Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

huh? October? That 5 to 9 weeks away, they won't even get there, again, they aren't even fully over Novohrodivka. Again, after that, then what? Do you expect a complete collapse of Ukrainian front??

Again, if they are making 1000 meters before and now only making 1300 meters these 3 weeks, that's not a lot of gain in momentum (you are talking about 30% max).....You aren't talking about Russian suddenly made 2000 meters or 2.5km a week, that progress largely remain the same, the only different is Russia loses part of Kursk with it in the last 3 weeks.
You should drop that non sense about average pace, it is not good metric and it can serve only as cope out mechanism.
I do not expect full collapse of UAF before Pokrovsk is conquered but after that Slavjansk and Kramatorsk are in cross hairs with favorable terrain conditions for superior force and if the uaf commit big numbers into defending those cities, collapse of whole their front is plausable.
Putin wants to turn Ukraine into darkness. That’s not new. Hitler wanted to turn USSR into grave yard, making place for new german settlers. Putin wants to become Peter the great but it turns out he just becomes another nazi fanatic.
And nothing wrong with that, no rules based order anymore, so why not. Do not cry about it to Putin who seized opportunity provided by west duplicity and double standards, in that sense you are his biggest ally as long as you are blind and selective about international laws.
You should drop that non sense about average pace, it is not good metric and it can serve only as cope out mechanism.
I do not expect full collapse of UAF before Pokrovsk is conquered but after that Slavjansk and Kramatorsk are in cross hair with favorable terrain conditions for superior force and if the uaf commit big numbers into defending those cities, collapse of whole their front is plausable.
huh? average pace is not a good metric?? That's the actual gain over time.......If this does not reflect the actual battlefield progress, do tell me what did??

And lol. Provorsk is not even at the same axis as Slaviansk and Kramatorsk, they aren't even at the same road, are you reading the same map I do??

Green (Kramatosk and Slavoyansk) Red (Pokrovsk) and Blue (Toretsk and Niu York)

They aren't even at the same direction, Russia could have come up from Toretsk years before they could march UP and EAST from Pokrovsk.....
This glacial Pokrovsk push by Russia is also way overhyped. The Ukrainians have developed different logistics routes by this point and for Russia to control the Donbas they still need to take Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Chasiv Yar etc. Which they still aren’t close to taking.
lol, in his mind, apprently taking Pokrovsk threaten Slovyansk and Kramatosk.........

Well, I honestly don't know how, sodon't ask me how, Russia is going North and West from Novohrodivka, Slovyansk and Kramarosk were North East from Pokrovsk.

Maybe he think moving a whole army 90 to 180 degree on a different direction is as easy as turing a car left or right, I mean I stop asking logical question on this forum years ago........
huh? average pace is not a good metric?? That's the actual gain over time.......If this does not reflect the actual battlefield progress, do tell me what did??

And lol. Provorsk is not even at the same axis as Slaviansk and Kramatorsk, they aren't even at the same road, are you reading the same map I do??

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Green (Kramatosk and Slavoyansk) Red (Pokrovsk) and Blue (Toretsk and Niu York)

They aren't even at the same direction, Russia could have come up from Toretsk years before they could march UP and EAST from Pokrovsk.....
Sometimes it took months to take some fortifications in meters and after that is tactical collapse, that is why that metric is flawed.
Pokrovsk is main logistic hub for rest of the Donbas and next target that is painfully obvious, when they seize it russians will have full operational freedom to choose their next axis of advance which probably would be rest of the donbas. For them it will have huge psyhcological effect "liberating donbas" is keystone in their war narrative.
Sometimes it took months to take some fortifications in meters and after that is tactical collapse, that is why that metric is flawed.

That's why I use "AVERAGE" you have large gain, you have small gain, that's why you average it out to see which week you gain "more than average" and which week you gain "less"

What you said was EXACTLY why average gain is important, because it give you a metric of progress thru time.

Pokrovsk is main logistic hub for rest of the Donbas and next target that is painfully obvious, when they seize it russians will have full operational freedom to choose their next axis of advance which probably would be rest of the donbas. For them it will have huge psyhcological effect "liberating donbas" is keystone in their war narrative.

lol, rest of Donbas? So you are saying the whole donbas supply had to run thru that 2 road that passed Pokrovsk? So for example, Ukraine can't supply Kramatosk from Izyum down motorway 03, no sir, all supply to Kramatosk and Sloyansk have to go thru T0515 and M50 across Pokrovsk.......

How does it even make sense?? LOL...........

And no, all advance have to follow their axis, you can't just move an entire army above turn to some other direction, you can go sideway and cover your flank, but you can't march the army in another direction, because it create a fork in the road, where you expose your flank to be attacked. That's basic infantry 101.......and didn't you said you went to officer school??
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That's why I use "AVERAGE" you have large gain, you have small gain, that's why you average it out to see which week you gain "more than average" and which week you gain "less"

What you said was EXACTLY why average gain is important, because it give you a metric of progress thru time.

lol, rest of Donbas? So you are saying the whole donbas supply had to run thru that 2 road that passed Pokrovsk? So for example, Ukraine can't supply Kramatosk from Izyum down motorway 03, no sir, all supply to Kramatosk and Sloyansk have to go thru T0515 and M50 across Pokrovsk.......

How does it even make sense?? LOL...........

And no, all advance have to follow their axis, you can't just move an entire army above turn to some other direction, you can go sideway and cover your flank, but you can't march the army in another direction, because it create a fork in the road, where you expose your flank to be attacked. That's basic infantry 101.......and didn't you said you went to officer school??
We will se, untill now you are proven wrong and wrong again, probably will be same this time too.
We will se, untill now you are proven wrong and wrong again, probably will be same this time too.
Yes, I am the one that said Israeli will do nothing after being attacked on Oct 7, and they don't have the power to do anything, and then I laugh at someone's post saying Israeli is going to fully invade Gaza and cause up to 150k casualty......Wait, that's you.....

I am happy if anyone can proven me wrong, but if this is what you think will happen, then I will say, well, good luck........
Sometimes it took months to take some fortifications in meters and after that is tactical collapse, that is why that metric is flawed.
Pokrovsk is main logistic hub for rest of the Donbas and next target that is painfully obvious, when they seize it russians will have full operational freedom to choose their next axis of advance which probably would be rest of the donbas. For them it will have huge psyhcological effect "liberating donbas" is keystone in their war narrative.

Yeah, Pokrovsk is the main hub in Donbass

Remember since 2014 Ukraine has had years to build up defensive lines, trenches etc

Now that the Russians are punching through those lines, Ukraine simply does not have the manpower and resources to make significant defences beyond the Donbass

Russia wants to take Pokrovsk before winter sets in and fighting normally slows down
Russia will then plan to build create resources for a big push in the spring, to finally push through and take the entire Donbass, thus completing its original mission

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