Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

It doesn't matter, in fact, this war is in garbage time. Not too many people really care if Russia takes a few more cities or a few less.

My point is that Zelensky was strategically stupid with this attack, it not only depleted what was left of the Ukraine's veteran commandos, but also potentially gave Russia access to soldiers from North Korea.

I don't know why Zelensky did it, maybe there was political intent?
This Ukraine border raid is not new. Ukraine army has done it multiple times since the war began. This one is just the largest.
Uncle Kim would not give for free. Putin has to give money then voila he will get one million North Koreans. I just doubt Putin has the money. That’s not cheap.
This Ukraine border raid is not new. Ukraine army has done it multiple times since the war began. This one is just the largest.
Uncle Kim would not give for free. Putin has to give money then voila he will get one million North Koreans. I just doubt Putin has the money. That’s not cheap.
The US is about to cut interest rates, possibly as soon as September. the CNY is expected to appreciate considerably against the USD, perhaps even from 7 to 5. various Chinese banks are now less willing to release CNY, and trade between North Korea and Russia is now supposed to be traded directly in goods.
Go ahead and quote my post where I said Russia is running out of equipment and men in a few months time😂

A the Russians are being bled dry, taking Russian territory is just a further bargaining chip. I’ve always said this war will come down to the negotiating table.

Dude, you said that literally within the first few weeks of the war, and you know it! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: . It was on the old forum, you know there's no way to find quotes from that far back now. But deny it all you want, everyone knows!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
That’s empty threat. One, it’s Putin who starts the war. His aim is to destroy Ukraine. Certainly Ukraine can destroy Russia in return.
Two, I don’t know the wordings of that treaty, if NK assists a war of aggression. but if NK enters the war then be it. You seriously think anyone cares of?
Your comment in the very beginning tells about lack of knowledge and back story.
No, Putin did not start this war.
Dude, you said that literally within the first few weeks of the war, and you know it! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: . It was on the old forum, you know there's no way to find quotes from that far back now. But deny it all you want, everyone knows!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I never said Russia would run out of equipment in the first few weeks of the war🤣

Any defense enthusiast knows the Russians had deep stocks of Soviet junk. Now you’re just throwing sh*t against the wall hoping it sticks. You failed
This Ukraine border raid is not new. Ukraine army has done it multiple times since the war began. This one is just the largest.
Uncle Kim would not give for free. Putin has to give money then voila he will get one million North Koreans. I just doubt Putin has the money. That’s not cheap.

Viet your excitement shows your lak of understanding of Russia and Eastern Ukraine. This has been a terrible move by Kiev and they now have no hope of peace negotiations.
Viet your excitement shows your lak of understanding of Russia and Eastern Ukraine. This has been a terrible move by Kiev and they now have no hope of peace negotiations.
Ukraine is desperate... Very very desperate.
They basically did a very foolish thing. They put their men in a trap (knowingly or unknowingly).
Also any negotiation talks will be more harsh for Ukraine in future.

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