the western alliance is stronger than ever 😂

Btw brightboy nato hasn’t declared war so no Russia isn’t kicking natos ass. If that was the case this war would have been over years ago. Again Russia can’t take little Ukraine you think they can take on nato 🤡

Critical thinking, try it

The US is wealthier and stronger than it’s ever been. Its GDP will exceed $30T by the end of 2025 or early 2026. It will exceed $40T within a decade.

The US has given Ukraine less than $60B in military aid and the Russian military has been pulverized. Not a single US soldier lost and this war has had no effect on US military readiness.

They’re living in their own fantasy world.
Stupidest justification ever.
I don’t like the current world order so let’s root for evil 🤦🏿‍♂️
And that was never the sole aim, oh I remember the parroting of we need to protect the children of the Donbas.
Again critical thinking is definitely lacking here
How will they rebuild their population?
Btw first Russia needs to take their own territory back 😂

The western world order is EVIL look at their support for Zionist murder and apartheid even in the face of International law and multiple agencies calling out Israeli atrocities

Russia is the LESSER EVIL, it's war in Ukraine against the western order is a war to save the world against the evil of the west

The russian population is fine, they have plenty of Muslims and are importing more Muslims from central Asia into Russia to work and support Russia and they have low ages and high birth rates with large families

Russia will take it's territory back
It will take Donbas
Then their may be continued war OR their may be a lull of a few months to a few years and Russia may push again for Odessa to trap Ukraine

Until Ukraine in negotiations hands over it's east and agrees to be a buffer state it will continue to be hit and Ukrainians have a FAR FAR bigger population problem then Russia

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