Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

Putin ist ein Verrückter. Medwedew is a mad dog to a madman.
If you want peace, prepare a thermonuclear war.
If you want peace with developing countries (like Russia), prepare the checkbook, like Iran Deal 2015 proved. Just a little money and warmongers turn into kittens.

War is the last resort.

And war in European soil is only USA interest, it's not Russia or European interest.
Yes it is. That is a full blown invasion. If I'm a Black person and you are a White person and you dress up in a KKK gown and you intimidate me, calling me slurs, that is an invasion. That is an attack. Don't sugarcoat it.
That is not what international law about war says.

Here who is trying to fool internatonal law is Russia, calling Ukraine war as "special military operation" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.

A color revolution, a foreign sponsored unrest, it's what is, it's not a invasion, it's no a war.

What Russia did to Ukraine IS A WAR.
There's no such thing as 'international law's.

The correct answer is right now most of the world is playing it under 'Western hegemony law' where they get to invade other countries but cry river when their allies are the ones invaded.

The Western hegemony collapses as it's no longer able to decide what other countries can or can't do.

It's as simple as that.
Ok, we forget about intl laws.

Russia is free to try to do reciprocal things to the West and the USA.

If USA sponsored Euromaidan 2014, Russia can do reciprocal and sponsors MexicoMaidan 2024 or NYCMaidan 2024.

But they can't, and they start a REAL WAR as response to Western bribes to Ukrainian corrupt elite.

USA has a million ways to attack a country, different to war.
Russia only has conventional lousy war (what they did until now), and nuclear end of days war.
That is not what international law about war says.

Here who is trying to fool internatonal law is Russia, calling Ukraine war as "special military operation" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.

A color revolution, a foreign sponsored unrest, it's what is, it's not a invasion, it's no a war.

What Russia did to Ukraine IS A WAR.

History is written by the victors. Who is right. Who is wrong. Is yet to be determined.
is it legal start a war against a country just because supply weapons to your enemy in a war?

NATO states didn't start a war against Russia.

Start wars is illegal in international law, like Russia did invading Ukraine.
Holy naiveté.
Yugoslavia did not attack or threaten anyone. NATO bombed it.
Libya did not attack or threaten anyone. It was bombed.
The U.S. hasn't fought a war on its own soil in over 200 years. No one has threatened or attacked it. How many wars has the U.S. fought outside its own territory? What are U.S. troops doing in Syria? And under what pretext does the U.S. fight wars? Threat to national security. It turns out that threat is a good motive for an attack!
Iran did not attack Israel. But Israel has bombed targets on Iranian territory. Killing high-ranking officials. Bombing targets in Syria.
What international law are you talking about?

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Ok, we forget about intl laws.

Russia is free to try to do reciprocal things to the West and the USA.

If USA sponsored Euromaidan 2014, Russia can do reciprocal and sponsors MexicoMaidan 2024 or NYCMaidan 2024.

But they can't, and they start a REAL WAR as response to Western bribes to Ukrainian corrupt elite.

USA has a million ways to attack a country, different to war.
Russia only has conventional lousy war (what they did until now), and nuclear end of days war.

There's always the option to 'peacefully' coerce Ukraine to abandon their NATO aspirations. But that option has been tried and exhausted once.

So we know that peaceful option is a failure, now the option is to war with Ukraine until they're willingly surrender their NATO aspirations.

Nothing wrong with that, because the US did the same with Iraq. First they try the sanctions option to make a situation where a popular revolution happen to topple Saddam, because it didn't worked, they invaded the country in 2003.

So in short, Russia is just doing what every country us doing when their intereste is at stake.
Holy naiveté.
Yugoslavia did not attack or threaten anyone. NATO bombed it.
Libya did not attack or threaten anyone. It was bombed.
The U.S. hasn't fought a war on its own soil in over 200 years. No one has threatened or attacked it. How many wars has the U.S. fought outside its own territory? What are U.S. troops doing in Syria? And under what pretext does the U.S. fight wars? Threat to national security. It turns out that threat is a good motive for an attack!
Iran did not attack Israel. But Israel has bombed targets on Iranian territory. Killing high-ranking officials. Bombing targets in Syria.
What international law are you talking about?

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Good point. Warmongers will always make up excuses to invade others.

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