Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates


Dec 12, 2023
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You continue to post false information and Russian propaganda. Mods should take note
So, you want him banned just because he puts forward a story he believes to be true/accurate and gives a narrative opposite to yours???
We need voices to counter the Western media reporting and videos showing Russians are in a shithole. I believe we also need reports showing Ukranians being in the same shithole along with the Russians.


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Jul 14, 2019
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The guy is a usual ambassador of "western type of democracy".
So, you want him banned just because he puts forward a story he believes to be true/accurate and gives a narrative opposite to yours???
We need voices to counter the Western media reporting and videos showing Russians are in a shithole. I believe we also need reports showing Ukranians being in the same shithole along with the Russians.


Senior Member
Jan 16, 2024
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The guy is a usual ambassador of "western type of democracy".

I just tend to ignore them now. Since the beginning of the conflict, they've been cheerleaders of Clown Zulensky. It's an absolute pleasure to see that cheerleading turn to cope as Ukraine is getting obliterated.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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So, you want him banned just because he puts forward a story he believes to be true/accurate and gives a narrative opposite to yours???
We need voices to counter the Western media reporting and videos showing Russians are in a shithole. I believe we also need reports showing Ukranians being in the same shithole along with the Russians.

No, we need the truth. Not false stories of Romanians praising Putin at a soccer match or photos of a safe saying it’s Ukrainian corruption when it’s just a photo from the US 3+ years ago.

An he’ll continue to post false information which is why the mods should take note. Because it’s Russian disinformation, that’s what they do.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2014
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Russian losses can exceed 1000000, it doesn't matter. The result will be the same. Whilst churning out more equipment like hot cakes, the Russians will continue to move forward in Ukraine. Either Russia takes the whole of Ukraine, or Ukraine comes to peace negotiations and accepts the lost territory as Russia. Either way, its a win-win situation for Russia. When Russians fight for mother Russia, there is no stopping them - they'll send wave after wave until the objectives are complete. FAB-4000 & FAB-5000 coming up next to increase the!

The Russians are on pace to completely empty their storage bases over the next 2 years, so yes it absolutely matters. The vast majority of equipment being lost is Soviet era equipment not currently in production. An Russian new production is nowhere close to exceeding their loss rates.


Full Member
Jun 10, 2023
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The guy is a usual ambassador of "western type of democracy".
Preaching the usual kind of Nuland drivel

“It’s so shameful and disgraceful that it’s hard for me to restrain myself,” said the Arizona Republican, ticking off a list of perceived White House missteps.

He was just about to finish an analogy comparing Barack Obama to Neville Chamberlain when a reporter interjected with a new question: What did the senator think about the top U.S. diplomat assigned to the conflict?

McCain paused, and his demeanor changed dramatically.

“I’m a great admirer of hers,” he said of Victoria Nuland, America’s most senior diplomat for Europe. “She’s very, very smart.”


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