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Swedish assault high-speed boats Combat Boat 90 were transferred to the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine by the Metinvest company of oligarch Renat Akhmetov, as part of the Steel Front initiative. The military boat Stridsbat 90 or CB90 was developed by the Swedish company Dockstavarvet in 1991, it is also used by other countries. The CB90 can be used as a fast attack vehicle, fire support and reconnaissance boat. The boat can accommodate 4 sea mines or 6 depth charges. The design of the boat is considered successful, it has good seaworthiness, high speed up to 74 km/h, efficiency and safety during operation. The boat's standard armament consists of three Browning M2HB machine guns, a 40-mm Mk-19 grenade launcher, which can be replaced with a remote-controlled machine gun turret. The boat's hull is made of aluminum, it can take on board up to 4.5 tons of cargo or 21 soldiers, the total displacement is up to 20 tons, the boat's crew is three people. The price of the Combat Boat 90 is from 2 to 3 million dollars.

Germany war machine starts running.

Rheinmetall will increase production rate of artillery rounds. 20 times. E.i. Rheinmetalle alone can make 14 million 155mm artillery shells per year. Surpassing the production rate of Russia, Iran and North Korea combined. Now Putin must increase the stake. Bread or ammo? He can’t have both.

Im Februar begann Rheinmetall mit dem Bau eines neuen Werks für Artilleriemunition an seinem größten Standort Unterlüß.

Im Februar begann Rheinmetall mit dem Bau eines neuen Werks für Artilleriemunition an seinem größten Standort Unterlüß.

(Foto: picture alliance/
The current production rate is 700k shells?
The current production rate is 700k shells?
yes 700k production rate
increasing to 14 millions a year for Rheinmetall is not a problem at all. I don´t understand why the russians believe the west can´t produce artillery rounds.
making artillery shells is much like making shoes, or cars.
it makes fun.

yes 700k production rate
increasing to 14 millions a year for Rheinmetall is not a problem at all. I don´t understand why the russians believe the west can´t produce artillery rounds.
making artillery shells is much like making shoes, or cars.
it makes fun.

Living in the fantacy world 🙄
Living in the fantacy world 🙄
Not fantasy my friend it is the real world. The girl says “es macht Spaß”, it makes fun.

The people here in Germany are desperate. No fun. the football team sucks, the economy sucks, gasoline price sucks, the radicals are on the rise, everything sucks. Maybe a war can help.
Not fantasy my friend it is the real world. The girl says “es macht Spaß”, it makes fun.

The people here in Germany are desperate. No fun. the football team sucks, the economy sucks, gasoline price sucks, the radicals are on the rise, everything sucks. Maybe a war can help.
Those 7 million per year figures are pure fantasy.
Everyone, including you knows that.
No need to deceive yourself or anybody else.

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